Data Retention Schedules


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Annual financial statements The process that consolidates financial transactions on an annual basis Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic National Audit Office
Budget files and working papers The process of developing local authority’s annual budget eg draft budgets, draft estimates etc Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Budget Budget variations, reporting actual versus planned revenue and expenditure Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Financial statements prepared for management Consolidated monthly and quarterly reports, statements Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic  
Bank reconciliation statements   Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic Value Added Tax Act 1994

Asset Management

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Asset disposal certificates/records This information is held as evidence that we have disposed of our Information Technology (IT) assets with an accredited provider and that each asset can be accounted for Retained permanently currently only used for hardware assets Retain in authority Paper Common practice
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) asset management - Including licences A spreadsheet used to inform our replacement programme Retained permanently Retained for period the assets are held Electronic Common practice
Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) This licence allows us access to Ordnance Survey maps, who acts as the national mapping agency for Great Britain. Replaced every 10 years. Has to go to tender due to value, but it is always with them as no-one else does it. Updated when new releases provided Electronic Industry standard
Active Directory Is a database that keeps track of all the user accounts and passwords, all stored in one location improving our security Retained until the user leaves the employment of North Devon Council and/or Line manager approves deletion. Live database continually kept up to date Electronic Industry standard

Building Control

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Contraventions Records of unauthorised building works and Building Regulation enforcement 7 years Destroy Database and DMS system North Devon Council
Building Regulation applications deposited including Local Authority, Competent Persons and Approved Inspector applications The process of approving building applications, and maintenance of legal register 15 years after construction completed Destroy Database and DMS system retaining property details for searches Building Control Performance Standards
Dangerous Structures Records of all reported dangerous structures, demolition notices and actions taken 7 years Destroy Database and DMS system North Devon Council
Quotation Register Register of quotations for Building Control work and details of the quotes 5 years Destroy Electronic North Devon Council


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
CCTV footage CCTV footage from public surveillance system in Barnstaple and Ilfracombe 28 days Automatically overwritten CCTV footage NDC CCTV Operations Policy / ICO Data Protection Code of Practice for Surveillance Cameras and Personal Information
CCTV footage CCTV footage required for evidential purposes Up to 90 days Overwritten CCTV Footage NDC CCTV Operations Policy / ICO Data Protection Code of Practice for Surveillance Cameras and Personal Information

Cemeteries & Crematoria

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Plans and Registers Registers that record burials and the Exclusive Rights of Burial that are purchased. Grave locations are recorded on cemetery plans which are in board format Permanent Permanent Paper and electronic Statute/Law
Interment Notices and Memorial Application Notices Application forms for burial/memorialisation Permanent Permanent Paper Service requirement
Cremation Register A register of all cremations carried out at this crematorium Permanent Permanent Paper and electronic Statute/Law
Statutory forms applying for cremation All applications forms/paperwork in relation to cremation of a person 15 years Confidential waste disposal Paper Statute/Law
Audited accounts Invoices, receipts, order books etc 6 years Confidential waste disposal Paper Service requirement
Memorial applications, index card record of all cremations Record of memorials Permanent Permanent Paper and card Service requirement
Cremated Remains Register from elsewhere Register of cremated remains from other crematoria placed here Permanent Permanent Paper and electronic Statute/Law
Cremation emission reports Reports of emissions monitoring 6 years Confidential waste disposal Paper The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010
Foetal Remains Register Register of all cremations of pre 24-week gestation babies Permanent Permanent Paper and electronic Treated same as registered deaths
Forms applying for cremation of foetal remains All applications forms/paperwork in relation to cremation of a baby(ies) less than 24 weeks gestation 15 years Confidential waste disposal Paper Treated same as registered deaths

Chief Executive

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Honours and submissions eg honours nomination form, covering documentation, letters of support, referral for comment from lord lieutenant The process of preparing honours submission 5 years after last action Destroy Paper North Devon Council


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Complaint files All information received on complaints, comments and suggestions, including LGSCO investigations 3 years Destroy Electronic - Pentana Old paper files North Devon Council
Press statements and media releases Statements issued to the press, and notices to press about forthcoming events 6 years from closure Destroy Electronic Common practice
Publications Published work of local authority Destroy after administrative use is concluded. One copy to archive Destroy, one copy to archive (for reference) Paper and electronic Common practice
Photographs Photographs of landscapes and crowd scenes, taken for possible use in publication Permanent Held on Communications Team Drive Electronic North Devon Council
Photographs and video 'Posed' photographs and video taken for possible use in publications/marketing material (where written or verbal consent was necessary) 2 years Destroy Electronic North Devon Council
Consent forms Completed consent forms, relating to photographs taken for use in publications/marketing. Includes parent/guardian consent for children. Records kept in structured file format Recommended 1 to 2 years depending on purpose photo was taken/consented for Destroy Electronic North Devon Council
Insite Staff updates/news 2 years Destroy Electronic North Devon Council
Granicus Electronic newsletters and email updates 2 years Destroy Electronic North Devon Council

Community Safety

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Housing, Vulnerable Persons & Community Safety Multi-agency fortnightly hub - supported accommodation Last 12 months Destroy Electronic Best practice
Community Protection - Community Safety Partnership Policies, data sharing protocols, procedures and budgets Last 3 years Destroy Electronic Best practice
Community Protection - Places of Safety Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) funded project to facilitate delivery of domestic violence services Last 7 years Destroy Electronic Financial
Community Protection - Safeguarding Reviewing referrals made to the Team to ensure safeguarding procedures followed 3 years following last action Destroy Electronic Best practice


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Corporate planning and reporting Senior Management Team (SMT) minutes Destroy paper after 3 years paper, permanent electronic Destroy paper, permanent electronic Paper and electronic Common practice

Corporate Management

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Community Consultation Consulting on the development of significant policies Permanent. However results published on the Council's website will be removed after 6 years. After this period a copy can be obtained by emailing Permanent. Paper and electronic. Common practice. NDC/Local Government Act 1972 requires agenda and minutes to be destroyed after 6 years and some consultations will feed into the Council's decision making process
Community Consultation Consulting on the development of projects Permanent. However results published on the Council's website will be removed after 6 years. After this period a copy can be obtained by emailing Permanent Paper and electronic Common practice. NDC/Local Government Act 1972 requires agenda and minutes to be destroyed after 6 years and some consultations will feed into the Council's decision making process
Community Consultation Information on Locality and Communities (including Parish Plans) Permanent Permanent Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Grants Applications, funding agreements, audit reports. Includes Councillor Grants, Communities Together Fund (formerly Town and Parish Fund) and Strategic Grants 6 years after grant is offered Destroy Paper and electronic Common Practice

Customer Services

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Enquiries and requests General enquiries and requests for Service received in Customer Services, via telephone and email All data held within our Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) Firmstep is auto deleted after 3 years. 3 years Electronic - Firmstep North Devon Council
Management Agreements Agreements with other bodies on shared use of building, Town Councils etc Currently Permanent. Review later to see if possible to destroy these documents after period of time Permanent (to be reviewed) Paper form North Devon Council


