Request reference: FOI 9524
Issue date: 15.01.24
Request received:
How many families are currently in temporary accommodation in the North Devon area?
How many of those families in temporary accommodation include children?
Response provided:
As of 12 January 2024 = 78 households in Temporary accommodation. This includes the single non-priority households that are accommodated in the freedom project and Rough Sleeper outreach, of which there are 14
35 Households without Children
43 Households with Children
Request reference: FOI 9528
Issue date: 04.01.24
Request received:
1. A breakdown of the number of individuals/families you housed in temporary accommodation each year for the previous four years? Could you please break this down by financial year starting from 2019/20?
2. The total amount spent on temporary accommodation across the last five years? Could you please break this down by financial year starting 2019/20
3. The names of all of the companies you paid for accommodation that was used as temporary accommodation across the last four years? Could you please break this down by financial year starting 2019/20?
Response provided:
- 2019/20 = 127 households
2020/21 = 127 households
2021/22 = 170 households
2022/23 = 202 households
2023/24 up to 31 December 23) = 104
- In accordance with Sections 16 and 21 of the Act, this information is published in dataset format on the Council’s website: cost of providing temporary accommodation to the Council
3. 2019/2020
Request reference: FOI 9535
Issue date: 04.01.24
Request received:
1. A copy or link to the Authority’s social value policy, strategy, framework or similar document (or a link to it) if there is one. And latest annual report/annual statement, or update, if available
2. Has the Authority applied the concept of social value more widely than the revised best value guidance? And if so, details about how
3. The percentage of the Authority’s tenders over the past 12 months where the Public Services (Social Value) Act has been applied where it could have been applied (that is to say, how much use does the Authority make of the Act)
4. Where social value is included in contracts, the average weighting that it is given in scoring across those contacts
5. A copy or link to any evaluation or estimation of social value commitment made at both the contracting stage and at social value delivery stage, as a result of the Authority’s application of the Social Value Act
6. What calculator(s) has the Authority adopted to calculate social value?
7. What proportion of council spend is used to draw down social value?
8. Where does responsibility for social value sits within the Authority, e.g. with the head of procurement or with a cabinet member? Which departments have staff whose role includes “social value” outside the procurement department?
9. Has training taken place for staff? Are there toolkits and resources for staff on social value?
10. Please provide a list of all suppliers of council goods, services and works last financial year. Where possible, please include details including company registration number, postcode/location, sector. If you hold data on which suppliers are VCSEs or SMEs, please share this
Response provided:
- The Council does not have a dedicated Social Value Policy/Strategy/Framework or similar document in place, however it has the Devon Districts Procurement Strategy which is the process of being replaced with a revised strategy; however this is yet to be adopted but will be published on the Council’s website before 31 March 2024 in accordance with Section 22 of the Act
- No
- Social value was considered in 29% of tenders run by the Council but it was applied in 100% of procurements above the thresholds stipulated by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The Council also utilised a number of framework agreements for higher value contracts where social value would have been considered by the central purchasing organisation that manages the framework agreement
- The average is 8.7% - usually 10% is given but one tender it was incorporated into a 6% score
- No information is held on how social value is evaluated at contracting or delivery stage. At contracting stage there has not been an agreed approach to social value and instead each member of the evaluation team considers the response against how closely the response meets with the Council’s stated aims as regards social value in its contract specification and associated documentation. In terms of delivery stage, the tender response, where social value commitments have been made, forms part of the contracts between the Council and its respective suppliers and so monitoring of delivery forms part of contract management with regular monitoring meetings taking place between representatives of the Council and the supplier to ensure compliance
- The Council has adopted the TOMS social value calculator as standard
- Information is not held on what proportion of spend is used to draw down social value, this is not specifically monitored in a financial sense
- Consideration of social value does not formally sit with any particular officer. At present it is the responsibility of each respective Head of Service to ensure that social value is considered as appropriate and they are advised by procurement/legal colleagues as to how to do this
- No specific social value training has taken place, although social value has formed part of wider procurement training delivered to all managers. There are no specific social value toolkits or resources save as incorporated into template procurement documentation
- Please refer to our Contract Register at and select Contract Register on the left hand bar and then filter by North Devon District Council under “Organisations” to see all contracts the Council has awarded. This stipulates if the supplier is SME/VCS. You can download the content onto a spreadsheet if you wish to see all contracts in this format
Request reference: FOI 9537
Issue date: 05.01.24
Request received:
The Private Sector Housing departments underspend for the last two years in relation to disability adaptions/associated costs and details of any delays outside the departments control that may have affected the spend (such as a reduction in assessments) including Ilfracombe’s two year vacancy for an Occupational Therapy Assessor
Response provided:
Each year, DLUHC provide confirmation of the funding arrangement in that what Tier 1 authorities (Devon County Council (DCC)) must pay to each district council. The amount is capital funding for the provision of home adaptations to help older and disabled people to live as independently and safely as possible in their homes. It is ring fenced within the Better Care Fund and is passed to district councils to enable to them to meet their statutory duty
DCC distributes the agreed allocation (following discussions with Devon authorities using an allocation formula) to the Devon authorities. Below are North Devon Council’s financial allocation and spend:
• 2021/22 – £1,510,574 (spend £1,217,952.54)
• 2022/23 – £1,159,531 (spend £1,467,977.42)
It should be noted that any in year underspend is carry forward to the following year(s), allowing North Devon Council to continue to meet the demand in Disabled Facilities Grant cases. There was a carry forward of £1,011,972.76 to 2023/24
In response to delays outside of the departments control that may affect our spend, the following factors can impact upon the Council’s ability to approve a grant application; receiving appropriate paperwork from the applicant, landlord permission, quotations being sourced and applicant and/or Occupational Therapist approval of works
Request reference: FOI 9538
Issue date: 04.01.24
Request received:
The following information from your contaminated land department regarding a site named Sticklepath Service Station, Sticklepath Hill, Sticklepath, Barnstaple EX31 2BU:
1. Is the site registered, or likely to be registered in the future, as contaminated land by the Council under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990?
2. Is the site on the Council’s prioritisation list as part of your contaminated land strategy? If so, where does it sit on this list?
3. Do you know of any pollution or contamination incidents or issues that have occurred or are occurring at or near the site?
Please could you confirm I'm contacting the correct department for this request, the time frame for you to provide a response and the fees for the search and how payment is made
Response provided:
The following response was provided by the Council’s Environmental Protection team:
Questions 1 and 2
Applicant provided with a copy of a map and spreadsheet (QGIS contaminated land report) for the site, which is available upon request
This department does not hold any other records regarding potentially contaminated land in this area. It is recommended that you also contact the Environment Agency and Devon County Council regarding any information they may hold in relation to the site or the land in the vicinity
North Devon Council has not yet fully inspected its area to identify sites of contaminated land as required by Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. As such, it is not possible to say whether or not this site will be classified under this legislation. At this time, it is considered unlikely that this site would be the subject of inspection under this legislation to the future
Question 3
Request reference: FOI 9542
Issue date: 17.01.24
Request received:
- How many staff members are currently employed within the council?
