
Our leader of the Council is Councillor David Clayton.

The role of the leader of the council is to perform the following main functions: 

  1. To lead the development of council strategy and services to meet community needs
  2. To co-ordinate and facilitate the Executive in the planning and exercising of its work
  3. To act as the council's ambassador in representing the authority to external bodies on any aspect of the council's activities

In order to perform the above role the leader will need to fulfil the following responsibilities:

  1. To lead, chair and co-ordinate the Executive in setting strategic vision aims, priorities and financial strategy for the council
  2. To lead and co-ordinate the forward work plan for the Executive with other Executive colleagues and senior officers
  3. To manage the performance of the Executive, both collectively and as individual Executive members
  4. To ensure in conjunction with Executive colleagues that the council, individual members, general public and partners are consulted with and kept informed regarding issues affecting the council's policies and services
  5. To provide visible leadership and act as an advocate and spokesperson for the council and where appropriate for their political group both within and outside the council
  6. To ensure that there is effective political decision making within the council
  7. To maintain a sound working knowledge of issues affecting the council's area and local government in general
  8. To actively promote partnership working with external organisations
  9. To maintain effective working relationships with officers to drive the implementation of agreed policies and ensure that services are delivered in a way that accords with agreed council priorities
  10. To co-operate in full with the council's scrutiny processes
  11. To take individual and collective responsibility for ensuring that the functions of the Executive are carried out in accordance with the law, the council's constitution, and the standing orders of the council
  12. To maintain knowledge of and act in accordance with relevant legislation and the councils own constitution and protocols as regards decision making, codes of conduct, ethical government, member/officer relationships etc
  13. To keep under review the training and development needs of Executive members and to ensure that they receive appropriate training and development to enable them to perform their roles
  14. To undertake such training as may be appropriate in performing the role