Request reference: 8508
Issue date: 04.07.23
Request received:
1. How many people have been permanently resettled under the Afghan Citizen Resettlement Scheme as of Friday 13 May 2022 in your council area? Please indicate how many were over and under 18 at the time of arrival if known 2a. How many people have relocated to your council area under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme as of Friday 13th May 2022? 2b. How much additional funding has your council received from central government to support people on the Homes for Ukraine Scheme as of Friday 13th May 2022? 3. How many people have relocated to your council area under Ukraine Family Visa Scheme as of Friday 13th May 2022?
Response provided:
1. Zero 2. a) 131 b) £781,200 3. Unknown as they do not have to register with the Local Authority
Request reference: 9071
Issue date: 11 and 17.07.23
Request received:
Detail on the council's engagement with Grade II listed Oliver Buildings at the Former Shapland and Petter Factory Oliver Buildings at the Former Shapland and Petter Factory is a Grade II listed building that appears to have been left derelict for several years. Building work is commencing around the building. This request is for: 1. All communication sent to the owner of the property made to date 2. All communication received from the owner of the property made to date 3. Clarity on any preservation order sought by the council (or why these haven't been sought) 4. All plans for the site that have been approved or denied since the most recent property transfer of ownership
Response provided:
Applicant provided with some information that falls under 1 and 2 from planning files 66122 and 66138 (available upon request) with some personal data redacted and also some information withheld in their entirety as it is considered to be commercially sensitive 3. The buildings were listed grade II in August 2015. The listed status was challenged by the owner in 2016 and confirmed by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport in July of that year. A copy of the letter confirming that decision was included within the information disclosed under 1 and 2 to the applicant and is available upon request 4. A recent pre-application enquiry was identified and considered to be a live/ongoing enquiry and so details of this were withheld as a disclosure would adversely affect the confidentiality of the proceedings where such confidentiality is provided by law
Regulations 12(5)(d), (e) and 13
Request reference: 9101
Issue date: 03.07.23
Request received:
Planning Enforcement Case 12978: 1. Copies of all internal correspondence and file notes involving the Development Management Section, Planning Enforcement, and Legal Services, from the date of the requester's complaint in June 2021 up to the present day, concerning the matter then raised 2. Copies of all correspondence sent to the developers/landowners and their agents and solicitors, and of all their replies, on this matter 3. Copies of any correspondence including file notes that Legal Services may have had on this matter, with Counsel acting for the Council at the Public Inquiry into the developers' appeal on the Power Station site 4. Who was aware of the requester's interest in this site?
Response provided:
In accordance with Regulation 3(2), the Council confirms that it does hold some information that falls under the remit of parts 1 and 3 of the request within Planning Enforcement file 12978 and Legal file 004973. This information was provided via WeTransfer and is available upon request Some of the information that falls within the remit of the request under 1 and 3 is withheld in accordance with Regulation 12(5)(b) - adverse affect to the Court of Justice For the purpose of paragraph 1(a), a public authority may refuse to disclose information to the extent that its disclosure would adversely affect the course of justice and in this case, material covered by legal professional privilege (LLP). The Council considers that the disclosure of the withheld information would undermine the important common law principle of LLP and would in turn undermine the Legal teams ability to be able to provide full and frank legal advice upon request away from public scrutiny Public Interest Test Factors that favour disclosure The Council understands that there is always an inherent public interest in openness and transparency, particularly in Environmental matters where there is presumption of disclosure. Furthermore, a disclosure of the information would provide you with the full picture as to how the Council came to its decision concerning the requester's complaint Factors that favour withholding The Council considers that a disclosure of the information that is considered to be legal advice and the subsequent email discussions between officers would reveal information that is considered to be legally privileged between the Council's Legal team and officers involved at that time within Planning and Planning Enforcement A disclosure under EIR is not just to a requester but also to the world at large and so by doing so would effectively be placing this information in the public domain and could therefore be obtained in the future by any relevant parties that may have an interest in the site in question and that may wish to use the information in order to undermine any future enforcement action and therefore prejudice the Council's ability to carry out its statutory functions in terms of planning enforcement investigation A disclosure of this kind would in the Council's view undermine the general principle of legal professional privilege. Officers of the Council require a protected and safe space in which they are able to seek internal legal advice from the