2. How many mental health-trained staff members are currently employed within the council?
3. How many first aid-trained staff members are there currently employed within council?
4. How many council properties were installed with solar panels during 2023?
5. The total number of council properties with solar panels installed
6. How many council properties were installed with renewables during 2023?
7. The total number council properties with renewables installed
8. How many RIDDOR reportable incidents have there been in council properties during 2023?
9. How many gas-related incidents have there been in council properties during 2023?
Response provided:
1. 446
2. We have trained our employees to different levels and provided a number of training courses around mental health.
We have 11 employees trained as Mental Health First Aiders
We have 3 who have attended an extended mental health awareness course
General employee training has included:
Mental Health Bite-sized – awareness course 53 employees attended
Mental Health MOT (Must Offer time) – general awareness and self-assistance course 15 employees attended
Mental Health for Managers – (for support of team members) 57 employees attended
Resilience 56 employees attended
Mental Health in the Workplace – general awareness and self-assistance course 13 employees attended
(Employees may have attended more than one of the above)
Of our employees 131 have attended some form of mental health related training
3. We have 13 Employees that have a Full First Aid at Work certificate and 30 Emergency First Aiders. Total of 43
4. No Council properties were installed with solar panels during 2023
5. Six Council properties are installed with Solar panels
6. Six Council properties are installed with renewables
7. No Council properties were installed with renewables during 2023
8. There have been no RIDDOR reportable incidents during 2023
9. There have been no Gas related incidents during 2023
Request reference: FOI 9544
Issue date: 15.01.24
Request received:
This request relates to any documents within the power or possession of North Devon Council relating to or preparatory to planning application 77576
including, but not limited to:
- correspondence
- notes of conversations between or relating to any of the parties listed below
- notes of meetings between or relating to any of the parties listed below
Mr N Hall
Any other officer of North Devon Council planning department
Any officer of North Devon Treasury Department
Any officer of North Devon Legal Services Department
Any director, officer or person representing or acting on behalf of any of:
White Cross Offshore Windfarm Ltd SC734076
Flotation Energy Ltd SC597702
Royal HaskoningDHV
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings inc
Cobra Instalaciones Servicios S.A
Should any documents within the ambit of this request be other than in English please supply the English translation if available?
Response provided:
Applicant provided with some of the requested information that is not already published via the Planning Tracker. Some information was fully withheld and partially withheld (redacted) under Regulations 12(4)(e) Internal Communications, 12(5)(d) Confidentiality of proceedings applies to the requested information, 12(5)(g) Protection of the Environment and 13 (personal data)
Request reference: FOI 9556
Issue date: 08.01.24
Request received:
All, if any, correspondence the business "Marks out of Tenancy Ltd." and its managing director has had with the local authority, including any application form and terms of any grant or scheme agreed (redactions accepted where necessary for non-business individuals). The request is for the period of the last three years
Response provided:
The Council confirmed to the applicant that it has conducted a thorough search, however it has not identified any such information that falls within the remit of the request for the last three years
Request reference: FOI 9558
Issue date: 03.01.24
Request received:
1. Since January 2021, how many Private Landlord Forums have the authority held?
2. Please specify how many of these were held in person or online?
3. Do you have any specific forums for property agents?
4. If applicable, what was the date of the last landlord forum held?
5. If applicable, when is your next proposed landlord forum to be held?
Response provided:
1. Zero
2. N/A
3. No
4. N/A
5. N/A
Request reference: FOI 9559
Issue date: 22.01.24
Request received:
Please advise the number of pieces of "casework" raised by each councillor with the authority in the financial year 2022/23 - as a list with the number of queries each councillor has logged. Please include all queries officially logged by each councillor - whether on behalf of a resident or where the councillor has raised the query on their own account
Response provided:
The Council’s Member Services team does not maintain a record of the information requested centrally, however the Council’s Customer Services team have conducted a search of their records for instances where a Council Member/Councillor has recorded a matter that could be considered a member enquiry/casework during the 2022/23 financial year through the Council Customer Contact Centre; the results are set out within the provided Excel spreadsheet (which can be provided upon request)
The spreadsheet breaks down the contact recorded by Councillor, the date it was received into the Council within 2022/23, the type of enquiry/what it related to and whether it was raised directly by the Councillor or on behalf of a constituent
Please note that there will have been instances where the Councillors elected during that year will have also raised matters directly with departments/service areas that will not be included within this spreadsheet
Only 22 of the Councillors from the 2022/23 financial year are still in post and so any records/information held by those Councillors no longer elected is no longer held the Council
Enquiries have been made with the elected members that remain in office at the time of this request and it is confirmed that they do not maintain their own individual records of every matter that is brought to their attention by their constituents or of matters they raise directly with the Council (that is not already captured through the Customer Contact Centre spreadsheet)
From the responses received, the majority of Member casework/enquiries/matters brought to their attention by constituents is dealt with either in person and by phone. When matters are dealt with via email they will be deleted once concluded
Request reference: FOI 9561
Issue date: 04.01.24
Request received:
I am reaching out to better understand the allocation of funds attributed to the Better Care Fund
What is the budget for your Health and Wellbeing Boards over the last 5 years? Would you be able to give us a breakdown by source?
- Minimum allocation from Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), or previously from Clinical Commissioning Groups
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Social care funding (improved BCF)
- Winter pressures grant funding
- Additional Discharge Fund
- other
How do you distribute the Better Care Fund? Do you procure services at a Health and Wellbeing Board level or do you distribute funding to NHS Trusts for them to spend individually?
If the services and suppliers are procured at a Health and Wellbeing Board level could you detail the spending by contract over the last 5 years
If the budget is distributed to NHS Trusts, please could you provide a breakdown of distribution by trust for the last 5 years
Response provided:
Devon County Council are responsible for the Better Care Fund; therefore you will need to direct your request onto their Information Governance team for further information
The Disabled Facilities financial allocation is paid from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to DCC and DCC then distributes the agreed allocation (following discussions with Devon LA’s using an allocation formula) to the Devon Local Authorities
The Disabled Facilities capital funding is for the provision of home adaptations to help older and disabled people to live independently and safely as possible in their homes
North Devon Council’s allocation for Disabled Facilities Grants for the past 5 years is as follows:
2019/20 - £1,327,548
2020/21 - £1,284,185 plus additional funding £131,862
2021/22 - £1,510,574
2022/23 - £1,159,531
2023/24 - £1,394,385 plus additional funding £96,957
Request reference: FOI 9562
Issue date: 02.01.24
Request received:
Please provide me with the following information for the financial years 2020/2021, 2021/22, 2022/23:
The amount spent by the council on translation, interpretation and language services in all areas of council competence, including:
Primary and secondary schools
Adult social care services and child social care services
Provision of any social housing for which it has responsibility
Recycling and waste collection
Other areas in which such expenditure has been made
Response provided:
2020-2021 = £118.50, 2021-2022 = £162.00, 2022-2023 = £120.00
Applicant advised that education, adult social care and child social care services, libraries and transport fall under the remit of Devon County Council and therefore directed to request this information from their Information Governance team. With regard to the provision of any social housing, Housing is the primary service user. The amounts given relate to Housing Advice which may include Social Housing. No expenditure for Recycling and waste collection
Request reference: FOI 9563
Issue date: 22.01.24
Request received:
- How many equal pay claims have been made against your council in the time period between 31 December 2018 and 29 December 2023
- Please share the cost of claims closed/settled with compensation paid for successful claims in the last five years (31 December 2018 and 29 December 2023) in relation to equal pay claims. Please include the following information in the table:
Compensation paid
Defence costs paid
Claimant Costs Paid
Total Paid
- What is your council's current estimated equal pay liability?
Response provided:
1. Nil
2. Nil
3. Nil
Request reference: FOI 9564
Issue date: 08.01.24
Request received:
The number of deaths from 1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023 (inclusive) in each of the following housing situations in your local authority area:
1. accommodation for homeless people commissioned by your council, including hostels and supported accommodation for people identified as rough sleeping or with a history of rough sleeping
2. exempt accommodation
3. temporary accommodation commissioned by your local authority
4. supported accommodation for homeless young people commissioned by your council
5. rough sleeping or with no fixed abode
Where you have access to any of the following information, please include the cause of death or suspected cause of death, date of death, the person’s gender, the person’s age when they died, their ethnicity, and their immigration status. If you cannot provide any of this additional information, then please just provide the number of deaths
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the Council’s response with a completed Excel spreadsheet, which is available upon further request
Request reference: FOI 9565
Issue date: 03.01.24
Request received:
1. Do you have a full-time officer solely dedicated to managing your declared climate and/or nature emergency?
2. Does your policy/strategy specify that some or all planning applications that could affect trees must include a tree canopy cover assessment as supporting information?
3. Do you have a professional tree officer dedicated to advise on planning applications that could affect existing trees?
4. Do you have standard planning conditions that specifically require that the supply, planting, and maintenance of new trees must be complaint with BS 8545 (2014) Trees: from nursery to independence in the landscape – Recommendations?