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Committee Administration (eg Agendas and Background papers, Committee Reports, Summary of the part of the meeting from which public access was excluded) The process of administering the democratic processes of the council 6 Years Destroy paper and delete electronic copy Paper and electronic Local Government Act 1972/North Devon Council
Minute Books The process of recording the democratic processes of the council Permanent Permanent - future review to archive electronically after 6 years Paper - review in future (possible electronic archive storage) Local Government Act 1972
Committee Administrator's notes of meeting/draft minutes As per class of record Until confirmation of minutes Destroy Paper Common practice
Register of Interests - Members As per class of record 1 year after vacation of office Destroy Paper Local Government Act 2000/North Devon Council/Standards Board for England
Register of Gifts and Hospitality - Members As per class of record 1 year after vacation of office Destroy Paper Local Government Act 2000/North Devon Council/Standards Board for England
Register of Notice of Financial and Other Interests - Members As per class of record 1 year after vacation of office Destroy Paper and Electronic Local Government Act 2000/North Devon Council/Standards Board for England
Register of Notice of Financial and Other Interests - Parish Councillors As per class of record 1 year after vacation of office Destroy Paper and electronic Local Government Act 2000/ North Devon Council/Standards Board for England
Register of Interests - Officers As per class of record Destroy 6 years from termination of employment Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities
Register of Gifts and Hospitality - Officers As per class of record Destroy 6 years from termination of employment Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities
General Correspondence and Management Operational Files As per class of record 5 years after administrative use has ended Destroy   Common practice
Committee Declarations of Acceptance of Office Indefinite Archive Paper Common practice
Committee Members Allowances Current year plus 4 years Destroy paper Paper and electronic - published on website Common practice
Committee Notices of Motion pursuant to Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 11 Current year plus 4 years Destroy Paper Common practice
Committee Questions asked pursuant to Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraphs 8 and 9 Current year plus 4 years Destroy Paper Common practice
Committee Questions asked by Members pursuant to Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 10 6 years as published as part of the agenda and minutes Destroy Paper Local Government Act 1972
Statutory Register Register of Urgent Decisions of the Executive 6 years Destroy paper and electronic Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Statutory Register Register of Petitions (Council) Current year plus 4 years paper, permanent electronic Destroy paper, permanent electronic Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Delegations to Officers Register of Delegations made to Officers by Manager/Committee Until superseded/updated Destroy Paper North Devon Council
Constitution and Standing Orders Up-to-date version of the Constitution and previous version that amendments have been made to Paper (current copy amendments) 5 years. Electronic copy overwritten when amendment made Destroy paper, electronic overwritten Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Attendance Register Register of Member Attendance at meetings 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic - published on website as part of minutes of Council and Committee meetings North Devon Council
Parish Councils and Parish Clerks Addresses and contact details Until superseded/updated Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Political Groups Nomination Forms Life of Council (4 years) Destroy Paper North Devon Council
Tenders Register of Tenders Current book plus most recent book. Destroy next old book if more than 5 years old Destroy Paper North Devon Council
Equality impact assessments The Council is legally required to demonstrate that equality considerations have been taken into account as part of our decision making processes and policies. 6 years Destroy Electronic NDC/LGA 1972 Act which stipulates that agenda, reports and minutes to be destroyed after 6 years
Audio recordings of formal Council and committee meetings Audio recordings produced of formal Council and committee meetings which are published with the agenda and minutes for each meeting 6 years Destroy records on our webpages Electronic NDC/Local Government Act 1972 requires agenda and minutes to be destroyed after 6 years

Economic Development

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Record of Site Investigations Results of survey and drilling on site Review after 10 years before archive Permanent Paper and electronic West Somerset (Staffordshire County Council)
Grant Funding Funding records 7 Years Destroy Paper and electronic  
Economic Development Project Development Management records 12 years after project maintenance period (or 4 years if not used as part of project) Review Paper and electronic West Somerset (Staffordshire County Council)
Records of Contact Provision of economic information, support and advice to clients and businesses 7 Years Destroy Paper and electronic Limitation Act 1980
Economic Data The process of capturing, monitoring and reporting against Economic Data 3 years after last action unless otherwise specified (eg ABI data was instant destruction) Destroy Electronic Local Government Act 1972
Regeneration The process of developing, monitoring and reporting against regeneration policies and initiatives 7 years after last action Review Paper and electronic Local Government Act 1972
Town Centre Management The process of managing the town centre 5 years after last action Review Paper and electronic Local Government Act 1972

Electoral Services

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Register of Electors As per class of record Up to 15 Years Confidentially Destroy Paper for current register. Others electronic Representation of the People Act 1983
Election Documents As per class of record 12 Months after election date Confidentially Destroy Paper Representation of the People Act 1983
Election Expenses As per class of record 2 years from Election. Parish Elections 1 year Confidentially Destroy Paper Representation of the People Act 1983
Household Enquiry Forms/Invitation to Register Forms. QEA As per class of record Current register plus 1 month Confidentially Destroy Paper and scanned, electronic Representation of the People Act 1983; People Regulations 1986
Ballot Papers As per class of record 12 Months after election Confidentially Destroy Paper Local Elections (Principal Areas) Rules 1986 and Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) Rules 1986. Parliamentary Election Rules
Declarations of Results (Local Government Elections) Consolidated returns of votes received Permanent Not applicable Paper and scanned, electronic Statutory
Land Charges Local Land Charges Registers Indefinite Archive   Common practice
Land Charges Requisitions for Searches and Enquiries 1 month Destroy Electronic Common practice

