Market stallholders FAQ's

Answers to any questions you may have about trading at the market

1. Do I need to bring my own tables or are they supplied?

Tables are supplied and are approximately 4’x3’

2. How and when do I pay for my stall?

Rents are collected on the day for all casual traders between 12 noon and 1pm approx. (cash only please)

3. What time should I arrive at the Market to set up?

The market staff are in attendance from 6.30am and you are free to come and set up anytime after that. For most traders arriving between 7.30am and 8.00am should give you adequate time to set up. All traders must be set up and trading by 9.30am.

4. Where will my pitch be?

It is not possible for us to give you an exact location for your stall in advance as we often have to adapt to last minute cancellations.

5. How long do I get to unload and load on Butchers Row?

Loading and unloading as well as parking on Butchers Row is patrolled by the Traffic Wardens and is outside our jurisdiction. There are parking badges available from the market office which can be used to identify your vehicle as carrying on legitimate market business within peak loading/unloading times – if you require one please give your vehicle registration to the office staff – please note this is NOT a parking pass and you can still be ticketed if the wardens consider it appropriate.

6. Where do I park once I have unloaded?

There are several Car Parks in the vicinity of the market but these vary in price, distance and suitability depending on your vehicle type.

7. Is there electricity available?

There is electricity available at all stalls. Please note that all electrical items used must be PAT checked for safety and it is your own responsibility to comply with this.

8. What should I do if I am unable to attend the market?

If you know in advance that you will not be able to attend please let a member of the office staff know at the earliest possible opportunity and we will put it in our diary. If you are unable to attend at short notice (due to illness or emergency) please phone the Market office as soon as you are able – there is a 24 hour answering service – and leave a message. Please do not email at short notice as this will not be picked up by our table staff.