Response provided:
1. No, this post is shared between North Devon and Torridge District Councils
2. No, we look at tree quality in line with NPPF and BS5837 recommendations
3. Yes
4. Yes
Request reference: FOI 9566
Issue date: 15.01.24
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 3DU
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: FOI 9567
Issue date: 30.01.24
Request received:
For the years: 2021, 2022 and 2023:
- Please state the number of applications to open new A category outlets in the by type A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5
- Please state how many applications for new A category outlets were approved in the by type: A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5
- For 2023, please state how many applications were received for change of use from class to another by type (for example, if you received 10 applications from A1 properties, looking to change to A2, please provide
- How much do you currently charge for a change of use application?
Response provided:
The Council confirms that it does hold some of this information. In discharge of its obligation under section 1(1)(b) the Council’s Planning team confirms that the applicant should be able to use the Advanced Search facility on the Council’s website to find this information: Advanced Search - Council Services (
By using the search boxes in the Advanced Search facility (it’s important that they use this rather than the more basic search facility) they will be able to interrogate records for applications that fall within the parameters of the search. It is suggested that they populate the received date(s) boxes, use key phrases such as A1 etc. etc., and select Change of Use under Application Type
Whilst they cannot guarantee 100% accuracy as the search is reliant upon the wording used in the descriptions, this would be the only way to retrieve the information. Planning confirm that they do not keep/maintain specific records relating to the information being sought
It’s not possible to give an answer the question (7) regarding the fee for Change of Use applications. This is not a standard amount and is calculated according to the type of change and the size/area of the proposal
In accordance with Section 21(1) of the Act, the Council is not obliged to provide information that is already in the public domain. However, it does have a duty under Section 16(1) to provide all applicants advice and assistance in order to assist with locating the information, which the Planning team has done so in providing the link and advice as set out above
Request reference: FOI 9568
Issue date: 30.01.24
Request received:
- Has your council declared a climate emergency?
- Please provide a breakdown of how many projects in the following categories your council has objected to, rejected and approved over the last three years; battery storage, wind and solar
- What is the average time taken to make a decision on each of the following types of projects; battery storage, solar and wind
- A list of approved and not approved wind, solar and battery projects indicating MW/size for each project
Response provided:
- Yes, the Council has declared a climate emergency
2, 3 and 4. The Council’s Planning team confirms the applicant should be able to use the Advanced Search facility on the Council’s website to find this information: Advanced Search - Council Services (
By using the search boxes in the Advanced Search facility (it’s important that they use this rather than the more basic search facility) they should then be able to interrogate records for applications that fall within the parameters of the search. It is suggested that they make use of the “Received date between” and the “Decision date between” boxes and populate the “Proposal box “with key phrases such as, “battery storage”, “wind” “solar” etc
Planning confirms also that they will be able to calculate the average time taken to make a decision on each of the projects from the information returned following their initial search(es)
Whilst they cannot guarantee 100% accuracy since the interrogation of the records is reliant upon the wording used in the descriptions, this would be the only way to retrieve the information. Planning do not keep/maintain specific records relating to the information being sought
In accordance with Section 21(1) of the Act, the Council is not obliged to provide information that is already in the public domain. However, it does have a duty under Section 16(1) to provide all applicants advice and assistance in order to assist with locating the information, which the Planning team has done so in providing the link and advice as set out above
Request reference: FOI 9569
Issue date: 11.01.24
Request received:
1. How much deficit/pressure/overspend have you identified in your Medium Term Financial Strategy IN (a) 2024-25 (b) 2025-26 and (c) 2026-27
Please do not provide me with a figure for 2023-24 or any year before that
2. Please provide (a) a link to your latest Medium Term Financial Strategy and (b) the page number(s) where the answer to question 1 can be found
If you do not provide a page number I will request an Internal Review on the ground that you have misinterpreted what constitutes 'accessible information'. I am not a finance expert, so without clear signposting to the data I will not be able to find it
Response provided:
The Council confirmed that it does hold this information. In discharge of its obligation under section 1(1)(b) the Council’s Accountancy team confirmed that the current Medium Term Financial Strategy is published on its website: Budgets and Spending
From this page, select ‘Budget 2023/24 and MTFS report (pdf 684 KB) referring to page 13
Applicant advised that the updated report will be ready for publication within the next few weeks (end of January/early February 2024)
Request reference: FOI 9570
Issue date: 08.01.24
Request received:
1. How many council-employed gas engineers do you have in your council at the moment in total?
2. How many council-employed gas engineers do you have in your council at the moment who are males?
3. How many council-employed gas engineers do you have in your council at the moment who are females?
4. How many council-employed tradespeople do you have in your council in total at the moment?*
5. How many council-employed tradespeople do you have in your council at the moment who are males?
6. How many council-employed tradespeople do you have in your council at the moment who are females?
Response provided:
1. Zero
2. N/A
3. N/A
4. Zero
5. N/A
6. N/A
Request reference: FOI 9571
Issue date: 17.01.24
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9BJ
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: FOI 9572
Issue date: 24.01.24
Request received:
How much the authority spent on advertising on social media platforms in each of the last four financial years - 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23, broken down by platform (Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, TikTok, Other)
Response provided:
2019/20 and 2020/21 = Financial records are not held for these requested years
Facebook = £304.37
Twitter/X, Instagram = £0
Facebook = £307.00
Twitter/X, Instagram = £0
The Council only pays to boost Facebook posts, so although accounts are held for X and Instagram, the Council does not pay anything on these platforms
Request reference: FOI 9573
Issue date: 16.01.24
Request received:
1. The number of applications to the Household Support Fund from 1 April 2023 – 31 December 2023
2. The monetary amount of support provided to applicants to the Household Support Fund from 1 April 2023 – 1 December 2023
3. The number of successful applicants to the Household Support Fund from 1 April 2023 – 31 December 2023
4. What is the outstanding monetary amount from the Household Support Fund that is available before the scheme ends on 31 March 2024
Response provided:
1. Applications 661, Direct awards 7,711
2. £542,120 (note this is as of 1st December rather than 31st December as asked in Questions 1 and 3)
3. Applicants 593, Direct Awards N/A
4. As of 16th Jan 2024 we have spent all allocated for awards and are now using different funds to try to extend the scheme to end March 2024
Request reference: FOI 9575
Issue date: 17.01.24
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 0HR
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: FOI 9576
Issue date: 17.01.24
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 1JH
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: FOI 9577
Issue date: 15.01.24
Request received:
- Anonymised details for each individual paid housing benefit claim in respect of exempt accommodation by North Devon District Council from January 1, 2017 (or a more recent date if information this far back is unobtainable under FOI cost and time limit rules) to December 31, 2023
This information can be provided on a weekly (e g Dec 18 – 24 2023) or monthly (e g December 2023) basis, whatever is simplest to compile
Data should include the following details of the claim:
Unique (anonymised) claimant ID
Local authority
Exempt accommodation provider
Payment period the data entry refers to (weekly or monthly, etc whichever is simplest. e g Dec 18 – 24 2023 or December 2023)
Total amount paid in Housing Benefit for supported exempt accommodation in the above period (direct to landlord or provider)
Total amount paid in Housing Benefit for supported exempt accommodation in period (to claimant)
Number of bedrooms in the claim
Type of supported exempt accommodation (if known) (e g Mother and baby unit; emergency homeless accommodation)
Data should include the following details of the property attached to the claim:
Unique (anonymised) property ID
Approximate anonymised location (e g ward)
Property type (e g apartment, terrace house, etc)
Number of bedrooms in the property in period (NB: If this could lead to potentially identifiable data, for example if there are only a small number supported exempt accommodations with exactly 10 rooms, then please exclude this information and mark with *)
If it is not possible to provide information to the above level of detail, please instead provide the following summary information, on the sheet Summary data by provider:
- Data for each exempt accommodation provider on how many claims are paid and how much money over a payment period by North Devon District Council from January 1, 2017 (or a more recent date if information this far back is unobtainable under FOI cost and time limit rules) to December 31, 2023
This information can be provided on a weekly (e g Dec 18 – 24 2023) or monthly (e g December 2023) basis, whatever is simplest to compile. Data should include the following details:
Local Authority
Exempt accommodation provider
Payment period (week and year or month and year, whichever is simplest)
Number of Housing Benefit claims for supported exempt accommodation
Total amount paid in Housing Benefit for supported exempt accommodation in period (direct to landlord or provider)
Total amount paid in Housing Benefit for supported exempt accommodation in period (to claimant)
Response provided:
Council provided the applicant with its response to 2 in Excel format which is available upon request
Request reference: FOI 9579
Issue date: 17.01.24
Request received:
1. The number of people on the waiting list for social housing as of 31st January 2023
2. The mean wait time for social housing in 2023 for each band: A, B and C. If the bands are not applicable then just the average overall
3. How many ex-serviceman/veterans were on the waiting list as of 31st January 2023?
4. How many women who were victims of domestic abuse were on the waiting list as of 31st January 2023 (this may be categorized as violence/abuse in current home?)