Environmental Health

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Regulatory Services - Environmental Protection Anti-social behaviour (ASB) escalation records in Assure Last 3 years following last action Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Environmental Protection Abandoned vehicles Current year plus 7 years Destroy Electronic Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)
Regulatory Services - Environmental Protection Contaminated Land requests for service and maintenance of the Register Current year plus 7 years Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Environmental Protection Requests for service relating to dogs, including dog fouling, signage, dog bin provision, education/promotion, stray dogs, FPN's. Reactive complaint workload current plus last 2 years. Stray Dogs/FPN’s - last 7 years due to financial implications (also enforcement where case history can provide supporting evidence). Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Environmental Protection Requests for service Current year plus 7 years Destroy Electronic Best practice and financial
Regulatory Services - Environmental Protection Fixed penalties Current year plus 7 years Destroy Electronic Financial
Regulatory Services - Environmental Protection Public health funerals Current year plus 7 years Destroy Electronic Financial
Regulatory Services - Environmental Protection Local Authority Pollution Control Last 7 years following expiry of the permit Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Environmental Protection Notices - enforcement Last 7 years following expiry of the Notice Destroy Electronic Best practice and financial
Regulatory Services - Environmental Protection Prosecutions Last 7 years following conclusion of proceedings Destroy Electronic Best practice and financial
Regulatory Services - Environmental Protection Private Water Supplies Life of the supply -7 years from non-use of the supply Destroy Electronic Best practice and financial
Regulatory Services - Environmental Protection Water Sampling requests for service Current year plus 2 years following completion Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Food Approved Premises – manufacturing/handling/distribution 7 years following closure of the premises Destroy Paper and electronic Food Standards Agency (FSA)
Regulatory Services - Food Requests for service 7 years following closure of the premises Destroy Electronic Food Standards Agency (FSA)
Regulatory Services - Food Food Sampling 7 years following closure of the premises Destroy Electronic Food Standards Agency (FSA)
Regulatory Services - Food Food Safety Premises Inspections 7 years following closure of the premises Destroy Electronic Food Standards Agency (FSA)
Regulatory Services - Food Food Premises Registration 7 years following closure of the premises Destroy Electronic Food Standards Agency (FSA)
Regulatory Services - Food Infectious Disease (food handlers) 7 years food premises following closure, current plus 2 years non-food Destroy Electronic Food Standards Agency (FSA)
Regulatory Services - Food Notices - enforcement 7 years following closure of the premises Destroy Electronic Food Standards Agency (FSA)
Regulatory Services - Food Prosecutions 7 years following closure of the premises Destroy Electronic Food Standards Agency (FSA)
Regulatory Services - Health and Safety Accidents and investigation 7 years following closure of the premises Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Health and Safety Health and Safety Premises Inspections 7 years following closure of the premises Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Health and Safety Water Sampling at HSW Premises – eg swimming pools 7 years following closure of the premises Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Health and Safety Notices - enforcement 7 years following closure of the premises Destroy Electronic Best practice and financial
Regulatory Services - Health and Safety Prosecutions 7 years following closure of the premises Destroy Electronic Best practice and financial
Regulatory Services - Housing Standards Residential Caravan Site Licensing Life of the site plus 2 years Destroy Paper and electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Housing Standards Empty Homes 7 years after no longer in the private rented sector Destroy Paper and electronic Best practice and financial
Regulatory Services - Housing Standards Home Energy Conservation Act Last 7 years Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Housing Standards Housing Health and Safety Rating System Inspections 3 years after premises no longer in the private rented sector Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Housing Standards Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Inspections 2 years after the premises ceases to be an HMO Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Housing Standards Requests for service Last 2 years, although for a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) 2 years after the premises ceases to be an HMO Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Housing Standards Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licensing 2 years after the premises ceases to be an HMO Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Housing Standards Notices - enforcement 7 years after the premises ceases to be a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO)/in the private rented sector Destroy Electronic Best practice and financial
Regulatory Services - Housing Standards Prosecutions 7 years after the premises ceases to be a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO)/in the private rented sector Destroy Electronic Best practice and financial
Regulatory Services - Housing Standards Selective Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licensing 2 years after the premises ceases to be an HMO Destroy Electronic Best practice
Community Protection - Emergency Planning Disaster/Emergency plans Last 3 years Destroy Electronic Best practice
Community Protection - Emergency Planning Emergency Plan Testing Last 3 years Destroy Electronic Best practice
Community Protection - Emergency Planning Major Incident Last 3 years Destroy Electronic Best practice
Community Protection - Emergency Planning Minor Incident Last 3 years Destroy Electronic Best practice
Community Protection - Business Continuity Policies/procedures across North Devon Council Last 3 years Destroy Electronic Best practice
General Compliments and thank you’s Current plus 3 years Destroy Electronic Best practice and reporting
General Contracts – ICT and person-based Lifetime of contract plus 7 years Destroy Electronic Financial
General Delegated Authorities Current year plus 3 years (card) and laminated sheet Destroy Electronic Best practice
General Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) Last 2 years Destroy Electronic Legal
General Freedom of Information (FOI) Last 2 years Destroy Electronic Legal
General Formal complaints Last 7 years Destroy Electronic Corporate
General Policy Last 2 years following update Destroy Electronic Best practice
General Customer Satisfaction Current year plus 3 years Destroy Electronic Reporting
General Statutory Registers Where paper, 2 years since last action/closure. Electronic direct feed to website, not applicable – ever changing data Destroy Electronic As per individual service area – reflects ‘live’ data only
General Statistical Returns Current year plus 3 years Destroy Electronic Reporting
Home Adaptations, Improvements & Energy Efficiency’ ECO flex assistance 7 years Destroy Electronic NDC
Home Adaptations, Improvements & Energy Efficiency Grants – discretionary and mandatory, such as Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) DFG’s nil approval grant – 10 years for owner occupiers and 5 years for others Destroy Electronic Best practice


