Community Councillor Grants awarded for 2024 to 2025

Details of successful applications made in 2024 to 2025

Barnstaple Central

Councillor Syed Jusef

  • Awarded £700 to Barnstaple in Bloom for Signage and Planters in Maiden Street, Barnstaple

Amount remaining £300


Barnstaple with Pilton

Councillor Mel Lovering

  • Awarded £200 to Barnstaple Pilot Gig Club towards the purchase of a new boat
  • Awarded £192 to 12th Pilton Scouts towards new camp equipment
  • Awarded £300 to Devon Antenatal Family Centre CIC towards their Bridging the Gap project
  • Awarded £100 to Carol Anne Netball Club towards their Match Dresses project
  • Awarded £100 to the Special Olympics North Devon towards the costs of entering a National Table Tennis Competition

Amount remaining £108


Councillor Jo Orange

  • Awarded £193 to 12th Pilton Scouts towards new camp equipment
  • Awarded £100 to Devon Antenatal Family Centre CIC towards their Bridging the Gap project
  • Awarded £75 to Carol Anne Netball Club towards their Match Dresses project
  • Awarded £150 to Barnstaple Ability FC towards their Barnstaple Ability Youth Kit project
  • Awarded £100 to Freedom Community Alliance towards their Freedom Centre Project
  • Awarded £100 to Focused Light CIC towards the Empowering Healing Project
  • Awarded £150 to the Laughter Group for Eco Therapy Sessions

Amount remaining £132


Councillor Ian Roome

  • Awarded £193 to 12th Pilton Scouts towards new camp equipment
  • Awarded £50 to BCre8ive Art Makers CIC towards Digital Media expenses
  • Awarded £100 to the Special Olympics North Devon towards the costs of entering a National Table Tennis Competition
  • Awarded £75 to the Benita Community Project Christmas Dinners
  • Awarded £50 to the Laughter Group for Eco Therapy Sessions
  • Awarded £100 to Surviving Abuse Northern Devon (SAND) CIC towards the Women's Peer Support Group
  • Awarded £100 to Encompass South West for the Reclaim the Night Campaign
  • Awarded £100 to Age Concern towards Venue Hire & Rent costs

Amount remaining £232


Barnstaple with Westacott

Councillor David Clayton

  • Awarded £100 to ReadEasy - North, East and West Devon towards their Teaching Adults to Read project
  • Awarded £50 to Barnstaple Ability FC towards their Barnstaple Ability Youth Kit project
  • Awarded £50 to North Devon Down Syndrome Group towards their trip to see local pantomime project
  • Awarded £150 to Families in Grief towards the maintenance of the garden used by the bereaved
  • Awarded £400 to the Special Olympics North Devon towards the costs of entering a National Table Tennis Competition
  • Awarded £200 to Age Concern towards Venue Hire & Rent costs

Amount remaining £50


Councillor Peter Leaver

  • Awarded £100 to Fringe TheatreFest towards the Outer Fringes project
  • Awarded £200 to BCre8ive Art Makers CIC towards Digital Media expenses
  • Awarded £100 to the Benita Community Project Christmas Dinners
  • Awarded £50 to the Laughter Group for Eco Therapy Sessions
  • Awarded £100 to Surviving Abuse Northern Devon (SAND) CIC towards the Women's Peer Support Group
  • Awarded £150 to Encompass South West for the Reclaim the Night Campaign
  • Awarded £100 to Age Concern towards Venue Hire & Rent costs

Amount remaining £200


Councillor Katrina Stevenson

  • Awarded £200 to ReadEasy - North, East and West Devon towards their Teaching Adults to Read project
  • Awarded £100 to Freedom Community Alliance towards their Freedom Centre Project
  • Awarded £50 to Early Nourishment CIC towards the Little Pebbles Nature Walks
  • Awarded £50 to Focused Light CIC towards the Empowering Healing Project
  • Awarded £50 to Fringe TheatreFest for The Outer Fringes
  • Awarded £100 to Families in Grief towards the maintenance of the garden used by the bereaved
  • Awarded £50 to Surviving Abuse Northern Devon (SAND) CIC towards the Women's Peer Support Group

Amount remaining £400



Councillor Joy Cann

  • Awarded £100 to Barnstaple Pilot Gig Club towards the purchase of a new boat
  • Awarded £100 to Bickington Brownies towards their Day to Day running costs
  • Awarded £100 to Barnstaple Youth Football Club towards replacement goal posts
  • Awarded £100 to BASICS Devon for Volunteer Emergency Responders