Response provided:
1. We do not have the data as of that date. The closest we can provide is 03.01.2023 = 2,230
The figures as at 11.01.2024 = 2,067
2. There are two ways to provide this information, looking at the current waiting time of applicants on the register or looking at the waiting time of applicants housed during 2023. Both figures are provided below:
Current average waiting times of applicants on the register, in days from band start date:
Band A 223
Band B 412
Band C 527
Band D 403
Band E 720
Average waiting time, in days from band start date to tenancy start date, for people housed in 2023. Area is the area where the property is:
Band A 67
Band B 411
Band C 329
Band D 464
Band E 876
3. It is not possible to provide the figures for that date. The figures as of 11.01.2024 = 63
4. It is not possible to provide the figures for that date. The figures as of 11.01.2024 are provided below
There are two ways of providing this data
The first is a back office record of current/former victims of domestic abuse, but it is no longer a used field because of difficulties of accuracy = 34
The second is the where applicant has advised that they need to escape violence (including domestic violence) or harassment = 230
Request reference: FOI 9580
Issue date: 11.01.24
Request received:
This is an information request relating to the construction of parklets
Please include the following information for each of the following financial years; 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23:
• Total number of parklets
• Cost of installation of parklet
• Cost of maintenance of the parklet
• Reason for building parklet
• Location of parklet
Response provided:
The Council confirmed that it does not have any parklets. Applicant advised to submit their request this information from Devon County Council as they are responsible for On-Street parking/enforcement covering North Devon
Request reference: FOI 9581
Issue date: 11.01.24
Request received:
I am after information relating to electric charge point access for disabled/Motability drivers
If the request proves too broad, or exceeds the allocated time allowance for an FOI request, could you please focus on questions 2, 3, 4 and 5 as priority and inform me? In particular, I am after the following information:
Q1. How many electric vehicle public charging outlets or charge points have you installed in your local authority to date that are classed as on-street residential charge points, located in residential streets or areas? Please provide figures to the nearest possible date and include the month and the year the figures correspond to.
Q2. For Question 1, how many on-street residential charging outlets or charge points have you installed to date in your local authority that have been adapted specifically for disabled users? Please provide figures to the nearest possible date and include the month and year the figures correspond to.
Q3. For Question 1, how many on-street public charging outlets or charge points are positioned in disabled parking bays?
Q4. For Question 1, how many of the on-street residential charge points in your area adapted for disabled users conform to the BSI’s latest accessible charging specification (PAS 1899:2022)? Please provide figures to the nearest possible date and include the month and year the figures correspond to.
Q5. Does your electric vehicle charging infrastructure strategy include specific considerations for elderly and / or disabled users?
Q6. Do you provide any additional support for disabled or elderly users wanting to access public charge points for electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles, such as charge-point assistants or roaming charging services?
Q7. Do you support or provide marketing tools to residents to make finding charge point services easier, such as charge point booking or journey planning technologies?
If any aspect of the above request is unclear, or exceeds the time and resource allocations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, can you please inform me so I can consider adjusting my request
Response provided:
Q1 through 4: applicant directed to Devon County Council for this information
Q5. There is no direct consideration for disabled or elderly users, however the EV bays are naturally a little larger to include the charging points and in certain car parks are close to facilities such as toilets and public transport hubs
Q6. No additional support provide
Q7. EV bays can be found on the Council’s website through the interactive map and on each car park page it is listed whether it contains an EV bay or not
Request reference: FOI 9582
Issue date: 25.01.24
Request received:
1) How much has the council spent on sport and leisure services and facilities between 2018 and 2023? This includes: Leisure centres, parks, grass pitches, all publicly accessible swimming pools, health and fitness facilities and sports halls.
Please provide a figure of how much was spent for each year in the five-year period by text on email, through an excel spreadsheet or a Microsoft Word document.
2) How many sport and leisure facilities operated by the council have closed between 2018 and 2023?
Please provide the number of closures for each year in the five-year period?
Response provided:
1. The information was provided in Excel format
2. In terms of facility numbers we closed North Devon Leisure Centre in 2022, but re-provided new facilities as an extension to Tarka Leisure Centre (200m down the road). On paper we have gone from 3 to 2 facilities, but in terms of provision, very little has changed and usage has increased
Request reference: FOI 9583
Issue date: 31.01.24
Request received:
A management structure with names for the following within the Council for:
- Whole Council
- Finance Department
- IT/Digital Department
- Regeneration Department
- Housing Department
- Procurement Department
Response provided:
Applicant directed to the Council’s website for the structure for the whole of the Council: Chief Executive and Senior Management. Applicant provided with copies of the structure charts held for Economic Development, Housing, ICT and Finance with all personal data of non-managerial/junior staff names redacted in accordance with Section 40 (personal data) of the Act. Applicant advised that the Council does not have a Procurement department. The Council’s Procurement Officer role is vacant as at 31.01.2024 which sits within the Legal Services team
Request reference: FOI 9584
Issue date: 18.01.24
Request received:
1. a) The number of operators using donkeys and mules registered under the Hiring of Horses licence
b) The number of donkeys/ mules these businesses own
c) The postcodes of these businesses
d) Please give data for the last three years
2. a) The number of businesses using donkeys and mules registered under the Keeping for Exhibition licence
b) The number of donkeys/ mules these businesses own
c) The postcodes of these businesses
d) Please give data for the last three years
3. a) Data regarding donkeys/ mules kept under any other licence
b) The number of donkeys/ mules these businesses own
c) The postcodes of these businesses
d) Please give data for the last three years
Response provided:
1. a) One operator
b) Two donkeys (on current licence)
c) EX36 3QR
d) Currently licence is for 2 donkeys, previous licence was for three donkeys
2. a) 0
b) 0
c) N/A
d) 0
3. a) 0
b) 0
c) N/A
d) 0
Request reference: FOI 9585
Issue date: 31.01.24
Request received:
- Which ERP (Enterprise Resource Management) or Finance System is currently used?
- Which version of the software are you currently on?
- What is the total contract value?
- What is the annual contract value?
- When does your contract expire?
- Do you have any planned upgrades of the software? If so, when?
- Are you planning to go to market for a different ERP or Finance system? If so, when?
