Community right to bid

Information about Community Right to Bid and the process to list an asset of community value

The Community Right to Bid gives community groups a fairer chance to ensure that buildings and facilities, which are important to them, stay available for local use. This could include:

  • a village shop
  • pub
  • community centre
  • children's centre
  • allotment

You can do this by asking to have a property or public space listed as an asset of community value. If this happens, when the owner wants to sell it, local community groups will have up to six months to prepare a bid to try and buy it on the open market.

Who can nominate an asset to be listed?

  • Parish councils or neighbouring parish councils
  • Unincorporated groups with a membership of 21 local people
  • Neighbourhood forums as defined within the Localism Act 2011 
  • Community interest groups with a local connection that are either a charity, a community interest company, a company limited by guarantee or a non-profit distributing industrial and provident society

Apply to nominate a community asset (pdf 123KB)

If you consider that your application or supporting documents contain confidential or sensitive information please highlight and list what information is considered to be sensitive/confidential and the reasons why on the form “Community Right to Bid – Sensitive/Confidential Information” and submit with the nomination.

Community Right to Bid - Sensitive/Confidential Information (pdf 379KB)

To find out more, please read our Community Right to Bid policy. (pdf 275KB)

Once an asset has been listed, nothing further will happen unless the owner decides to dispose of it.

Decision Notices


What happens if the owner decides to sell a listed asset?

If the owner decides to sell the asset, the council will advertise it to the community to find out if there is local interest in bidding for the asset.

If there is community interest, the owner will not be allowed to sell for up to six months to allow for the community to develop a business plan and secure funding to purchase the asset at market value.

After six months, the owner can sell to whoever they choose.

If you wish to discuss your proposal further, please phone 01271 388254 or email