North Devon is primarily a rural area with three major market towns; Barnstaple, Ilfracombe and South Molton. We have two main sites in Barnstaple – Lynton House and Brynsworthy Environment Centre – and one-stop shops in Ilfracombe and South Molton.
We employ about 400 people in a wide range of jobs in eight service areas:
Chief Executives
Environmental Enhancement
(includes Waste and Recycling and Operational Services, Parks, Leisure, Green Spaces, Sustainability, Trees, Carbon Reduction and Cemeteries)
Planning, Housing and Health
(includes Public Protection, Licensing, Housing, Food Safety, Emergency Planning, Environmental Protection, Community Safety, Development Management, Building Control and the Crematorium
Customer Focus
(includes Revenues and Benefits, ICT, Customer Services, Communications, Design and Print)
Place and Regeneration
(includes Economic Development, Town Centre Management, CCTV, Pannier Market, Planning Policy, Culture, Assets, Car Parks, Estates, Surveyors, Engineers, Listed Buildings and Harbour
(includes Accountancy, Audit, Exchequer, Legal, Elections, Land Charges, Democratic Services and Procurement)
Organisational Development
(includes Human Resources, Learning and Development and Internal Health and Safety)
Programme Management and Performance
(includes Programme Officers, Data Analysist and Performance)
All eligible employees join our CARE (career average revalued earnings) pension scheme. Or you can get on your bike with the help of our Cyclescheme! Many employees are able to work flexible working hours.