- Who is the person responsible for your ERP or Finance system? Please provide, full name, job title and contact information if possible
Response provided:
- The Council does not have an ERP system. Details of the Council’s Financial system with Civica can be found on our Contract Register
- We are currently on version 24 of Civica Financials
- This information can be viewed via the link above
- This information can be viewed via the link above
- This information can be viewed via the link above
- Only software upgrades planned as they fall due
- The contract renewal date is September 24 so procurement options are currently being reviewed
- Tony Rumble, Accountancy Services Manager, 01271 388220
Request reference: FOI 9589
Issue date: 25.01.24
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX36 4JF
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: FOI 9590
Issue date: 25.01.24
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX36 4PL
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: FOI 9593
Issue date: 30.01.24
Request received:
In Excel format:
- The number of armed forces veterans residing in your local authority for each of the years a) 2018, b) 2019, c) 2020, d) 2021, e) 2022, f) 2023
- The number of armed forces veterans who were identified as at risk of homelessness in your local authority for each of the years a) 2018, b) 2019, c) 2020, d) 2021, e) 2022, f) 2023
- The number of armed forces veterans who were identified as at risk of homelessness due to a Section 21 notice in your local authority for each of the years a) 2018, b) 2019, c) 2020, d) 2021, e) 2022, f) 2023
Response provided:
The information where held was provided to the applicant in Excel, which is available upon request
Request reference: FOI 9594
Issue date: 31.01.24
Request received:
1. The number of licences (current only) you have issued under paragraph 10 of Schedule 1 to the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) Regulations 2018 (LAIA Regulations 2018) (this being the licensable activity of “Keeping or training animals for exhibition”) to farm parks, petting zoos, city farms or any other set-ups/establishments where animals are exhibited to the public
2. The names and addresses of those establishments
3. Details of how many of these licensed establishments exhibit (or have, or will, exhibit) rabbits
4. Details of how many inspectors you have appointed under reg.4(2)(a) of the LAIA Regulations 2018
5. Details of who is responsible for dealing with animal welfare complaints relating to farm park, petting zoos and other such establishments in your area
6. Contact details for that person/those people
7. Details regarding how often the establishments licensed under paragraph 10 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 are inspected
8. What guidance the inspectors appointed under regulation 4(2)(a) of the LAIA Regulations 2018 are given as to how they are to establish that the welfare needs of the rabbits they are inspecting are being met by the farm park, petting zoo etc. (For example, are they given a copy of the Good Practice Code for the Welfare of Rabbits)
9. The number of licences (issued at all times since the LAIA Regulations 2018 came into force) under paragraph 10 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 have been suspended or revoked under the powers in regulation 15, and why?
10. The number of licences (current only) you have issued under paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 (this being the licensable activity of “Selling animals as pets”)?
11. Details of how many of these licensed sellers sell rabbits?
12. Details of how many of these licensed sellers sell only rabbits?
13. Details of how many of these licensed sellers are pet shops, and how many are private individuals?
14. Details of who is responsible for dealing with animal welfare complaints relating to these sellers (of any animals, not just rabbits)?
15. Contact details for that person/those people
16. The criteria you use for determining whether the “business test” in paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 is met
17. The level of income the sellers licensed under paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 need in order to be deemed to be selling animals “in the course of a business”
18. Whether you have a dedicated animal welfare officer/team?
19. If so, what their contact details are
Response provided:
- Five establishments have current licences for keeping or training animals for exhibition
- North Devon Hawk Walks, 21 Broad Close, North Molton, EX36 3JD
North Devon Falconry, Orchard House, Newton Tracey, Barnstaple, EX31 3PE
Petorama, Stowford Farm Meadows, Berry Down Cross, Combe Martin, EX34 0PW
Borough Farm, Mortehoe, Woolacombe, EX34 7HE
The Sheep Show, Spindlewood, 70 Lynhurst Avenue, Barnstaple, EX31 2HY
- One
- One
- The licensing team at North Devon council will be the initial team to contact in relation to animal welfare complaints and other organisations may then assist with any subsequent investigation e.g. Vets or RSPCA
- Yearly
- Good practice code for the welfare of Rabbits
The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018
Animal Welfare Act 2006
- Zero
- Six
- Three
- Zero
- Two pet shops, one company
- The licensing team at North Devon council will be the initial team to contact in relation to animal welfare complaints and other organisations may then assist with any subsequent investigation e g Vets or RSPCA
- Consideration of the Council’s Animal Licensing Policy 2023 , relevant statutory guidance and the HMRCs Meaning of Trade document as follows:
Animal activity licensing process: statutory guidance for local authorities - GOV.UK (
Selling animals as pets licensing: statutory guidance for local authorities - GOV.UK (
BIM20205 - Meaning of trade: badges of trade: summary - HMRC internal manual - GOV.UK (
- The Council’s Animal Licensing Policy 2023 has deliberately not set a specified level of income. The circumstances which the Council will take into account in determining whether an activity is being carried on in the course of a business will include whether the operator makes any sale by, or otherwise carries on, the activity with a view to making a profit, or earns any commission or fee from the activity. The Council will examine any income in line with the HMRC 9 badges of trade and decide on a case by case basis the appropriateness of any action
- No
- The licensing team will be the initial point of contact for Animal Welfare concerns
Request reference: FOI 9595
Issue date: 24.01.24
Request received:
For the years 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23:
- The total annual spend on external consultants
- Breakdown of cost of spend on external consultants by relevant project
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information where held in Excel format which is available upon request
Request reference: FOI 9598
Issue date: 24.01.24
Request received:
Details of any internal communications regarding the implementation of ultra-low emission zones or low emission zones in the council area
Response provided:
The Council’s Environmental Protection team, as far as it is aware, there are no ultra-low emissions zones locally; they are usually found in cities, therefore they do not hold any associated information that falls within the remit of the request
Applicant advised to send their request onto Devon County Council’s Information Governance team for a response which covers Highways for North Devon
Request reference: FOI 9599
Issue date: 17.01.24
Request received:
- Details of any spending on first class flights for council officials in the 2022-23 financial year
- Details of any spending on first class flights for cabinet members in the 2022-23 financial year
Response provided:
1. £0, no spend
2. £0, no spend
Request reference: FOI 9600
Issue date: 17.01.24
Request received:
For the financial years of 2019-20; 2020-21; 2021-22; and 2022-23:
Total annual spend on maintaining the council’s office space, broken down per office building, if applicable
Response provided:
Total annual spend on maintaining the council’s office space:
2019/20 = £214,846.00
2020/21 = £161,071.22
2021/22 = £219,307.28
2022/23 = £127,583.07
The Council is unable to split this for each site as a number of contracts cover all or many of the sites, however the total costs cover works to Brynsworthy Environment Centre, Lynton House, Barnstaple, Castle Lodge, Barnstaple, Woodlands, South Molton and the Harbourmasters office, Ilfracombe
Request reference: FOI 9601
Issue date: 17.01.24
Request received:
- The cumulative total of days of work lost due to strikes by council workers/employees
- Number of council officials took strike action in this period
- Number of days that council staff engaged in strike action
Response provided:
1. Zero
2. Zero
3. Zero
Request reference: FOI 9603
Issue date: 30.01.24
Request received:
1. How many council-owned residential properties were empty on 1 January 2024?
2. How many council owned commercial properties were empty on 1 January 2024?
Response provided:
1. Seven
2. Four
Request reference: FOI 9604
Issue date: 17.01.24
Request received:
Details of any internal communications regarding the implementation of boycott or divestment policies by the council
Response provided:
The Council confirmed that it does not have any boycott or divestment policies, therefore no internal communications are held
Request reference: FOI 9605
Issue date: 22.01.24
Request received:
Details of any spending on first class trains for council officials in the 2022-23 financial year
Response provided:
There was no Council spend on first class train travel during 2022/23
Request reference: FOI 9606
Issue date: 17.01.24
Request received:
1. Does the council own a:
- Union Jack flag
- Flag of St George
- Flag of Israel
- Flag of Palestine
- Rainbow Flag (Pride flag)
- Transgender Pride Flag
2. Has this flag been flown since 1 January 2023 (please provide dates when flown?
3. If this flag was purchased after 1 January 2023, how much did it cost?
Response provided:
1. a) Yes b) Yes c) No d) No e) Yes f) No
2. a) As per Gov.UK rules on flying Union flag on government buildings
b) 23 April or nearest Friday if a weekend
c) N/A
d) N/A
e) 1 week in February
f) N/A
3. a) through f) N/A as no flags were purchased after 1 January 2023
Request reference: FOI 9607
Issue date: 23.01.24
Request received:
- How much in total the council spent on unconscious bias training in the years 2022/23?
- How much the council spent on their Stonewall subscription in the years 2022/23 (if applicable)?
Response provided:
- £1,188.00 spent with external consultants on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training (this included unconscious bias)
- £0 spend, no subscription
Request reference: FOI 9608
Issue date: 17.01.24
Request received:
Does the council have a four-day working week policy?