Council's legal team about their actions or proposed actions and professional legal advisors should be afforded the confidence that they can enter into full and frank discussions with their clients without the risk of that information being made public knowledge. In this instance, the Council considers that the balance favours withholding this information In accordance with Regulation 12(4)(a) the Council has not identified any information that falls under the scope of parts 2 and 4 of the request and so for the purposes of the Regulations, it does not consider it to be information that is held by the Authority. All exceptions in Regulations 12(4) are subject to a public interest test, however it is noted in guidance produced by the ICO that it is accepted that if a public authority is refusing a request because it does not hold any information then it will not be able to carry out any meaningful public interest test, and therefore the Council is not expected to include consideration of the public interest test in this instance
Regulations 12(4)(a) and 12(5)(b)
Request reference: 9106
Issue date: 05.07.23
Request received:
1. How many affordable housing units have been provided as a result of planning agreements related to residential-led developments that were signed in financial years (a) 2020/21 (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23? 2. What percentage of overall housing units in this local authority have been provided by as a result of these planning agreements? 3. How many of the affordable housing units provided as a result of planning agreements related to residential-led developments in 2022/23 were for (a) social rent, (b) affordable rent, (c) shared equity/shared ownership, (d) discounted market housing (including starter homes) and (e) other affordable housing tenure 4. How much was received by the authority in S106 payments in financial years (a) 2020/21 (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23? 5. How much money received via S106 agreements is held, unspent, by the local planning authority? How much of this figure is specifically earmarked for (a) affordable housing provision, (b) highways improvements (c) education contributions, (d) social infrastructure, (e) healthcare services and (f) other?
Response provided:
Information provided Excel format, which is available upon request
Request reference: 9116
Issue date: 18.07.23
Request received:
A list of Stage 1 statutory complaints made in the last 12 months to the council such as reports of antisocial behaviour and noise complaints. The last 12 months being from May 2022 to May 2023 These only need to be in the residential sector - looking at residents of both private and social housing - about domestic neighbours
Response provided:
Applicant provided with an Excel spreadsheet (available upon request) listing all of the applicable complaints (no personal data) and the following: In summary, in the period 1 May 2022 - 31 May 2023 the Council received 147 complaints regarding noise or ASB at domestic properties Broken down by type: Dog Barking = 114 General Domestic Noise = 7 Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Harassment - 6 General Neighbour Noise = 5 Construction = 5 Alarms = 2 Music = 2 ASB Boundary/Fencing issues = 2 Parties = 1 Domestic Animals (not dogs) = 1 ASB Abuse of vulnerable persons = 1 Car Alarms = 1 Applicant advised that within the outcome column of the spreadsheet, where a field is blank, the complaint is still ongoing/an active matter that is yet to be resolved
Request reference: 9125
Issue date: 05.07.23
Request received:
1. In the last financial year 2022/23 how many incidents did your authority record where refuse collectors were physically assaulted by members of the public while carrying out council duties? Please give a brief description of the circumstances of the incident 2. In the last financial year 2022/23 how many incidents di your authority record where refuse collectors reported that they had been bitten by a rodent of any sort of description? Please give a brief description of the circumstances of the incident
Response provided:
1. One recorded incident where a driver of a passing car got out and pushed a loader into a wall 2. No incidents recorded
Request reference: 9127
Issue date: 07.07.23
Request received:
A copy of all documents and correspondence relating to Planning ref 74762
Response provided:
A copy of all documents and correspondence relating to Planning ref 74762
Regulation 13
Request reference: 9131
Issue date: 12.07.23
Request received:
Proof of vaccinations for cats and dogs for every inspection carried out over the course of the period of the 1st of July 2022 to the 1st February 2023. This was further clarified to the Council as being in relation to animal exhibition licences that were issued in the course of the above dates
Response provided:
Of the five premises currently licensed to keep/train animals for exhibition, only one keeps dogs and none keep cats. The vaccination records for the dogs at the licensed premises, were shown to the licensing officer during the inspection as part of the application process but no copies of these records were made/retained by the licensing officer and therefore the Council does not consider the information to be held for the purposes of the Act
Request reference: 9133
Issue date: 11.07.23
Request received:
For each of the last three financial years, broken down by department: i) Total spend on staffing ii) Total spend on agency staff iii) Initial budget for spend on agency staff iv) Annual percentage turnover rate v) Annual percentage sickness absence rate
Response provided:
Applicant provided the response to i), ii) and iii) in Excel format (which is available upon request) iv) 2020/21 = 7.8% 2021/22 = 12.8% 2022/23 = 12.66% v) Applicant directed to the Council's datasets published on its website: Employee Sickness which provides the raw data to work out the days lost per employee The data for 2019/20 is not held due to a change in HR system
Sections 16 and 21 of Act
Request reference: 9142
Issue date: 06.07.23
Request received:
Food Hygiene Concerns Reference number WK/202300595: wanted to access inspection information to the following: Cakes and Snacks Sari Sari Store This is in line with concerns raise for food hygiene including, hygiene check or inspection to any individuals working or related to the business above. Also, the selling, distribution and display of food/items to the public that do not have relevant papers such as dried fish, 21 day year old duck egg etc and no expiry date products
Response provided:
Information provided to applicant with some personal data redacted throughout where applicable, further details available upon request
Section 40 of Act
Request reference: 9145
Issue date: 11.07.23
Request received:
1. How many permanent/FTC hires did you make in the calendar year 2022? 2. How do you manage permanent recruitment? e g internal team, outsourced etc 3. If outsourced, what service do they provide and who is your service provider, when does the contract end? 4. How much did you spend in a year on permanent recruitment to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?? Please include any advertising costs and fees paid to agencies 5. How many agency hires in a year did you make in 2022? 6. How do you manage the recruitment of Agency staff? e g a neutral vend provider, recruitment agencies direct, managed service? Where do you advertise permanent/FTC and temporary roles currently? 7. If the answer to question 6 involves a third party, when does this contract expire? When will you decide on the future method and procurement? Who is the third party? 8. On average how many temporary staff did you have engaged on a monthly basis (as an average) for 2022? 9. How much did you spend in a year on Agency temporary recruitment to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?
Response provided:
1. 51 New starters (43 Full Time, Eight Part Time) 2. Internal 3. N/A 4. Just over £19K 5. As follows: Month Year FTE at 37hrs Jan-2022 25.12 Feb-2022 29.21 Mar-2022 32.99 Apr-2022 29.80 May-2022 32.41 Jun-2022 29.53 Jul-2022 32.06 Aug-2022 32.81 Sep-2022 31.95 Oct-2022 33.23 Nov-2022 35.99 Dec-2022 33.03 Total 31.45 6. Neutral vendor Job Centre, Indeed, LinkedIn, Facebook, TotalJobs (although TotalJobs only just started this financial year). During 22/23 have also advertised on specific jobs boards for difficult to recruit roles, including The Planner, South West Times, Public Sector Today, AEA, Environment Jobs Board 7. Contract with Comensura 8. 130 bookings across all agencies 9. Applicant referred to the Council spend on agency staffing dataset on the Council website
Request reference: 9146
Issue date: 05.07.23
Request received:
For the purposes of this FOI, the applicant defines 'third parties' as a person who is not council staff, including service-users, members of the public or contractors' staff Sexual harassment is defined in law in the Equality Act 2010 as 'unwanted conduct (related to a person's sex) which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual's dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual'. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, sexual assault, requests for sexual encounters and favours, sharing sexual images If the Council categorises incidents of sexual harassment in other ways, including sexual misconduct, sexual assault or rape, please include these cases too for the questions below All questions require information regarding the last five financial years: 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/2022, 2022/23 1. Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual harassment allegedly perpetrated by council staff against colleagues has the council recorded? Please share a breakdown by gender for both claimant and alleged perpetrator 2. Please share the nature of the allegations. For example, indecent exposure, sexual assault, sexual jokes 3. Of the above cases in Q1, how many staff have been formally disciplined for sexual harassment 4. Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual harassment allegedly perpetrated by council employees against third parties has the council recorded? Please share a breakdown by gender 5. Please share the nature of the allegations. For example, indecent exposure, sexual assault, sexual jokes 6. Of the above cases in Q4, how many staff have been formally disciplined for sexual harassment against third parties? 7. a) Over the past five years, how many staff have been suspended over allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual misconduct? 7. b) Please provide a total figure of how much the Council has spent on wages during their (the staff referred to in Q7. a)) suspension 8. Please share the number and cost of claims closed/settled with damages paid in the last five years in relation to sexual harassment. Please include the following information in the table: Number of claims Damages paid Defence costs paid Claimant Costs Paid Total Paid Breakdown by year (year of closure or settlement year) Breakdown by claimant type (staff or third party) 9. The applicant defines non-disclosure agreements as a contract through which the parties agree not to disclose information covered by the agreement. Over the past five years, has the council issued a non-disclosure agreement to resolve a sexual harassment case? If so, how many non-disclosure agreements were to resolve sexual harassment cases?
