Braunton neighbourhood plan

Information regarding the Braunton neighbourhood plan


Braunton Parish Council has prepared a neighbourhood plan for their parish. You can find details of the neighbourhood plan and its progression to being "made" (the neighbourhood planning term for adoption) by North Devon Council below.

Neighbourhood Plan Status

As a result of a ‘yes’ vote at the referendum held in the parish on 7 September the Plan now forms part of the development plan for the Braunton parish. This means the policies in the plan will be given full weight when assessing planning applications that affect land covered by the plan.

The referendum version of the Braunton Neighbourhood Plan

On the 4 October 2023 North Devon Council have decided to formally “make” the Braunton Parish Neighbourhood Plan. Therefore the plan now forms part of the Development Plan for North Devon planning authority area and the policies will be given full weight when assessing planning applications that affect land covered by the plan.

The decision statement can be read below.

Braunton Neighbourhood Plan decision statement


The Braunton Neighbourhood Plan has passed through examination and was subject to a referendum of eligible residents to decide whether it should progress to be 'made' on 7 September 2023. The result of the referendum was 90.1%  of residents who voted were in favour of adopting the Plan.

Declaration of Result - Braunton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

The following documents are published in support of the referendum on the neighbourhood plan:

Statement of General Information

Braunton Neighborhood Plan Information Statement

Braunton Parish Neighbourhood Area map

Post Examination Consideration

The examination of the Braunton Neighbourhood Plan concluded that, subject to the acceptance of the recommendations put forward by the examiner, the Neighbourhood Plan can proceed to referendum. A report was presented to a meeting of the Full Council of North District Council on 19 July 2023 to consider the recommendations of the examiner, the reasons for them, determine whether to accept them and whether therefore the neighbourhood plan can proceed to referendum. The Council accepted the recommendations of the examiner and the associated reasons, concluding that the neighbourhood plan meets all of the statutory requirements and that it can proceed to referendum. The formal Decision Statement setting out the decision on this matter can be downloaded below, along with the General Statement of Information, Braunton Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement and the Braunton Parish Neighbourhood Area map:

Braunton Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement

Independent Examination of Braunton Parish Neighbourhood Plan

Following completion of the Regulation 16 consultation North Devon District Council appointed an Independent Examiner. This appointment marked the start of the examination period.

The appointed examiner was Andrew Ashcroft of Andrew Ashcroft Planning Ltd. Mr Ashcroft is a NPIERS-registered examiner.

Details of the examination arrangements are in the document below.

Examination arrangements

Examiner's clarification note

Examiner's report

Regulation 16 Consultation

The Regulation 16 Consultation ran from 12 December 2022 to 6 February 2023 and was conducted by North Devon District Council.

The documents below confirm the Neighbourhood Plan meets the statutory requirements and detail the Regulation 16 consultation period and how representations could be made in respect of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Letter of compliance

Regulation 16 Notice

Comment Form

The responses received during the Regulation 16 consultation are detailed below.

Coal Authority response

Environment Agency response

Heanton Punchardon Parish Council response

Historic England response

Marine Management Organisation response

National Grid response

National Highways response

Natural England response

NHS Devon ICB response

South West Coast Path Association response

North Devon Council Regulation 16 Representations

Submission of Neighbourhood Plan and Consultation

Braunton Parish Council, as the relevant qualifying body, submitted the Braunton Neighbourhood Plan proposal to North Devon Council in accordance with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) on 14 November 2022.  The submission documents and comment forms are available below. (Please note that all links direct to an external website. The council cannot be held responsible for the content of external websites.)

Braunton Neighbourhood Plan

Parts 1 & 2 Introduction & Aims

Part 3 Natural Environment

Part 4 Built Environment

Part 5 Economy

Part 6 Housing

Part 7 Appendix & Glossary

Basic Condition Statement

Equalities Impact Assessment

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) & Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Report

Consultation Statement

Braunton Neighbourhood Plan Area Design Codes and Guidelines

Local Green Space Supporting Document

Additional Evidence Base

Housing Needs Assessment

Braunton Parish Local Insight Report (2021)

Housing Need Profile By Band

Devon Biodiversity Record Centre Parish Report

Devon Biodiversity Record Centre Strategic Nature Areas

Taw Torridge Coastal Change Management Area 2020 - Braunton (CCMA)

North Devon Catchment Flood Management Plan 2012

Environment Agency Taw and North Devon Streams

Further Information

For further information on their Neighbourhood Development Plan please see the Braunton Parish Council website (This links to an external website. The council cannot be held responsible for the content of external websites).