Response provided:
The Council confirmed that it does not have a four day working week policy
Request reference: FOI 9609
Issue date: 17.01.24
Request received:
1. How many occupied council-owned residential properties are currently affected by internal mould?
2. How many occupied council-owned residential properties are currently deemed unsafe?
3. How many occupied council-owned residential properties are currently waiting for repairs?
4. How many occupied council-owned residential properties are currently waiting for fire safety mitigations?
Response provided:
The Council no longer holds a housing stock; this was transferred onto North Devon Homes Ltd, 21 February 2000, therefore the purposes of this request the Council does not hold this information
Request reference: FOI 9612
Issue date: 17.01.24
Request received:
1. How much has the council spent on developing a net zero strategy?
2. What steps is the council taking to reduce carbon emissions to reach net zero?
Response provided:
1. This information is not recorded
2. These are included within the council’s Carbon, Environment and Biodiversity Plan on page 25 onwards, a copy of which was provided to the applicant (which is available upon request)
Request reference: FOI 9613
Issue date: 23.01.24
Request received:
1. How many pieces of artwork (valued over £200) does the council own? Of these, which pieces are on public display?
2. What is the total value of the artwork owned by the council?
3. What is the value of the pieces of artwork on public display (please detail the artist and name of any pieces worth over £10,000)?
Response provided:
1. The Council does not hold individual valuations of items worth less than £5,000. The total art collection in LA ownership numbers around 320, this includes paintings and drawings, sculptures and art photographs. It does not include prints (253) not considered artworks, postcards (667) or non-art photographs (c. 11,000). Nor does it include decorative arts items such as samplers, ceramics (mostly manufactured) or furniture. Nor does it includes works held by the museum on loan from other organisations or individuals
2. Artwork on display changes frequently. At present there are 15 paintings on display in the main museum plus 43 in our current temporary exhibition, the majority of these are on loan from other private or public collections. The most valuable painting owned by the council is View of Barnstaple, attributed to F.R. Lee, valued at £3,750 and it is currently on display
3. The Council is unable to answer this as the majority are not in council ownership. There are no council owned paintings worth over £10,000
Request reference: EIR 9615
Issue date: 23.01.24
Request received:
The disclosure of the complete copies of the submission/representations (together with all supporting evidence, photographs, maps, plans, etc.) which have been made by or on behalf of the current owners of the site known as Atlantis Lodge, Moor Lane, Croyde EX33 1PA (including by Chroma Planning and Development) in response to the council’s proposal to revoke the lawful development certificate issued in relation to planning application 73989
Response provided:
The requested information where held was disclosed to the applicant
Request reference: FOI 9616
Issue date: 19.01.24
Request received:
A list of your licensed dog businesses: Doggy Day Care, Dog Boarding, Dog Kennels, Dog Breeders, and Dog Walkers (If you licence dog walkers), including the licensing numbers and star rating for each
Response provided:
Licensed Dog Home Boarders | Licence Number | Star Rating |
Barks Hotel | AWL0007 | 5 |
Coast to Countryside Creatures | AWL0112 | 4 |
Cyprus House | AWL0097 | 4 |
Densdon Dog Boarding & Day Care | AWL0073 | 5 |
Dog Odyssey | AWL0099 | 4 |
High Bullen Farm | AWL0100 | 4 |
Holidays4dogs Devon & Cornwall | AWL0096 | 4 |
Home Woof Home | AWL0023 | 5 |
Homing Instinct Animal Care | AWL0103 | 4 |
Jolly Tales | AWL0092 | 4 |
Kentisbury Dog Stop | AWL0014 | 5 |
Minders Pet Sitting | AWL0068 | 3 |
North Devon Dog Boarding | AWL0087 | 4 |
Pawfully Happy | AWL0079 | 3 |
Waggy Tails at Woolmers | AWL0044 | 5 |
Wagtails Dog Boarding and Walking | AWL0024 | 5 |
We All Love K9s | AWL0015 | 5 |
Licensed Boarding Kennels | ||
Beech Tree Kennels | AWL0028 | 3 |
Coastal Kennels | AWL0038 | 5 |
Coombe Kennels | AWL0017 | 5 |
Faithfull Friends | AWL0006 | 3 |
Hairy Holidays | AWL0091 | 3 |
Trelawn Boarding Kennels | AWL0069 | 3 |
Licensed Dog Breeders | ||
Broadlands | AWL0041 | 5 |
Cuffstar Canines | AWL0104 | 5 |
Curtabemdoodles | AWL0108 | 5 |
Danesfield Farm | AWL0110 | 2 |
Exmoor Lurchers | AWL0084 | 5 |
Fullaford Farm | AWL0102 | 2 |
Hallslake Farm | AWL0031 | 5 |
Kennel House | AWL0076 | 3 |
Lower Tippacott Farm | AWL0098 | 4 |
24 Beechfield Road | AWL0019 | 5 |
Ridgeway Labradors | AWL0109 | 2 |
Sloley Barton | AWL0111 | 4 |
Traceys Country Paws | AWL0106 | 2 |
Request reference: FOI 9618
Issue date: 18.01.24
Request received:
1. How many public toilets were maintained by your council in 2022/2023?
2. How many public toilets were closed by your council between 2010/11 and 2022/23?
Response provided:
- 15
- One
Request reference: FOI 9622
Issue date: 25.01.24
Request received:
1. The total area of your local authority, measured in acres, that is designated as Green Belt
2. The proportion of the total area of your local authority that is designated as Green Belt
3. The total area of your local authority, measured in acres that consists of contaminated land - under the official definition. If you do not have an exact figure please provide a minimum figure or approximate estimate if possible
4. The total area of your local authority, measured in acres that is both designated as Green Belt and is contaminated land, under the official definition. If you do not have an exact figure please provide a minimum figure or approximate estimate if possible
Response provided:
1. There is no Green Belt land within North Devon
2. As 1. Above
3. In accordance with section 78R of The Environmental Protection Act (1990), the Authority must maintain a register of all regulatory action undertaken in respect to the remediation of contaminated land. To date, North Devon Council has made no entry on this register
4. N/A
Request reference: FOI 9624
Issue date: 23.01.24
Request received:
Details for s106 agreements signed between 2016-2019, including but not limited to:
1. Planning references
2. Total Contributions received
3. Total Contributions allocated (if possible where and when allocated)
4. Total Contributions Spent (with proof of expenditure)
5. Total Balance remaining
Response provided:
The Council confirmed that it does not hold/record the information specifically requested. In discharge of its obligation under section 1(1)(b) the Council instead provided the applicant with an Excel spreadsheet which provides the S106 receipts for, not only for the period requested, but periods before and after
Request reference: FOI 9628
Issue date: 22.01.24
Request received:
Please provide the information below for every council tax property within your charging authority, preferably on an emailed Excel spreadsheet, along with the date the data was extracted from your system
•Address and postal code
• Band
Response provided:
Applicant advised that this information is published on the Council’s website:
Request reference: FOI 9630
Issue date: 23.01.24
Request received:
I am interested in existing policies relating to countering terrorism and extremism
In particular, how far-right extremism is countered by the organisation, with particular regard to potentially radicalising material/material that is linked to or may be considered to promote extremist ideologies
Could you please provide me with the following information in answer to these questions:
- What training courses or training sessions, either delivered by internal or external instructors, do staff typically complete with regard to the issue of terrorism extremism? Are there mandatory courses? Or, if there is no typical framework for courses: what courses have been delivered on this subject in the past 12 months up to date?
- If possible, can you please provide copies of the training material delivered in these sessions/courses: any slides, booklets etc
1. What training material or material for guidance is currently held for staff? For example, is there a permanent staff handbook on spotting and dealing with signs of extremism?