Amount remaining £600


Councillor Will Topps

  • Awarded £150 to Barnstaple Youth Football Club towards replacement goal posts
  • Awarded £50 to BASICS Devon for Volunteer Emergency Responders
  • Awarded £50 to BCre8ive Art Makers CIC towards Digital Media expenses
  • Awarded £50 to K9 Focus towards Pet Assist
  • Awarded £50 to the Laughter Group for Eco Therapy Sessions

Amount remaining £650


Councillor Helen Walker

  • Awarded £100 to Barnstaple Pilot Gig Club towards the purchase of a new boat
  • Awarded £100 to Bickington Brownies towards their Day to Day running costs
  • Awarded £100 to Families in Grief towards the maintenance of the garden used by the bereaved
  • Awarded £100 to the Benita Community Project Christmas Dinners
  • Awarded £100 to Wolf and Water Arts Company towards the Many Directions Theatre project
  • Awarded £100 to Age Concern towards Venue Hire & Rent costs

Amount remaining £400


Bishops Nympton

Councillor Robin Milton

Amount remaining £1000


Bratton Fleming

Councillor Malcolm Prowse

  • Awarded £500 to Loxhore Village Hall towards the new flooring

Amount remaining £500


Braunton East

Councillor Graham Bell

  • Awarded £200 to North Devon Environmental Trust towards their Building Upkeep project
  • Awarded £150 to Braunton Tug of War towards their PA system
  • Awarded £275 to the Braunton Volunteers towards their running costs
  • Awarded £50 to the Benita Community Project Christmas Dinners
  • Awarded £60 to K9 Focus towards Pet Assist
  • Awarded £75 to Surviving Abuse Northern Devon (SAND) CIC towards the Women's Peer Support Group
  • Awarded £90 to Encompass South West for the Reclaim the Night Campaign

Amount remaining £100


Councillor Liz Spear

  • Awarded £500 to Braunton Parish Council towards their Access gate and path to inclusive recreational equipment project
  • Awarded £50 to Braunton Tug of War towards their PA system
  • Awarded £250 to the Braunton Volunteers towards their running costs
  • Awarded £50 to BASICS Devon for Volunteer Emergency Responders

Amount remaining £150


Braunton West and Georgeham

Councillor Simon Maddocks

  • Awarded £1000 to Carol Anne Netball Club towards their Equipment and Facility Hire costs

Amount remaining £0


Councillor Pru Maskell

  • Awarded £200 to Barnstaple Pilot Gig Club towards the purchase of a new boat
  • Awarded £250 to North Devon Environmental Trust towards their Building Upkeep project
  • Awarded £250 to Wheels of Ananda CIC towards their Mindfulness and Relaxation sessions for people struggling with the impact of terminal illness
  • Awarded £250 to Braunton Parish Council towards their Access gate and path to inclusive recreational equipment project
  • Awarded £50 to Freedom Community Alliance towards their Freedom Centre Project

Amount remaining £0



Councillor Susan Whitehead

  • Awarded £144 to Chittlehamholt, Satterleigh and Warkleigh Parish Council towards the Purchase of Litter Pickers project

Amount remaining £856.00



Councillor Kevin Davies

  • Awarded £682 to Chulmleigh Town Hall towards their AV and Projector purchase
  • Awarded £200 to Chulmleigh Old Fair towards the purchase of a Laptop

Amount remaining £181


Combe Martin

Councillor Brian Lethaby

  • Awarded £450 to Combe Martin Museum towards their running costs
  • Awarded £500 to the Village Hall Community Group for repairs to the village hall windows
  • Awarded £50 to Age Concern towards Venue Hire & Rent costs

Amount remaining £0



Councillor Frank Biederman

  • Awarded £50 to Barnstaple Pilot Gig Club towards the purchase of a new boat
  • Awarded £100 to the 1st Fremington Rainbows towards their Annual Subscription fees
  • Awarded £50 to Fringe TheatreFest towards the Outer Fringes project
  • Awarded £50 to Carol Anne Netball Club towards their Match Dresses project
  • Awarded £100 to Barnstaple Ability FC towards their Barnstaple Ability Youth Kit project
  • Awarded £50 to North Devon Down Syndrome Group towards their Trip to see local pantomime project
  • Awarded £100 to Freedom Community Alliance towards their Freedom Centre Project
  • Awarded £50 to BCre8ive Art Makers CIC towards Digital Media expenses
  • Awarded £100 to Families in Grief towards the maintenance of the garden used by the bereaved
  • Awarded £50 to Surviving Abuse Northern Devon (SAND) CIC towards the Women's Peer Support Group
  • Awarded £50 to Encompass South West for the Reclaim the Night Campaign