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Paying-in books   Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper Statute of Limitation Act 1980
External funding records   6 years after end of project Destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Debt Recovery Accounts Overdue Report; Write-offs (includes Housing Options rents etc) Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper, electronic and disc North Devon Council
Reports Cancellation Reports; Daily Cash Tabulation; End of Reminder Sequence Report; Instalment Report; List of Reminder Letters Sent Current year plus 1 year Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Cash Process Direct Debit Mandates Last payment plus 1 year Destroy Paper Best practice
Invoice Process New Accounts; Control Files; Reconciliations Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper, electronic and disc North Devon Council
Cash Process Cash Books; Periodic Receipts Listing; Suspense Accounts; Refunds Report Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper, electronic and disc Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Mortgages Includes payment details, suspense accounts, balance TABs, control files, daily cash lists, new accounts, debt recovery, permanent debts and write-off files Last payment plus 6 years if signed Last payment plus 12 years if sealed Destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Correspondence Correspondence files Current year plus 2 years Destroy Paper North Devon Council
Accountable processes relating to payment of employees Payroll reports, pension payroll, National Insurance schedule of payments, Superannuation reports and adjustments, Financial Reports Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic Statutory. Taxes Management Act 1970. Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. Audit Commission Act 1998
Claim files eg car allowance, mileage, car loans, subsistence, part-time fee claims, overtime, bonus sheets Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic Statutory. Taxes Management Act 1970. Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. Audit Commission Act 1998
Correspondence files eg. changes and new starts, staff returns. Leavers, current year plus 6 years. Kept while employee still employed. Pensions up to 13 years Destroy Paper and electronic Audit
Pay awards Pay awards, sickness records, absence returns, payroll maternity payment Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic Audit
Tax forms Including P6, P60, P11, P11D, P45 and Tax Code Notifications Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper Taxes Management Act 1970
Non accountable processes relating to payment of employees Summary employee pay reports Destroy after administrative use is concluded Destroy Paper North Devon Council
Pensions Personal records Permanent (transfer to archive after administrative use concluded) Destroy Paper Best practice
Salary run Copy payslips Current year plus 6 years Destroy Electronic North Devon Council
Voluntary Deductions Union subs, car loan repayments etc Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper North Devon Council
BACS Payments Monthly Listing/Amendment Reports Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper North Devon Council
Salary run Amendment Reports Destroy after administrative use is concluded Destroy Paper North Devon Council
Payment Process Original creditor invoices; Copy Invoices Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper, electronic and disc Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Petty Cash Impress documentation Current year plus 2 years Destroy Paper North Devon Council
HMRC Documentation Construction Industry Scheme Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Payment Process BACS/cheque payments listing, contract register, new suppliers details/verification; periodic payments, cash books Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic for cash books North Devon Council
Payment Process Bank Statements; Cheques, ie cancelled, paid and ‘stubs' Current year plus 2 years Destroy Paper North Devon Council
Payment Process Signatory Lists Destroy after administrative use is concluded Destroy Paper North Devon Council
VAT returns and assessments The process of reclaiming VAT back from Customs and Excise Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic National Audit Office VAT Act 1994
VAT records   Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Includes precepts, car loan reconciliation files   3 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Investment records eg treasury management loan/borrowing books, CHAPS payments, statistics, monthly valuations 2 years after investments liquidated or matured Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Summary management of loans Loans register Destroy 12 years after loan has been repaid Destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
HMRC Documentation Returns under Section 963 ITA 2007 Tax Deducted From Interest Payments Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Travelling on Council Business Insurance and legal documents verified Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Ledger Records Journals, reconciliation and other year-end working papers Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper North Devon Council
Creditors and Debtors Financial Systems Audit Authorised Users Lists Destroy after administrative use is concluded Destroy Paper / System North Devon Council
The activity of borrowing money to enable a local authority to perform its functions and exercise its powers Loan files Destroy 7 years after the loan has been repaid Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Insurance register Insurance register. Summary management of insurance arrangements Permanent (transfer to archive after administrative use concluded) Permanent Paper Best practice
Insurance policies The process of insuring and renewing insurance policies. Insurance policies Destroy 7 years after the terms of the policy have expired Destroy Paper Common practice
Accidents/Incidents Accident and incident reports and related correspondence Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic, disc Statute of Limitation Act 1980. Latent damage Act 1986
Insurance claims Claims Register, claim files, settlement of claims 7 years from claim settlement of 6 years from 18th birthday (whichever is later) Destroy Paper and electronic, disc Statute of Limitation Act 1980. Workmans Compensation Act
Employers Liability Certificates   Current year plus 40 years Destroy Paper and electronic Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1998


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Statutory returns Process of preparing information to be passed on to central government as part of statutory requirements Current year plus 6 years Destroy   North Devon Council


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Budget Financial paperwork Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Policy Files Development policy for human resource activities 6 years after policy superseded Update Electronic North Devon Council
Trade Union Liaison - routine matters Notes of meetings of workforce matters (Union, Human Resources meetings) 6 years from date of meeting Destroy Electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.6 - Common Practice
Trade Union Liaison Strategy Strategy, generic agreements, awards, negotiations and disputes 10 years after ceasing to be effective Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation
Statutory posts appointment Documents relating to appointment of employees to statutory posts (Returning Officer, Monitoring Officer, S151 Officer) Permanently Permanent retention Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.22
Chief Executive file Chief Executive personnel file Permanently Permanent retention Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation
Individual staff files and staff records Individual staff records, including references, job applications, job description, contract details, training records, changes / starter/ leaver forms 6 Years after employment ceases Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation and Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.2
Recruitment files (unsuccessful candidates) Unsuccessful application forms, interview notes and shortlisting Minimum of 6 months after recruitment is finished Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
References sent by Council - employee References sent to eg letting agents, building societies, prospective employers 6 years from date of reference Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Monitoring Performance Probationary reports, performance appraisal 5 years after action completed Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.12 and common practice
Time system Time records for all staff 2 Years after action completed Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation
Statutory Maternity Pay, Leave Correspondence relating to, including; correspondence, MATB1 form etc 6 years after end of the tax year to which they relate Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation
Statutory Sick Pay Sickness declaration forms, medical certificates, related correspondence 6 Years after employment ceases Destroy Paper and electronic The Statutory Sick Pay (General) Regulations 1982 and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation
Statutory Adoption Pay, Leave Correspondence; Matching certificate etc 6 years after end of the tax year to which they relate Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Statutory Paternity Pay, Leave Correspondence; SC3 form etc 6 years after end of the tax year to which they relate Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Statutory Parental Leave Leave dates requested, manager's responses, dates leave taken 18 years from the birth of the child Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks Details received from the Disclosure and Barring Service regarding possible previous convictions (relates to recruitment of specific posts) 6 months Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Disclosure Scotland (Basic Checks) Basic checks undertaken - use of ICT and relevant software 6 years after employment ceases Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Training and Development Records Routine training administration, files, venue, costs, content, attendees, feedback (excluding health and safety training and children related training) Electronic 6 years after employment ceases, paper destroy after 3 years Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.17 (routine staff training processes)
Training (proof of completion) Certificates, exam results, awards 6 years after employment ceases Destroy Paper North Devon Council
Training (concerning children) Work experience records, school risk assessments, letters to students 35 years after training completed Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.18, common practice
Training (occupational health and safety) Training registers 50 years after training completed Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.19
Authority Training Materials Training materials, slides, handouts As deemed appropriate by Human Resources staff for future reference Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Disciplinary and grievances investigations where proved notes Notes of proceedings and grievance investigations where proved 6 years from termination of employment Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.4 and CIPD recommendation
Disciplinary and grievances investigations where proved warnings Oral, written and final warnings As stated in warning Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council Disciplinary or grievance policy and procedure, Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.7
Disciplinary and grievances investigations where proved - children Warnings involving children Kept on file permanently Permanent retention Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.7
Disciplinary and grievances investigations where unfounded Notes of disciplinary proceedings and guidance investigations where unfounded Destroy after the discipline or grievance has been unfounded (ie after the process including appeals has been completed) Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.8
Equal Employment Opportunities   Destroyed 5 years after action Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.9
Human Resources reportable injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences To report all injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences to Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 3 years from closure, except for accidents relating to children. Data must be kept until the child is 21 Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Working Time Directive Opt Out Forms   2 years from date of record Destroy Paper forms Working Time Regulations 1998 (s1 1998/1833)
Process to assess the level of risk   6 years from date of last record Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Work Assessments   6 years from date of record Destroy Paper forms Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Occupational Health records   40 years from date of last entry Destroy Paper and electronic Common practice, Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
Substances Hazardous to Health (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations 2002) Paper copies, letters 40 years from date of last entry Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Substances Hazardous to Health - Records of Tests   40 years from date of last entry Destroy Paper forms Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation

Human Resources

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Budget Financial paperwork Current year plus 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Policy Files Development policy for human resource activities 6 years after policy superseded Update Electronic North Devon Council
Trade Union Liaison - routine matters Notes of meetings of workforce matters (Union, Human Resources meetings) 6 years from date of meeting Destroy Electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.6 - Common Practice
Trade Union Liaison Strategy Strategy, generic agreements, awards, negotiations and disputes 10 years after ceasing to be effective Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation
Statutory posts appointment Documents relating to appointment of employees to statutory posts (Returning Officer, Monitoring Officer, S151 Officer) Permanently Permanent retention Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.22
Chief Executive file Chief Executive personnel file Permanently Permanent retention Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation
Individual staff files and staff records Individual staff records, including references, job applications, job description, contract details, training records, changes / starter/ leaver forms 6 Years after employment ceases Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation and Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.2
Recruitment files (unsuccessful candidates) Unsuccessful application forms, interview notes and shortlisting Minimum of 6 months after recruitment is finished Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
References sent by Council - employee References sent to eg letting agents, building societies, prospective employers 6 years from date of reference Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Monitoring Performance Probationary reports, performance appraisal 5 years after action completed Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.12 and common practice
Time system Time records for all staff 2 Years after action completed Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation
Statutory Maternity Pay, Leave Correspondence relating to, including; correspondence, MATB1 form etc 6 years after end of the tax year to which they relate Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation
Statutory Sick Pay Sickness declaration forms, medical certificates, related correspondence 6 Years after employment ceases Destroy Paper and electronic The Statutory Sick Pay (General) Regulations 1982 and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation
Statutory Adoption Pay, Leave Correspondence; Matching certificate etc 6 years after end of the tax year to which they relate Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Statutory Paternity Pay, Leave Correspondence; SC3 form etc 6 years after end of the tax year to which they relate Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Statutory Parental Leave Leave dates requested, manager's responses, dates leave taken 18 years from the birth of the child Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks Details received from the Disclosure and Barring Service regarding possible previous convictions (relates to recruitment of specific posts) 6 months Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Disclosure Scotland (Basic Checks) Basic checks undertaken - use of ICT and relevant software 6 years after employment ceases Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Training and Development Records Routine training administration, files, venue, costs, content, attendees, feedback (excluding health and safety training and children related training) Electronic 6 years after employment ceases, paper destroy after 3 years Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.17 (routine staff training processes)
Training (proof of completion) Certificates, exam results, awards 6 years after employment ceases Destroy Paper North Devon Council
Training (concerning children) Work experience records, school risk assessments, letters to students 35 years after training completed Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.18, common practice
Training (occupational health and safety) Training registers 50 years after training completed Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.19
Authority Training Materials Training materials, slides, handouts As deemed appropriate by Human Resources staff for future reference Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Disciplinary and grievances investigations where proved notes Notes of proceedings and grievance investigations where proved 6 years from termination of employment Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.4 and CIPD recommendation
Disciplinary and grievances investigations where proved warnings Oral, written and final warnings As stated in warning Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council Disciplinary or grievance policy and procedure, Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.7
Disciplinary and grievances investigations where proved - children Warnings involving children Kept on file permanently Permanent retention Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.7
Disciplinary and grievances investigations where unfounded Notes of disciplinary proceedings and guidance investigations where unfounded Destroy after the discipline or grievance has been unfounded (ie after the process including appeals has been completed) Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.8
Equal Employment Opportunities   Destroyed 5 years after action Destroy Paper and electronic Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities 6.9
Human Resources reportable injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences To report all injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences to Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 3 years from closure, except for accidents relating to children. Data must be kept until the child is 21 Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Working Time Directive Opt Out Forms   2 years from date of record Destroy Paper forms Working Time Regulations 1998 (s1 1998/1833)
Process to assess the level of risk   6 years from date of last record Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Work Assessments   6 years from date of record Destroy Paper forms Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Occupational Health records   40 years from date of last entry Destroy Paper and electronic Common practice, Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
Substances Hazardous to Health (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations 2002) Paper copies, letters 40 years from date of last entry Destroy Paper and electronic Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Substances Hazardous to Health - Records of Tests   40 years from date of last entry Destroy Paper forms Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) recommendation


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Records of ICT training and development for all staff Records demonstrate skills held in-house Destroyed following staff departure Retain for period of employment Paper and electronic Common practice
Collective Database Holding information on staff, members that feed our intranet Retained until deleted by users or services Live database continually kept up to date Electronic Common practice
Pentana a performance management system This systems holds council actions, performance indicators, risks and feedback 6 years for feedback. All other data is retained permanently Feedback team to ensure deletions occurs on an annual basis Externally hosted web based system Ombudsman guidance for feedback
Google Analytics Tool to track and report on website traffic. Just stats, no personal data. 2 years Not our servers, on Google. Electronic Good practice
Helpdesk Service Logs Helpdesk Service Log noting issues and incidents reported by our customers, information used to identify further underlying problems Currently retained permanently Retain in authority On a system Common practice
Systems Documentation Documentation that sets out the various elements, configuration, ownership, rules Permanent Retained permanently- until system decommissioned. Paper and electronic Common practice
Programme design, specification and research data Pre-work carried out looking into feasibility of new systems 5 years Destroyed after programme life plus 5 years Paper and electronic Common practice
Street Naming and Numbering Request and notifications from businesses and individuals for street name changes 3 years Destroyed after superseded or last action Electronic Common practice
Local Land and Property Gazetteer BS7666 Gazetteer holding data on all addresses and land in BS7666 format, feeds into the National Land and Property Gazetteer Live database with current information retained permanently Live database continually kept up to date Electronic Industry standard