2. Could you please provide copies of any such material?
1. Could you please provide any lists or summaries of material that has been deemed, in any guidance provided to staff, to be connected to extremist ideologies, or to promote these ideologies
I am particular interested in material relate: philosophy, arts, literature, film, and music
For example, staff may be warned that Nietzsche books could be linked to extremists, as he may be favoured by groups with an extremist ideology
Response provided:
- 1. The Council runs mandatory training for all staff. This is the Governments on-line ‘Prevent’ awareness training. We have also provided some face to face internal training/guidance where Officers do not have access to a PC
All staff are asked to complete the training and new starters are asked to do the training on joining the organisation
Training to be repeated every 3 years and refresher training available at any time
2. Please see above
B. 1. Applicant referred to the link above which will take you to the module used. The applicant was also provided with document entitled ‘Prevent training sheet’ which is available upon request
2. The Council does not hold any other material or guidance for staff. It is reliant on regular training
C 1. The Council does not hold any such lists
Request reference: FOI 9631
Issue date: 23.01.24
Request received:
We are leading a review of the Competency Framework for Trusted Assessors first published in 2005, the goal is to publish a revised Framework fit for today. The model tackled the increasing demand for equipment for home adaptations for older and disabled people wanting to stay put, the associated demand for equipment-based assessments and the need to broaden the assessment work beyond the role of occupational therapists (OTs) to be able to meet that need. Over the years, thousands of staff in health, social care, housing, and other organisations involved in care and housing have now been trained as Trusted Assessors to be able to assess for minor and major home adaptations and to know when to refer to an OT (Occupational Therapist)
Trusted Assessors can be accredited or unaccredited; there are national qualifications at level three (minor adaptations) and four (major adaptations). A recent DFG (Disabled Facilities Grants) Summit suggested that awareness of these national qualifications was patchy
These questions aim to understand the level and type of adoption of the model to inform recommendations
We are requesting this information under freedom of information requests and have tried to find this information through the public domain, but unable to do so
1. How many equipment-based assessments did you carry out in the last FY?
2. What is the current average wait time for this type of assessment?
3. Is it your organisation’s current policy to use Trusted Assessors within your equipment assessments pathways?
4. How many staff do you employ as Trusted Assessors?
a. What percentage are accredited / unaccredited?
b. If accredited, how many are accredited at level three? At level four?
5. Which roles and services are they based in?
6. What is your policy on refreshing their training?
7. Is the number expected to grow?
8. What percentage of equipment assessments are carried out face to face / remotely?
a. What percentage of assessments that are remote are telephone based / video based?
9. Can people access a DFG funded home adaptation without the involvement of an OT?
10. Is any of your Trusted Assessor provision outsourced?
11. Do you accept prescriptions or recommendations for equipment from external organisations such as care and nursing homes, housing associations, supported living providers or domiciliary care providers if the case handler is an OT (Occupational Therapist) or Trusted Assessor?
a. How many cases were handled of this type in the last FY?
12. Is your community equipment service managed in-house or via an external contract?
Response provided:
Applicant advised that some of the questions are not relevant for a local authority managing disabled facilities grant applications
Our Home Adaptations team consists of two officers. Technical Case Officer (Adaptations) and Specialist Technical Housing Officer. The Technical Case Officer completed Level 3 Award for Trusted Assessor in April 2021. Undertaking this qualification provided the officer an understanding of the assessment carried out to identify an individual’s needs, how low level equipment can assist with independence and be able to implement solutions/adaptations. This understanding assists when considering grant funded adaptations and any other options for discussion
The post holder has not carried out any equipment based assessments since completing the qualification and we currently don’t have any plans to implement assessments
NDC has mandatory and discretionary grants and any disabled resident seeking financial assistance with the cost of adaptations to their home must be assessed by an Occupational Therapist working on behalf of, in consultation with, or otherwise approved by Devon County Council (with the exemption of our Healthy Homes Grant). Our policy is available: Disabled facilities grants | North Devon Council
Request reference: FOI 9632
Issue date: 23.01.24
Request received:
1. Number of employees
2. Number of IT staff
3. Current ITSM solution
4. Cloud or on premise
5. If on premise, do you have a cloud migration strategy?
6. If yes, please share more details, including budget allocation.
7. Number of licenses
8. Length of contract
9. Contract expiry date
10. Contract review date
11. Annual cost of contract
12. Total cost of contract
13. Person responsible for the software and their contact details
14. Person responsible for any future projects on reviewing or replacing the software and their contact details
Response provided:
1. 418 (this is not the same number of network users)
2. 13
3. TopDesk
4. Cloud
5. N/A
6. Budget for this application is £16,000 p.a., there is no specific cloud budget or cloud strategy
7. 12
8. Three years
9. 31.03.2026
10. 30.09.2025
11. £7,230
12. £30,090
13. Andy Tapp, ICT Manager
Request reference: FOI 9633
Issue date: 22.01.24
Request received:
Have the Local Authority instructed an RICS accredited Property Advisory company to raise Council revenue from business rates by either identifying properties which have been undervalued in the Rating List or identifying properties which are not in the Rating List but are complete and have not been valued for business rates purposes?
Response provided:
The Council’s Revenues team advises that whilst they do instruct a property advisory to perform the functions mentioned in the FOI, they are NOT RICS accredited
Request reference: FOI 9636
Issue date: 24.01.24
Request received:
The following information under the Freedom of Information Act on damp homes and mouldy homes
The number of people in your Local Authority with known respiratory issues who are known to reside in a damp and/or mouldy home in each of the calendar years a) 2019, b) 2020, c) 2021, d) 2022, e) 2023
The number of people in your Local Authority under the age of 18 with known respiratory issues who are known to reside in a damp and/or mouldy home in each of the calendar years a) 2019, b) 2020, c) 2021, d) 2022, e) 2023
The number of people in your Local Authority over the age of 65 with known respiratory issues who are known to reside in a damp and/or mouldy home in each of the calendar years a) 2019, b) 2020, c) 2021, d) 2022, e) 2023
Response provided:
The Council confirmed that it does not hold any of this requested information. In discharge of its obligation under section 1(1)(b) the Council does not collect information on individuals medical conditions or age
Applicant advised to direct their request onto Devon County Council’s Information Governance team as they are responsible for Health and Social Care covering North Devon
Request reference: FOI 9637
Issue date: 31.01.24
Request received:
Whether, in the 2022/23 and 2023/24 financial years any members of senior management have had any email contact with anyone with an email address ending
If so, please release all the email correspondence. If redactions need to be made, please provide the information with the necessary redactions
Response provided:
It was confirmed to the applicant that no members of The Council’s Senior Management Team have received any email contact in 2022/23 and 2023/24 to date (31.01.24) with anyone with an email address ending
Request reference: FOI 9638
Issue date: 24.01.24
Request received:
A breakdown of s106 agreements signed between the periods 2016-2019, with the following information:
1. Balance of Contributions
2. Monies Spent
3. Monies Allocated (with proof of expenditure)
5. Monies that remain unspent and unallocated (with expenditure deadline)
Request reference: FOI 9639
Issue date: 25.01.24
Request received:
The figures for each of the following financial years 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2022-23, 2023-24 (to current date)
1. What is the total value of unpaid council tax debt owed to the council at the end of each financial year, to current date for 2023-24?
2. What is the total value of unpaid council tax debt owed to the council by a social housing provider at the end of each financial year, to current date for 2023-24?
3. Please list the total value of unpaid council tax debt owed to the council by each individual social housing provider at the end of each financial year, to current date for 2023-24?
4. For each year what was the total value of social housing provider council tax debt accrued in the 12 month period, to current date for 2023-24?
5. What is the council policy around court summons and bailiff action for social housing providers with outstanding debt?
6. What is the council policy around issuing class B exemption? Does the council automatically award a social housing provider, does the social housing provider have to request once per property or every account change?
Response provided:
- Data provided below is the total amount outstanding at 31 March for the relevant year for all financial years:
2017/2018 = £3,717,687.08
2018/2019 = £3,951,650.06
2019/2020 = £4,482,503.84
2020/2021 = £5,938,264.94
2021/2022 = £5,690,278.50
2022/2023 = £5,999,184.10
To current date for 2023-2024 = not recorded. This data will be available after year end at 31 March 2024
- Unable to provide the above information as we are unable to specifically identify accounts for social housing provider
3. As 2 above
4. As 2 above
5. It is the same as it is for any other council tax payer
6. A request needs to made at each account change
Request reference: FOI 9642
Issue date: 25.01.24
Request received:
Across Bristol Channel Car Ferry Ship
1) What talks has your Council held with Swansea Council on this topic since May 2022?