Response provided:
None N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A A) 0 B) N/A 0/£0 0/N/A
Request reference: 9148
Issue date: 20.07.23
Request received:
1. How many appeals against decisions relating to residential-led planning applications were lodged in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23 and how many residential units were involved in these appeals? 2. How much was spent by the authority on legal advice and action relating to planning appeals in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23 3. How many planning applications were granted permission after appeal in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23 4. How many new residential units were granted permission following an appeal in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23 5. How much was spent by the authority on legal advice and action relating to planning appeals that were then granted permission in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23
Response provided:
1. As follows: Residential-led Appeals Lodged Number of Units 2020/21 14 27 2021/22 10 334 2022/23 21 33 2. This information is not recorded, therefore it is not held by the Council 3. As follows: Planning Appeals Allowed 2020/21 12 2021/22 8 2022/23 3 4. As follows: Number of New Units 2020/21 7 2021/22 66 2022/23 251 5. This information is not recorded, therefore it is not held by the Council
Request reference: 9149
Issue date: 13.07.23
Request received:
A list of the third party software that you use for processing and assessing planning applications, including The names of providers (e g Idox, Def) How much is paid annually Length of the contract When the contract is due to finish
Response provided:
The Council provided the applicant with the link to its current contract for purchase and maintenance of Planning System Software with DEF Software Ltd which provides all the information as set out in the request In accordance with Section 21(1) of the Act, the Council is not obliged to provide information that is already in the public domain. However, it does have a duty under Section 16(1) to provide all applicants advice and assistance in order to assist with locating the information, which the Council has done so in providing the link to the published contract above
Sections 16 and 21 of Act
Request reference: 9151
Issue date: 06.07.23
Request received:
Information on the authority's procurement policies and thresholds as relevant to software licencing? In particular: 1. Below what value threshold software licences can be purchased without requiring a competitive tendering process (in £, specifying whether this includes or excludes VAT), and whether this limit applies annually, per individual transaction etc 2. Up to what value threshold (in £, specifying whether this includes or excludes VAT), single tender actions/direct awards can be considered 3. What the policy or process is for deciding whether to use a single tender action/direct award 4. Whether there is any requirement for software providers to the authority to be members of any procurement frameworks e g GCloud 5. If these questions can be most easily answered by sharing the authority's overall procurement policy, please feel free to do so
Response provided:
1. All contracts that are valued in total (including cumulatively and inc VAT) from £5,000 have to be procured and published on our Contracts Register, either via our own procurement portal ( or a relevant framework. In line with the Council's Constitution and the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 2. All contracts that are valued in total (including cumulatively and inc VAT) from £75,000 must be procured through a tendering process which are all published and advertised through the procurement portal ( or through a relevant framework. Direct awards are awarded via frameworks that allow for this depend on the framework's threshold 3. Public Contracts Regulations 2015, the Council's Constitution and our procurement officers reviewing each requisition on a case-by-case basis to decide the best route to market 4. It is not a requirement for software providers to be members of any procurement frameworks. However, we do encourage the use of frameworks, therefore, it would be preferable for software providers to be members of frameworks such as CCS, ESPO, and KCS 5. Applicant referred to the following: Public Contracts Regulations North Devon Council Constitution -Part 4 Contract Procedure Rules
Request reference: 9152
Issue date: 19.07.23
Request received:
All planning decision notices, documents, reports, plans, letters and emails relating to land at Putsborough. The postcode is EX33 1LD
Response provided:
Information provided to applicant, with some personal data redacted throughout
Regulation 13
Request reference: 9153
Issue date: 11.07.23
Request received:
ICT Devices and Future Procurement Plans
Response provided:
Information provided in Excel format, which is available upon request
Request reference: 9157
Issue date: 04.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9RB
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9158
Issue date: 04.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9PN
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9159
Issue date: 04.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX36 4BT
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9160
Issue date: 07.07.23
Request received:
Applicant requested to know who was responsible for paying the business rates for the property: Grosvenor Hotel, Wilder Road, Ilfracombe, EX34 9AF between the time frame of 09/01/2016 to 06/04/2017?