Ilfracombe Harbour

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Complaints Complainants personnel details and content of complaint Current year plus 5 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Finance Financial paperwork Current year plus 2 to 6 years dependant on type Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Moorings - Mooring Application/Waiting List Applicants personnel details and boats details Until mooring is allocated upto a maximum of 5 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Moorings - Mooring Licence Licence holders personnel details and boat details On renewal of Licence or Mooring being given back. Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Operations Policies, plans and procedures for conduct of Harbour operations Current version only Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Shipping Accounts, licences, investigations, correspondence with shipping companies operating within Harbour limits Accounts current year plus 3 years, licences current only, investigations current year plus 5 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Port Marine Safety Code Policies, plans and procedures to maintain compliance with Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC) Current version only Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Emergency Planning Policies, plans and procedures for conduct of emergency response To be reviewed as per schedule Permanent - to be archived (under review) Paper and electronic Civil Contingencies Act 2004
Security Harbour Security Plan As per International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) convention. Current version only. Destroy Paper and electronic International Maritime Organisation (IMO) / Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)
Procurement/Purchasing Invoices and orders for all Harbour revenue Current year plus 3 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Events Annual public events Current year plus 3 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Harbour Dues/Mooring Fees Receipts/Invoices pertaining to boats Current year plus 3 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
General advice not leading to legal proceedings The process of providing legal advice on a point of law, but not leading to court proceedings 6 years from closure Review / Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Contracts (ordinary) Signed contract document, including, where applicable: complete schedules (including contract specification and the successful tender document) and formal contract variation and extension documents 6 years from expiry of contract Destroy Paper and electronic Limitation Act 1980, UK-EU Trade and Co-operation Agreement
Contracts (sealed) Sealed contract document, including, where applicable: complete schedules (including contract specification and the successful tender document) and formal contract variation and extension documents 12 years from expiry of contract Destroy Paper and electronic Limitation Act 1980
Agreements Agreements between organisations (including memorandums of understanding and grant/funding agreements) 6 years after agreement expires, 10 years after agreement expires if providing state aid or 12 years after agreement expires if sealed Destroy Paper and electronic Limitation Act 1980, Council Regulation (EC) No 659/1999
Data Protection Correspondence in relation to Data Subject Requests 3 years Destroy Paper and electronic Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) Guidance
Data Protection Paperwork in relation to data breaches 2 years, unless regulatory action taken. If regulatory action retain and review at 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) Guidance
Data Protection Correspondence in relation to requests for the disclosure of information pursuant to an exemption 6 years from last correspondence Destroy Electronic Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) Guidance / Limitation Act 1980
Freedom of Information (FOI) / Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) Policies; Procedures; Retention and Disposal Schedules 3 Years after procedures have been superseded Review and destroy   North Devon Council
Freedom of Information (FOI) / Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) Correspondence in relation to information requests under Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 2 years from the date of issue of the final response Destroy Electronic North Devon Council
Freedom of Information (FOI) / Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) List of readily accessible information available to the public Keep for 2 years after replaced by new Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) scheme Destroy Electronic North Devon Council
Land matters Changing ownership of land or property: Freehold sale/purchase (for title purpose) - File 18 years Destroy Paper and electronic Law Society Guidance
Land matters Leasing land or property (over 7 years) 18 years Destroy File / Review Lease Paper and electronic Law Society Guidance
Land matters Leasing land or property (short leasehold) Life of lease plus 12 years Destroy File / Review Lease Paper and electronic Law Society Guidance
Land matters Private Sector Leases (PSLs) - Original Document Leases for individual properties retained until 12 years from expiry of final lease Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Land matters Private Sector Leases (PSLs) - File Life of lease plus 12 years Destroy Paper and electronic Law Society Guidance
Land matters Licences for land - File 6 years from end of licence period Destroy Paper and electronic Law Society Guidance
Title deeds Title deeds relating to property owned or leased by the Council - Original Document Transfer to new freeholder on sale Permanent preservation Paper and electronic  
Title deeds Land Certificates and Official Copies of Register - Original Documents Destruction on sale of whole or receipt of up-to-date copies Destroy Paper and electronic Land Registry Guidance
Litigation The process of managing, undertaking or defending for or against litigation on behalf of the local authority (civil, criminal, debt recovery) / Enforcement / Public Inquiries Review 6 years from close of case Review / Destroy Paper and electronic Statutory Limitation Act 1980
Lawful Development Certificates Lawful Development Certificates - File 6 years from date of decision Destroy Paper and electronic Limitation Act 1980
Section 106 Agreements Agreements restricting the use of land and placing obligations on developer and future owners - Original Document Permanent Permanent retention Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Section 106 Agreements Agreements restricting the use of land and placing obligations on developer and future owners - File 12 years from completion Destroy Paper and electronic Limitation Act 1980
Planning Enforcement Enforcement Notices / Stop Notices / s215 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (site clearing) / Breach of Condition Notice / Related Working Papers and Evidence 6 years from conclusion of the enforcement action Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Tree Preservation Orders Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) - File 12 years after agreement expires if sealed 12 years after agreement expires if sealed Paper and electronic Limitation Act 1980
Footpath Stopping Up or Diversion Orders Stopping up or diversion of existing footpaths - File 6 years from date of confirmation Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Footpath Stopping Up or Diversion Orders Confirmed Order stopping up or diverting existing footpaths - Original Document Permanent unless replaced by subsequent Order or legislation Permanent retention Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Working files and papers General matters 6 years after agreement expires, or 12 years after agreement expires if sealed Destroy Paper and electronic Limitation Act 1980
Monitoring Officer General files and papers 4 years from conclusion Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Land matters Licences for land - Original Document 25 years from end of licence period Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Land matters Wayleaves - File 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Land matters Wayleaves - Original Document Destruction on sale of whole or receipt of up-to-date copies Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Tree Preservation Orders Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) - Original Documents Permanent Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Data Protection Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) - Central copies 6 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Facility Contract Files Legal documents, Health and Safety Files Various - some can be destroyed 6 years post contract expiry. Although some agreements are for longer periods Destroy Paper and electronic Limitation Act 1980, Public Contracts Regulations 2009, North Devon Council
Project Contract Files Legal documents Various - Some can be destroyed 6 years post contract expiry. Although some agreements are for longer periods Destroy Paper and electronic Limitation Act 1980, Public Contracts Regulations 2009, North Devon Council
Contract Monitoring Correspondence, PIs Destroy 6 years post contract expiry Destroy Paper and electronic Limitation Act 1980
Finance Files   Destroy 6 years post project/work/grant expiry Destroy Paper and electronic Financial
Facility Contract Files Legal documents Destroy 6 years post contract expiry Destroy Paper files and electronic Limitation Act 1980
Event Files Oceanfest Reviewed annually and destroyed Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Open Space Consultation Responses to planning consultation and supplementary correspondence Review annually and destroy completed sites Destroy Paper and electronic Consent and legal agreement issued
Open Space Projects S106 funded project files Review annually and destroy 6 years post completion   Paper and electronic Financial
Rate Relief Sports Rate Relief applications Destroy after 6 years - financial data Destroy Paper and electronic Financial


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Regulatory Services - Licensing Animal Licences such as cat and dog boarding, pet shops, riding establishments 6 years following licence expiry Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Basic Disclosure – ‘fitness’ in connection with certain licences Maximum 3 months or as soon as licence determined Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Pleasure Boat/Boatman’s Licence Current year plus 2 following expiry of the licence Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Holiday Caravan Site Licensing Current year plus 2 following expiry of the licence Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Charitable Collections – House-to-House and Street Collection Current year plus 2 following expiry of the licence Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Enhanced Disclosure – ‘fitness’ - taxi drivers Determination of the licence – then destroyed Destroy Paper Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Gambling Current year plus 2 following expiry of the licence Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Licensing Act 2003 – Premises, Club, Personal, Temporary Event Notices (TEN’s) Current year plus 2 following expiry of the licence Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Licensing Premises and Vehicle Inspections Current year plus 2 following expiry of the licence Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Prosecutions 7 years following conclusion of proceedings Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Requests for service Current year plus 2 following expiry of the licence Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) mandate – driving licence information/endorsements. New every 3 years Mandatory 7 years Destroy Electronic Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)
Regulatory Services - Licensing Common Law Police Disclosure Retained only as long as necessary to determine the outcome of a Licence/Review Destroy Paper Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Scrap Metal Site and Collector Licences Current year plus 2 following expiry of the licence Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Sex Establishments Current year plus 2 following expiry of the licence Destroy Electronic Best Practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Skin Piercing – Persons and Premises Permanent retention Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Taxi Licensing - drivers, operators and vehicles Current year plus 2 following expiry of the licence Destroy Electronic Best practice
Regulatory Services - Licensing Safety Advisory Groups (SAGs) Last 3 years Destroy Electronic Best practice