2) What talks has your Council held with Swansea Council on this topic particularly in year 2023?
3) What future talks is your Council planning with Swansea Council on this topic?
4) If talks have taken place, or are planned, are they face to face meetings or zoom meetings or phone calls or exchanges of letters or e mails?
5) Has your Council sought funding from Central Government or Regional Funding sources for essential new road infrastructure?
6) Are you preparing for Hydrogen Fuel Storage your side?
7) Who is the "lead authority"?
Response provided:
The Council confirms that it does not hold any of this information. In discharge of its obligation under section 1(1)(b) the Council can confirm that it has not had any direct contact with any persons from Swansea Council within the period as referred to regarding a car ferry ship
The Council’s Harbour Master attended a virtual meeting in March 2023 where a Swansea Councillor was also present. This was a meeting set up by a private company looking to create a consortium for a funding bid (which failed) for a car ferry between Wales and the South West
The Council has no future meetings in place and is not planning any meetings with Swansea Council on this topic
Request reference: FOI 9643
Issue date: 25.01.24
Request received:
A copy of the Risk Assessment that was done to allow horses to use the Old Railway Line path between the Cairn (from the top side of Station Road in Ilfracombe by the Pall Europe Factory) to Lee Bridge by the car park at the other end of the stretch
Response provided:
Applicant advised that the Council does not hold any Risk Assessment as requested
Request reference: FOI 9647
Issue date: 30.01.24
Request received:
1. Do you have a standard parking bay size which is in place across your car parks?
a) For Q1, Are there plans to enlarge the standard parking bay size in car parks?
2. Since 23rd January 2014, how many PCNs have been issued for parking outside of the lines in car parks?
a) For Q2, please provide a year-by-year breakdown of the figures
b) For Q2, please provide the value in (£) of the PCNs paid, also providing a year-by-year breakdown
3. Are cars exceeding a certain length banned from any of your car parks?
a) For Q3, if size rules are enforced, from what date did the council start doing so.
b) For Q3, if size rules aren’t enforced, are there plans to do so?
4. How many PCNs have been issued to people for parking these banned cars in car parks since 23rd January 2014?
a) For Q4, please provide a year-by-year breakdown of the figures
b) For Q4, please provide the value in (£) of the PCNs paid, also providing a year-by-year breakdown
5. What is the total number of PCNs issued in car parks from 23rd January 2014?
Response provided:
1. Yes, 2.4m wide / 4.8m long – current recommended minimum dimensions
a) This is currently under review
2. 3,604
a) 2014 -1 (records before December 2014 are no longer held)
2015 - 35
2016 - 721
2017 - 783
2018 - 502
2019 - 627
2020 - 249
2021 - 270
2022 - 183
2023/24 - 241
b) The Parking team are unable to break this down for a single contravention
3. Oversize vehicles (Calculated by unloaded weight) are prohibited from most of our car parks but oversize bays and car parks are provided
a) In accordance with the Traffic Management Act 2004
b) N/A
4. As follows:
Contravention 86 - 3604
Contravention 89 - 11
Contravention 91 - 954
Contravention 94 - 15
Contravention 95 - 8
Contravention 86 - see question 2
Contravention 89: 2018 - 3, 2019 - 2, 2020 - 5, 2022 - 1
Contravention 91: 2014 - 2, 2015 - 18, 2016 - 174, 2017 - 190, 2018 - 135, 2019 - 100, 2020 - 90, 2021 - 93, 2022 - 58, 2023/24 - 95
Contravention 94: 2015 - 1, 2016 - 5, 2017 - 4, 2018 - 3, 2021 - 1, 2023 - 1
Contravention 95: 2017 - 2, 2019 – 1
a) See details added to Q4
b) Income cannot be broken down by individual contravention codes
5. 60,237
Request reference: FOI 9648
Issue date: 29.01.24
Request received:
1. Do your councillors get a discretionary allowance to spend on training individually as they choose?
2. How much is this amount annually?
3. How many councillors are on your council?
4. How many have used their discretionary allowance?
5. How much have they spent and on what service, training, activity or otherwise?
Response provided:
1. No
2. Not Applicable
3. 42
4. Not Applicable
5. Not Applicable
Request reference: FOI 9649
Issue date: 30.01.24
Request received:
1. Did your council adopt a working definition of antisemitism? If so
Which one?
2. Did your council adopt a working definition of Islamophobia? If so
Which one?
Response provided:
1. No
2. No
Request reference: FOI 9650
Issue date: 31.01.24
Request received:
Applicant requested “what ever happened to the latest 64 million grant, how was that spent, did the poor old bankers and estate agents gent their premises done up etc.? I would appreciate as many others would under the freedom of information act, a run down where all this money has gone and wait with anticipation the answers etc.
Response provided:
Applicant advised that the Council has not received such a grant, however it provided the following response on the assumption that the applicant was referring to the £6.45 million grant the Council was awarded from the Future High Street Fund Programme
In 2020 the government announced the Future High Street Programme and invited Local Authorities to submit bids that would transform town centres. There was no obligation to bid but it was an opportunity to apply for monies to support and transform high streets. The money was capital only and could only be spent on projects that the market could not deliver
Barnstaple’s Future High Streets Fund bid was developed following consultation with local people and business community and seeks to enhance both the quality of the town centre experience and the variety of offer, improving access via all modes of transport. This will unlock significant social and economic benefits
North Devon Council's bid was successful, receiving £6.45m from Government through their Future High Streets Fund programme, with £4.4m match funding provided by North Devon Council
The projects ambitious plans to transform the town is focused on the ‘Markets Quarter’ and there are four strands to the project:
- The refurbishment on the Barnstaple Pannier market; including new toilets, complete redecoration, new offices, glass doors to Butchers Row etc. This work has now been completed
- The pedestrianisation of Butchers Row and Cross Street and public realm improvements to these spaces
- The acquisition of 36 and 37 Boutport Street to include the conversion of number 36 and redevelopment of number 37
- A new access from Alexandra Road and resurfacing of the Queen Street/Bear Street car park (including their amalgamation into a single car park)
36 Boutport Street is in deteriorating condition and the facade of 37 Boutport Street had been left since a fire in the 1990’s. The Council has acquired these buildings to regenerate this part of the town, provide a link from the car park to the rest of the town and improve the visual amenity of this part of Barnstaple, recognising some of the concerns you raise by the applicant
The public realm improvements to Butchers Row/Cross Street are proposed to link the town better to the river, again recognising the improved role the river can play in its regeneration. We have also successfully bid for monies to support the Bridge Trust with the refurbishment of the Bridge Chambers building, which will further enhance the river front
The old leisure centre has been demolished and a residential scheme is proposed on this site, to help further improve the town’s relationship with the river and provide housing close to the town centre
The Oliver buildings are in private ownership and they have planning permission to convert the buildings to residential accommodation. It is recognised that their condition is deteriorating and have made contact with the owners who advise that the consented scheme is not viable and we are working with them and partners to try and find a solution
With regard to the purchase of Green Lanes shopping centre. When the shopping centre came up for sale there was a real concern that a company would purchase it, spend no money on it and let a huge piece of Barnstaple town centre fall into disrepair. The Council purchased it to protect the town centre and instead enable it to be part of its regeneration. The centre has maintained its value since the Council purchased it and has very few vacancies
It is recognised that many of these projects are a ‘work in progress’ but the refurbishment of the Pannier market is now complete and the remaining projects are in delivery. There is a commitment from the Council to apply for funds where they are available to further support the town, work with our partners and encourage others with vested interests (e g property owners) to invest in Barnstaple
Request reference: FOI 9651
Issue date: 30.01.24
Request received:
1. How many refugee/asylum seeker households presented to the local authority as homeless in October, November and December 2023 providing the reason for homelessness as “Required to leave accommodation provided by Home Office as asylum support”.
Of these how many were owed:
a) Relief duty
b) Prevention duty
Response provided:
1. Zero, a) Zero b) Zero