Amount remaining £250


Councillor Neil Denton

  • Awarded £150 to the 1st Fremington Rainbows towards their Annual Subscription fees
  • Awarded £50 to Barnstaple Ability FC towards their Barnstaple Ability Youth Kit project
  • Awarded £50 to North Devon Down Syndrome Group towards their Trip to see local pantomime project
  • Awarded £85 to Families in Grief towards the maintenance of the garden used by the bereaved
  • Awarded £50 to Age Concern towards Venue Hire & Rent costs

Amount remaining £615


Heanton Punchardon

Councillor Ricky Knight

  • Awarded £100 to North Devon Environmental Trust towards their Building Upkeep project
  • Awarded £100 to Hakeford Woods CIO towards their Wellbeing in Nature at Hakeford Woods project
  • Awarded £50 to ReadEasy - North, East and West Devon towards their Teaching Adults to Read project
  • Awarded £150 to Freedom Community Alliance towards their Freedom Centre Project
  • Awarded £50 to Braunton Tug of War towards their PA system
  • Awarded £50 to the Braunton Volunteers towards their running costs
  • Awarded £75 to the Benita Community Project Christmas Dinners
  • Awarded £50 to the Laughter Group for Eco Therapy Sessions
  • Awarded £150 to Surviving Abuse Northern Devon (SAND) CIC towards the Women's Peer Support Group
  • Awarded £50 to Age Concern towards Venue Hire & Rent costs

Amount remaining £175


Ilfracombe East

Councillor Paul Crabb

  • Awarded £100 to the Ilfracombe Youth Football Club towards coats for their coaches
  • Awarded £300 to Ilfracombe in Bloom for replacement Flower Stanchions

Amount remaining £600


Councillor Daniel Turton

  • Awarded £150 to Greener Ilfracombe Ltd towards the purchase of a shed for Cow Green Community Garden
  • Awarded £100 to the 1st Ilfracombe Scout Group towards a new gazebo
  • Awarded £100 to the Ilfracombe Youth Football Club towards coats for their coaches
  • Awarded £100 to Ilfracombe in Bloom for replacement Flower Stanchions

Amount remaining £550


Councillor June Williams

  • Awarded £110 to the Friends of Ilfracombe Library for the Summer Reading Challenge Celebrations
  • Awarded £250 to Greener Ilfracombe Ltd towards the purchase of a shed for Cow Green Community Garden
  • Awarded £225 to Creative Communities CIC towards their Reuse Centre and Scrapstore
  • Awarded £89.99 to the 1st Ilfracombe Scout Group towards a new gazebo

Amount remaining £325.01


Ilfracombe West 

Councillor Jonathan Quinn

  • Awarded £110 to the Friends of Ilfracombe Library for the Summer Reading Challenge Celebrations
  • Awarded £100 to the Ilfracombe & Ifs Twinning Association towards the Twinning Visit in May
  • Awarded £100 to Greener Ilfracombe Ltd towards the purchase of a shed for Cow Green Community Garden
  • Awarded £100 to the Special Olympics North Devon towards the costs of entering a National Table Tennis Competition
  • Awarded £100 to Creative Communities CIC towards their Reuse Centre and Scrapstore
  • Awarded £100 to Age Concern towards Venue Hire & Rent costs
  • Awarded £100 to the 1st Ilfracombe Scout Group towards a new gazebo
  • Awarded £100 to the Ilfracombe Youth Football Club towards coats for their coaches
  • Awarded £100 to Ilfracombe in Bloom for replacement Flower Stanchions

Amount remaining £90


Councillor Sara Wilson

  • Awarded £110 to the Friends of Ilfracombe Library for the Summer Reading Challenge Celebrations
  • Awarded £126 to the Ilfracombe & Ifs Twinning Association towards the Twinning Visit in May
  • Awarded £100 to North Devon Down Syndrome Group towards their Trip to see local pantomime project
  • Awarded £150 to BCre8ive Art Makers CIC towards Digital Media expenses
  • Awarded £250 to Greener Ilfracombe Ltd towards the purchase of a shed for Cow Green Community Garden
  • Awarded £100 to Creative Communities CIC towards their Reuse Centre and Scrapstore
  • Awarded £50 to Age Concern towards Venue Hire & Rent costs

Amount remaining £114



Councillor Lucinda Renshaw

  • Awarded £250 to Instow Village Hall towards their Notice Board replacement project
  • Awarded £250 to Bideford Railway Heritage Centre CIC towards their Instow Signal Box and Station Area project
  • Awarded £250 to K9 Focus towards Pet Assist