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Accession Register Bound volume describing museum collections, signed Entry Forms and associated MODES database Permanent - key provenance data for museum collections Retain Bound volumes and forms in locked cabinet or safe, MODES database with variable access for collections staff and volunteers Museum Accreditation requirements, Spectrum data standard
Object entry and loan records Entry forms and loan agreements Permanent - key provenance data for museum collections Retain Paper files Museum Accreditation requirements, Spectrum data standard
Volunteer and work experience records Application forms, references, medical records, training records and emergency contact details 6 years after volunteering ceases - basic records retained permanently for those with access to collections / systems Destroy Paper files in locked cabinet and secure spreadsheet In line with HR policies for staff
Copyright and ownership records for non-physical and digital assets Permission forms for use of images, oral histories etc Permanent - key provenance data for museum digital collections Retain Paper Museum Accreditation requirements, Spectrum data standard
Archaeological finds reports and other research Primary reports of historical data forming part of North Devon's historical record Research / permanent Retain Paper or electronic Common practice
Feedback forms and visitor evaluation data Anonymous feedback forms with postcode data Review annually and destroy Destroy Paper and electronic Common practice
Research contact information Research contacts relating to museum collections (object records) Review annually and destroy Destroy Electronic and paper files, staff access only Museum Accreditation requirements, Spectrum data standard
Project records Legal documents with external funders and monitoring reports Depends on funder - eg 10 years for HLF, permanent if for object acquisitions Destroy/retain Paper and electronic Agreements with funders
Marketing list Email and postal addresses for visitors who have opted in to receive information about activities and events at the museum New list collected with specific opt-in, to be deleted on request Destroy/retain Electronic Consent given
Correspondence General correspondence not forming part of collections records Review annually and destroy Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Permits Car Parks 2 years Destroy Electronic on Permitsmarti System North Devon Council
Staff Parking (work based) Permits for essential and business use 2 years Destroy Electronic on Permitsmarti System North Devon council
Special Permits Temporary parking for Auditors, Highway Inspectors etc 2 years Destroy Electronic on Permitsmarti Common practice
Season Tickets Annual and Temporary (Summer only) 2 years Destroy Electronic on Permitsmarti System Common practice
Payment Records Receipts, invoices etc 6 Years Destroy Electronic and paper See Finance R and D for payments
General Administration Files Letters, files relating to car parks 2 years from settlement of any complaint Destroy Paper, electronic, emails Common practice
Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) Copies of PCN's, supporting photographic evidence, correspondence, transfer to bailiffs etc 7 Years Destroy Electronic on Imperial 360 system Limitation Act 1980


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Permits Car Parks 2 years Destroy Electronic on Permitsmarti System North Devon Council
Staff Parking (work based) Permits for essential and business use 2 years Destroy Electronic on Permitsmarti System North Devon council
Special Permits Temporary parking for Auditors, Highway Inspectors etc 2 years Destroy Electronic on Permitsmarti Common practice
Season Tickets Annual and Temporary (Summer only) 2 years Destroy Electronic on Permitsmarti System Common practice
Payment Records Receipts, invoices etc 6 Years Destroy Electronic and paper See Finance R and D for payments
General Administration Files Letters, files relating to car parks 2 years from settlement of any complaint Destroy Paper, electronic, emails Common practice
Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) Copies of PCN's, supporting photographic evidence, correspondence, transfer to bailiffs etc 7 Years Destroy Electronic on Imperial 360 system Limitation Act 1980


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Management of Parks Estates (eg parks and play areas) Project specifications, Plans, Installation manuals, Certificates of approval Retain for life of estate Destroy Paper and electronic Common practice
Maintenance of Council Parks Property (using other Contractors) Work orders, response maintenance Destroy 1 years after last action Destroy Paper destroy, electronic (invoices, orders held on Finance system) North Devon Council
Suppliers' documents Miscellaneous - delivery documents, equipment safety check reports 1 Year Destroy   Common Practice
Play Area Inspection Report Daily Monitoring records and Inspection Reports 21 Years Destroy Paper & Electronic Common practice
Tree Survey Tree Reports and Inspections Life of tree Destroy Paper and electronic Common practice
Maintenance and operational manuals Cemetery machinery manuals and play equipment manuals Destroy when machinery or equipment is removed Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Parks Volunteer Groups Volunteer Email addresses Contact Emails - keep whilst group remains active Destroy Electronic North Devon Council


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Preplanning application discussion and assessment   6 Years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Consultation re planning applications with neighbouring authorities and Environmental scoping and screening of planning proposals   6 Years from planning decision Destroy Paper and electronic Staffordshire County Council
Planning Scheme Development and Amendment eg Structure Plan, Local Plan, Town Centre plans, Local Development Framework The activity of developing a vision and strategic directions regarding existing and future land use within the Local Authority and the development of local and town centre plans to ensure the implementation of the Structure Plan Transfer to place of deposit after administrative use is concluded Permanent Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Consultation Documents eg Consultation documents and replies, Inquiries and objections made by members of public, Public Inquiry documents The activity of consultation to gain approval for the Structure Plan or Local Plans Transfer to place of deposit after administrative use is concluded. Once document superseded review made as to whether to dispose of background information Permanent Electronic North Devon Council
Historical information eg Sites and Monuments records, Ecological records, Species records, Historically listed buildings, Definitive map, Commons registration The activity of recording information on historical buildings, monuments and ecology at a specific site Transfer to place of deposit after administrative use is concluded Permanent Paper and electronic Planning (listed buildings and conservation area) Act 1990
Planning Applications eg Planning application files and plans, correspondence relating to any objections, hearing papers, planning application register The process of controlling development of areas through applications for planning permission Permanent - All planning application files are now scanned and saved electronically (old files used to be microfiched) Permanent Paper copies (only destroyed when scanned onto CD Rom), then saved electronically Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Enforcement Control of unauthorised development 4 years from closure of file Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Listed Building Applications The process of approving applications, for all buildings that are listed or have other significance Transfer to place of deposit after administrative use is concluded Permanent Paper and electronic Planning (listed buildings and conservation area) Act 1990
Countryside and Outdoor Records eg Tree preservation orders , country parks and nature reserves development plans and correspondence, land purchase agreements The process of maintaining the countryside and developing open spaces for public amenity Permanent Permanent Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Statutory returns Process of preparing information to be passed on to central government as part of statutory requirements 6 years from closure Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council


Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
General Pre-Contract Advice Emails notes written advice regarding procurement routes 6 years after award of contract or non-proceeding Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Project/tender files Include SQs, tender, terms and conditions, negotiations, minutes and monitoring of a successful contract 6 years from award of contract Destroy Paper and electronic Limitation Act 1980, UK-EU Trade and Co-operation Agreement
Tender documents Includes letter, tenders and supporting papers 6 year from award contract start Destroy Paper and electronic Limitation Act 1980, UK-EU Trade and Co-operation Agreement

Property Services

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Property and Land Management Reports to management on overall property of Council. Including annual reports, register of leases Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Management of Council buildings and estate Project specifications Plans, Installation manuals, Certificates of approval Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Maintenance of Council buildings and estate Work orders, planned maintenance schedules, responsive maintenance Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Leasing and Occupancy The process of managing leased property (eg Allotment Leases, Lease agreements, Rental expenditure authorities, Valuation queries, Applications for leases, licences and rental revision) Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Leasing and Occupancy The process of managing the occupancy of property (requests for works, cleaning) Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Property Acquisition and disposals Management of the acquisition process (by lease or purchase) for assets Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Property Acquisition and disposals Management of the disposal process (by sale, transfer or write off) for assets Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Asset registers Summary management reporting on the overall assets of the local authority Delete 15 years after relevant event Delete Electronic on Technology Forge Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Asset monitoring and maintenance Process of reporting and reviewing assets status Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Electronic on Technology Forge Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Facilities Management (eg cleaning; utilities, security, etc) The process of maintaining assets Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Management Review Records and team performance monitoring Minutes, trackers, etc Delete 15 years after relevant event Delete Electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Tendered work Individual Contract Files, Plans, Bills of Quantities, Specifications, Project Plans, etc Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Agreements with contractors and consultants Contracts, correspondence, instructions, reports, certificates, minutes, etc Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Asset Management and Works Bills of Quantity; Installation surveys (plant and services); maintenance contracts and related correspondence; diaries or logs; programme; schedules Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Drawings   Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Maintenance and operational manuals   Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Maintenance diaries or logs   Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Meeting with contractors - agendas, minutes   Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Plant and equipment condition surveys   Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Surveys and inspections - reports - master set   Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Surveys and inspections, valuations, reports and other copies General estate management information Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then Destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Land Drainage Inspections, notices, works, reports, grant funding, etc Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Coastal Protections Surveys and inspections, strategy and policy documents, funding, EA related documents, etc Remove to dead filing 12 months after file closure date. Destroy 15 years after file closure date Archive and then destroy Paper and electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980
Terrier Maps and Indexes - computerised Valuation Delete 15 years after relevant event Delete Electronic Statute of Limitation Act 1980

Revenues and Benefits

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
Housing Benefits All Documents and information relating to Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction applications ie: application forms, supporting evidence documents and personal information from the forms etc Paper keep for 3 months, electronic current year plus 6 years Paper destroy, electronic delete Paper and electronic (OPENRevenues and DIP and Workflow system) Local Government Finance Act 1992, Statutory: Social Security (claims and information) (amendment) Regulations 2010. Limitations Act 1980
Benefits, Council Tax and National Non Domestic Rates Revenues and Benefits Systems reports Paper - Benefits current year plus 2 years, Council Tax current year plus 6 years / Electronic - current year plus 6 years Paper destroy, electronic delete Paper and electronic  
Housing Benefits DWP statistical information Paper, current year plus 2 years, electronic, current year plus 6 years Paper destroy, electronic delete Paper and electronic Audit
Housing Benefits Overpayments Housing Benefit overpayment documents Paper keep for 3 months, electronic current year plus 6 years Paper destroy, electronic delete Paper and electronic  
Housing Benefits Overpayments Council Tax and Non Domestic Rates Recovery Actions - write off records Paper current year plus 2 years, electronic current year plus 6 years Paper destroy, electronic delete Paper and electronic  
Council Tax and National Non Domestic Rate The activity of corresponding with tax payers and rate payers in relation to all matters including: Notices; Objection; Applications; Correspondence; Notifications Paper keep for 3 months, electronic current year plus 6 years Paper destroy, electronic delete Paper and electronic (DIP and Workflow system) Local Government Finance Regulations 1992
Council Tax and National Non Domestic Rate Schedule of Liability Order for Council Tax and National Non Domestic Rate for recovery of non payment (name, address, amount owed) Paper keep for 3 months, electronic current year plus 6 years Paper destroy, electronic delete Paper and electronic (DIP and Workflow system) Local Government Finance Regulations 1992
Council Tax and National Non Domestic Rate Valuation List and associated schedules Paper keep for 3 months, electronic current year plus 6 years Paper destroy, electronic delete Paper and electronic Local Government Finance Regulations 1992
Council Tax The process of billing and collecting Council Tax Current year plus 6 years Delete records Electronic (OPENRevenues) Local Government Finance Regulations 1992
National Non Domestic Rate The process of billing and collecting National Non Domestic Rate Current year plus 6 years Delete records Electronic (OPENRevenues) Local Government Finance Regulations 1992

Works and recycling

Class of Record Detail Retention Period Action Format Authority for Guiding Retention
The process of arranging the collection/transportation of domestic and trade waste Specifically: defect sheets, log books, weighbridge tickets 3 Years after last action, or 12 months after last date in book Destroy Paper Common practice
The process of arranging the collection/transportation of domestic and trade waste Specifically: waste transfer notes, duty of care notes, skips/bottle banks 6 Years after last action Destroy - could be reviewed in future for possible scanning/electronic capture Paper and electronic Common practice
Documentation related to short term storage of waste at site Inspections and permits Permanent. Life of site Archive Paper North Devon Council
Process of managing use, type and amount of waste transferred to a specific site Weighbridge tickets 2 Years after last action Destroy Paper North Devon Council
Waste reduction - Composting and Recycling Waste data flow information Local government online document available permanently Permanent Electronic Wastedataflow
Waste Collection Service Requests Permanent Permanently kept on customer service CRM Electronic North Devon Council
Assisted Collections Applications for an assisted collections site visit notes and/or photos and copies of internal emails relating to the application. All records are held on waste management system. Operational Staff are not able to see this information only that the property is assisted. No paper records are kept. All applications are stored electronic permanently against the property Electronic North Devon Council
Vehicle documentation MOTs, RPC Loler Certificates, Servicing records, inspection sheets, Defect sheets 3 years from date of inspection Destroy Paper and electronic Freight Transport Association (FTA)
Lease agreements Vehicles, Trackers, Photocopier 6 years from expiration of lease Destroy   North Devon Council
Insurance Insurance claims following accidents (copy of original docs held by Exchequer) Works and Recycling to destroy documents after 6 months. Exchequer 5 years after settlement. Hugh Symons backs up all insurance related info on CD permanently Destroy documents, Permanent (CD) Paper and electronic North Devon Council
Accidents Incident Report Forms 3 years Destroy Paper and electronic North Devon Council