Amount remaining £250



Councillor Mark Haworth-Booth

  • Awarded £120 to the 1st Landkey Brownies towards their Lifesaving Skills course
  • Awarded £250 to Friends of Swimbridge School towards their Forest School project
  • Awarded £100 to Freedom Community Alliance towards their Freedom Centre Project
  • Awarded £20 to Early Nourishment CIC towards the Little Pebbles Nature Walks
  • Awarded £200 to Swimbridge Jubilee Hall towards the Environment Sustainability project

Amount remaining £310


Councillor Glyn Lane

  • Awarded £120 to the 1st Landkey Brownies towards their Lifesaving Skills course
  • Awarded £250 to Friends of Swimbridge School towards their Forest School project
  • Awarded £126 to Swimbridge Parish Council towards the venue hire costs for Warm Spaces Coffee Club

Amount remaining £504


Lynton and Lynmouth

Councillor John Patrinos

  • Awarded £200 to Exmoor Stepping Stones CIC towards their Outside Play Area project
  • Awarded £100 to Freedom Community Alliance towards their Freedom Centre Project
  • Awarded £100 to K9 Focus towards Pet Assist
  • Awarded £400 to the Brendon Village Toilets Group for the building of a disabled access ramp

Amount remaining £200



Councillor Julie Hunt

  • Awarded £50 to Barnstaple Pilot Gig Club towards the purchase of a new boat
  • Awarded £80 to the North Devon Show towards transport costs
  • Awarded £200 to East Down Old School (Village Hall) towards the costs of shelving for their Community library
  • Awarded £100 to Fringe TheatreFest towards the Outer Fringes project
  • Awarded £100 to Barnstaple Ability FC towards their Barnstaple Ability Youth Kit project
  • Awarded £50 to North Devon Down Syndrome Group towards their Trip to see local pantomime project
  • Awarded £100 to Freedom Community Alliance towards their Freedom Centre Project
  • Awarded £50 to BASICS Devon for Volunteer Emergency Responders
  • Awarded £50 to BCre8ive Art Makers CIC towards Digital Media expenses
  • Awarded £50 to Focused Light CIC towards the Empowering Healing Project
  • Awarded £50 to K9 Focus towards Pet Assist
  • Awarded £70 to Encompass South West for the Reclaim the Night Campaign
  • Awarded £50 to Surviving Abuse Northern Devon (SAND) CIC towards the Women's Peer Support Group

Amount remaining £0



Councillor Malcolm Wilkinson

  • Awarded £250 to West Down Community Shop towards their Fireproof Container project
  • Awarded £95 to the West Down Parish Hall towards a new vacuum cleaner

Amount remaining £655



Councillor Caroline Leaver

  • Awarded £25 to Barnstaple Pilot Gig Club towards the purchase of a new boat
  • Awarded £50 to ReadEasy - North, East and West Devon towards their Teaching Adults to Read project
  • Awarded £75 to Fringe TheatreFest towards the Outer Fringes project
  • Awarded £50 to Warrior Women Project CIC towards their Find your inner Warrior project
  • Awarded £50 to Barnstaple Ability FC towards their Barnstaple Ability Youth Kit project
  • Awarded £50 to North Devon Down Syndrome Group towards their Trip to see local pantomime project
  • Awarded £75 to Freedom Community Alliance towards their Freedom Centre Project
  • Awarded £100 to BCre8ive Art Makers CIC towards Digital Media expenses
  • Awarded £50 to Families in Grief towards the maintenance of the garden used by the bereaved
  • Awarded £50 to the Special Olympics North Devon towards the costs of entering a National Table Tennis Competition
  • Awarded £50 to K9 Focus towards Pet Assist
  • Awarded £150 to Encompass South West for the Reclaim the Night Campaign
  • Awarded £150 to Age Concern towards Venue Hire & Rent costs

Amount remaining £75


Councillor Louisa York

  • Awarded £25 to the North Devon Show towards transport costs
  • Awarded £50 to Wheels of Ananda CIC towards their Mindfulness and Relaxation sessions for people struggling with the impact of terminal illness
  • Awarded £50 to Hakeford Woods CIO towards their Wellbeing in Nature at Hakeford Woods project
  • Awarded £50 to Warrior Women Project CIC towards their Find your inner Warrior project
  • Awarded £50 to Devon Antenatal Family Centre CIC towards their Bridging the Gap project
  • Awarded £50 to Barnstaple Ability FC towards their Barnstaple Ability Youth Kit project
  • Awarded £50 to North Devon Down Syndrome Group towards their Trip to see local pantomime project
  • Awarded £50 to Focused Light CIC towards the Empowering Healing Project
  • Awarded £100 to Freedom Community Alliance for the Freedom Centre 
  • Awarded £100 to Families in Grief towards the maintenance of the garden used by the bereaved
  • Awarded £75 to the Special Olympics North Devon towards the costs of entering a National Table Tennis Competition
  • Awarded £50 to the Benita Community Project Christmas Dinners
  • Awarded £50 to Wolf and Water Arts Company towards the Many Directions Theatre project
  • Awarded £50 to the Laughter Group for Eco Therapy Sessions
  • Awarded £50 to Encompass South West for the Reclaim the Night Campaign
  • Awarded £50 to Age Concern towards Venue Hire & Rent costs

Amount remaining £100


North Molton

Councillor Liz Bulled

  • Awarded £50 to the North Devon Show towards transport costs
  • Awarded £200 to North Molton Friday Club towards their Friday Club's Annual Outing to Crealy Adventure Park project

Amount remaining £750



Councillor David Knight

  • Awarded £50 to Focused Light CIC towards the Empowering Healing Project

Amount remaining £950


Councillor Christopher Norman

  • Awarded £50 to Barnstaple Pilot Gig Club towards the purchase of a new boat
  • Awarded £50 to the North Devon Show towards transport costs
  • Awarded £50 to ReadEasy - North, East and West Devon towards their Teaching Adults to Read project
  • Awarded £50 to North Devon Down Syndrome Group towards their Trip to see local pantomime project
  • Awarded £250 to Freedom Community Alliance towards their Freedom Centre Project
  • Awarded £70 to BCre8ive Art Makers CIC towards Digital Media expenses
  • Awarded £75 to Focused Light CIC towards the Empowering Healing Project
  • Awarded £50 to Families in Grief towards the maintenance of the garden used by the bereaved
  • Awarded £100 to the Special Olympics North Devon towards the costs of entering a National Table Tennis Competition
  • Awarded £50 to Encompass South West for the Reclaim the Night Campaign
  • Awarded £100 to Age Concern towards Venue Hire & Rent costs

Amount remaining £105


South Molton

Councillor Peter Bishop

  • Awarded £132 to Libraries Unlimited towards the Sensory Play Sessions at South Molton Library (part of a wider project to become a Neuro-divergent Friendly Library) project
  • Awarded £300 to Skate Molton CIC towards their Skate Molton HQ Cafe project
  • Awarded £43.22 to the 1st Landkey Brownies towards their Lifesaving Skills course
  • Awarded £200 to the SMART Action Project CIC towards their Swimming lessons in South Molton project
  • Awarded £100 to South Molton Rugby Football Club towards assistance with Operation Expenses
  • Awarded £100 to South Molton Community Garden Project towards their Community Garden Repairs project
  • Awarded £50 to Age Concern towards Venue Hire & Rent costs

Amount remaining £74.78


Councillor Matthew Bushell

  • Awarded £133 to Libraries Unlimited towards the Sensory Play Sessions at South Molton Library (part of a wider project to become a Neuro-divergent Friendly Library) project
  • Awarded £300 to Skate Molton CIC towards their Skate Molton HQ Cafe project
  • Awarded £43.22 to the 1st Landkey Brownies towards their Lifesaving Skills course
  • Awarded £200 to the SMART Action Project CIC towards their Swimming lessons in South Molton project
  • Awarded £200 to South Molton Rugby Football Club towards assistance with Operation Expenses
  • Awarded £123.78 to South Molton Community Garden Project towards their Community Garden Repairs project

Amount remaining £0


Councillor David Worden

  • Awarded £133 to Libraries Unlimited towards the Sensory Play Sessions at South Molton Library (part of a wider project to become a Neuro-divergent Friendly Library) project
  • Awarded £300 to Skate Molton CIC towards their Skate Molton HQ Cafe project
  • Awarded £200 to the SMART Action Project CIC towards their Swimming lessons in South Molton project
  • Awarded £150 to South Molton Rugby Football Club towards assistance with Operation Expenses
  • Awarded £100 to South Molton Community Garden Project towards their Community Garden Repairs project
  • Awarded £50 to Freedom Community Alliance towards their Freedom Centre Project
  • Awarded £67 to Libraries Unlimited for the South Molton Work Club

Amount remaining £0



Councillor Peter Jones

  • Awarded £200 to the Witheridge St Johns Fair towards the cost of hiring a marquee 
  • Awarded £200 to Meshaw Together and St John the Baptist Church Community Hub towards the purchase of a larder fridge for the community hub 

Amount remaining £600