Response provided:
The Council confirmed that Devon Bay Hotel Ltd were responsible for paying the Business Rates for the said property for the period 09/01/2016 to 06/04/2017
Request reference: 9161
Issue date: 04.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 4HG
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9162
Issue date: 11.07.23
Request received:
North Devon District Council's current BACS software incumbent product and the renewal date of the contract. This is to identify tender opportunities
Response provided:
The Council confirmed that it currently uses NatWest Autopay BACS software. This is linked to the Council's banking contract which is next due for review in March 2025
Request reference: 9163
Issue date: 07.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 8DX
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9164
Issue date: 19.07.23
Request received:
1. How many licensed taxis and private hire vehicles are there within your council district? 2. How many ad-hoc spot checks by licensing officers have been carried out on licensed vehicles in the past 12 months? (Not to include MOT checks, just roadside/spot checks) 3. Out of the checked licensed vehicles, how many failed at the roadside? 4. Are there any current requirements for drivers to do regular vehicle checks (daily/weekly) and store data for inspection?
Response provided:
1. 192 Hackney vehicles, 48 Private Hire Vehicles 2. Two, 25 November 2022 and 15 December 2022 3. One 4. Yes this is included within the Council's current policy
Request reference: 9168
Issue date: 07.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9ED
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9169
Issue date: 03.07.23
Request received:
Section A 1. How many allotment sites are there in your area and what are the total number of plots? 2. How many of those allotment sites do you have access to waiting list data for and what is the total number of plots on these sites? 3. What is the total number of people on waiting lists for the sites you have data for? 4. Are any of these waiting lists closed to further applications? And if so, how long have they been closed and what was the total number of people on the list at the point of closure 5. When applying for an allotment what information is required (i e name, email, address etc) and how are applicants selected? Section B 1. What is the total number of new tenancies signed for each full year (January to January) since 2012 2. In addition, for each of the 10 individuals most recently awarded a plot (at the time of this request), please state the date at which there was first contact with the council (i e submitting an application) and the date at which they received their plot Section C 1. In the last ten full years (since 2012 - January to January) if possible, have any groups of residents made a representation in writing under Section 23(2) of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908 concerning the duty of Councils to provide allotments? - If so, how many requests have you received? - and how many have been successful?
Response provided:
Section A 1. Information not recorded 2. One site, seven plots 3. Two 4. No 5. Name, address, contact number, age, occupation, how long have you been a resident, allotment held before or previous experience, already an allotment holder? Section B 1. Information not recorded 2. Information not recorded Section C Information not recorded
Request reference: 9170
Issue date: 07.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX33 9FF
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9172
Issue date:
Request received:
1. The number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued in 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023, and 2023 to date, split by car park (and month if time allows) 2. The total monetary amount in PCNs issued in 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023, and 2023 to date, split by car park (and month if time allows) 3. How many cars were towed at car parks in 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023, and 2023 to date, split by car park (and month if time allows) 4. How many PCNs were issued to drivers parking illegally in disabled parking spaces at car parks in 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023, and 2023 to date, split by car park
Response provided:
1. Applicant directed to the Council's website for this information where it is published in dataset format: PCNs issued by Location 2. Applicant advised that the Parking team would need to carry out a manual search on all issued PCN's covering the requested years which total 18,294 and each PCN would require a minimum of 5 fives for the information to be gathered and collated; therefore this part of the request would take in excess of 1,524 hours to respond and would far exceed the 18 hour cost limit under Section 12 of the Act The Council does however publish the annual totals of revenue received through fines and charges (separately) 3. The Parking team do not have any powers to tow vehicles from its car parks. If a car were to be abandoned it would then be referred onto EH to be dealt with as they would hold the powers to have a vehicle removed/towed 4. A PCN would be issued if a vehicle would found in a parked in a disabled bay without either displaying a blue badge/paying the appropriate charge or both, however this is not considered to be illegal under the civil law which the Parking team follows Blue Badges are only legally binding when parking on-street, not within car parks. This authority permits blue badge holders to park in disabled parking bays to benefit from wider bays/ease of access, however they must display their blue badge and are still required to pay for their parking
Sections 12 and 21 of Act
Request reference: 9173
Issue date: 17.07.23
Request received:
Copies of all documents relating to the pre-planning application and the Planning Department's response for Planning Application 76885 Land between East Street and Poltimore Road, South Molton
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information held regarding the pre-application enquiry following the receipt of consent to disclose by the Agent acting on behalf of the applicant for the application With regard to the decision notice for 76885 within the request for the Planning Departments response, Planning advise that it is still under consideration, however once a decision has been made and it has been issued it will then be made available on the planning tracker
Request reference: 9174
Issue date: 14.07.23
Request received:
How many planning applications to create a paved parking area or driveway at an existing residential property were received in the last four years and how many of those applications were given permission
Response provided:
The Planning department have a carried out a search and have identified the following applicable applications which can be viewed in more details on the Planning Tracker using the respective reference numbers: 76768 27/02/23 approved 76937 30/03/23 approved 76001 (extension to driveway) 27/09/22 approved 75591 07/07/2022 approved 75323 (widening of driveway) 13/05/2022 approved 74502 08/12/2022 approved 74094 (alterations to driveway) 21/09/21 approved 73780 (extend driveway) 19/07/21 approved 73432 (retrospective application to widen existing driveway) 10/05/2021 approved 72834 29/01/2021 approved 72105 07/09/2020 approved 72089 03/09/2020 (extend driveway) approved 71507 06/05/2020 approved 71425 14/04/2020 approved 70975 (widening of driveway 06/01/2020 approved 76367 (widening parking area) 09/12/2022 approved 74121 (extension to parking area) 24/09/2021 approved 74001 02/09/2021 approved 73464 14/05/2021 approved 73297 19/04/2021 approved 72489 20/11/2020 approved 71220 (retrospective application for log cabin with off street parking) 25/02/2020 approved 71341 20/03/2020 approved 71557 20/05/2020 approved 72068 28/08/2020 approved 72075 01/09/2020 approved 72303 15/10/2020 approved 72547 30/11/2020 approved 72768 14/01/2021 approved 73004 04/03/2021 approved 73399 04/05/2021 approved 73547 (retrospective) 02/06/2021 approved 74479 02/12/2021 approved 74480 03/12/2021 approved 76123 20/10/2022 approved 76381 14/12/2022 approved 76631 03/02/2023 approved
Request reference: 9175
Issue date: 10.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX32 0UZ
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9176
Issue date: 10.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 4SU
Response provided:
Applicant advised that no information is held
Request reference: 9177
Issue date: 10.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX36 3UH
Response provided:
Applicant advised that no information is held
Request reference: 9179
Issue date: 18.07.23
Request received:
1. The total number of EV charging stations installed each year, from 2015-2022 2. The current number of installed EV charging stations in your authority area 3. The proposed number of EV charging stations to be installed in 2023 4. The average cost of installing an EV charging station 5. The total number of planning applications for private EV charging stations that have been approved for each year, from 2015-2022 6. The total number of planning applications that are in progress (to date) for private EV charging stations
Response provided:
1. None from 2015 to 2021 2022 = 15 installed 2. EV's on Authority owned land = 18 charge points in total (Scottish Power six charge points, Osprey x 12) The Council does not maintain records/lists of all charging points within North Devon, however it does provide a link on its website to an external site where the public can search for them within North Devon and beyond: Electric Vehicle Charging Points 3. Three live in early 2023. Six planned with ducting for a further four, project delays mean these may not be completed until early 2024 4. We have received funding/these have been installed at cost to the supplier. Current costs are £2,826.55 for 18 charge points (most were fully funded). The average would equate to £157 per charge point 5. 2015 = Zero 2016 = Zero 2017 = One (63857/63858 Full and Listed application received 28/09/2017 -Approved) 2018 = Zero 2019 = Zero 2020 = One (71557 Full application received 20/05/2020 -Approved) 2021 = One (73464/73465 Full and Listed application received 14/05/2021 -Approved) 2022 = One (75889/75890 Full and Listed application received 06/09/2022 -Approved) You can search our Planning Tracker for further details by entering their application numbers as provided above 6. Zero
Request reference: 9180
Issue date: 14.07.23
Request received:
1. The number and total value of local authority assets that have been sold in each of the last 13 calendar years, not including community asset transfers 2. The number of local authority assets that have been transferred to community assets in each of the last 13 calendar years 3. And the number of council assets that are currently for sale, or which you anticipate will be sold within the next five calendar years
Response provided:
Information partially held, which was provided to the applicant in table format, which is available upon request
Request reference: 9183
Issue date: 14.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX33 2ED
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9184
Issue date: 14.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX37 9BW
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9186
Issue date: 14.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX33 2EL
Response provided:
Applicant advised that no information is held
Request reference: 9187
Issue date: 04.07.23
Request received:
Please include the following information, broken down by the 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years: 1. The number of expense claims submitted, per year, for home internet costs 2. The number of expense claims approved, per year, for home internet costs 3. The total cost to the council of expenses for home internet costs 4. The highest expense claim for internet costs approved, per year
Response provided:
Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2019/20 0 0 0 0 2020/21 0 0 0 0 2021/22 £0 £0 £0 £0 2021/22 £0 £0 £0 £0
Request reference: 9188
Issue date: 14.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX32 7LD
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9189
Issue date: 03.07.23
Request received:
1. How many people were turned away at polling stations in your local authority due to not bringing valid ID during the May 2023 local elections 2. How many of those subsequently returned with valid ID (if this information is available) 3. The number of successfully submitted votes in the May 2023 election 4. The total number of people registered to vote at the time of that election
Response provided:
The total number of polling station electors who applied for, but at least initially were not issued with, a ballot paper (VIDEF 4a plus 5a) = 66 The total number of polling station electors who were not issued with a ballot paper and who later returned with accepted ID and were issued with a ballot paper (VIDEF 4d plus 5e) = 40 The number of polling station electors who applied for but were not issued with a ballot paper BY CLOSE OF POLL = 26 The total number of electors who were eligible to vote in person at the polling stations = 65029 The total number of voters issued with a ballot paper at polling stations = 17247 The percentage of electors eligible to vote in person at the polling stations who voted = 26.5% Percentage attended the polling station and were able to vote on 4 May = 99.8% Percentage who applied for but were refused a ballot paper by the close of poll = 0.2% The percentage of electors who applied for, but were initially refused, a ballot paper = 0.4% Of the electors initially refused a ballot paper, the percentage who later returned with accepted ID and were issued with a ballot paper = 60.6%
Request reference: 9190
Issue date: 03.07.23
Request received:
Council Housing Stock/new build social Housing
Response provided:
Applicant directed to North Devon Homes Ltd as the Council's former social housing stock was transferred to them in February 2000
Request reference: 9191
Issue date: 03.07.23
Request received:
The Council's 2023/24 fees and charges data in an Excel or CSV format
Response provided:
Information provided to applicant (which is available upon request
Request reference: 9192
Issue date: 21.07.23
Request received:
1. Does your organisation use any applications or software to record Record of Processing Activity (ROPA)? If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known) 2. Does your organisation use any applications or software to support preparation for, or maintenance of ISO 27001 and/or ISO 27701 compliance? If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known) 3. Does your organisation use any applications or software associated with data breach management? 4. Does your organisation use any applications or software associated with Freedom of Information management? If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known) 5. Does your organisation use any applications or software for Policy Management? If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known) 6. Does your organisation use any eLearning for Data Protection and Security Awareness? If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known) 7. Has your organisation reviewed/ explored the market regarding the provision of technology which supports the delivery of Information Governance functions? If yes, please specify what actions have been taken? If no - does your organisation have any plans to review/explore this market in the next 3 years? 8. Has your organisation allocated budget/financial resources regarding the commissioning/ procurement of technology which supports the delivery of Information Governance functions? If yes, please specify what actions have been taken? If no, does your organisation have any plans to allocate budget/financial resources in the next 3 years? 9. Has your organisation developed a business case (outline or otherwise) regarding the commissioning / procurement of technology which supports the delivery of Information Governance functions? If yes, please specify what actions have been taken. If no, does your organisation have any plans to develop a business case in the next 3 years? 10. Will there be any opportunities to engage with your organisation regarding the commissioning/ procurement of technology which supports the delivery of Information Governance function in the next three years?
Response provided:
1. No 2. No. The Council is not seeking to comply with ISO 27001 itself, however it does run due diligence to ensure that appropriate standards such a ISO 27001 is complied with by its suppliers for cloud based computing software 3. No 4. No 5. No 6. No 7. No, no current plans 8. No, no current plans 9. No, no current plans 10. No, no current plans
Request reference: 9193
Issue date: 19.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX36 4PS
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9194
Issue date: 04.07.23
Request received:
1. Does your council currently offer a food waste collection service to its residents? a. What percentage of households in your council are provided with this food waste collection service? b. What type of food waste collection do you provide? (e g where do you collect the food waste from and how often) c. How long have you been providing a food waste collection service to residents?
Response provided:
1. Yes a) 100% b) Weekly kerbside collection c) 15 years
Request reference:
Issue date:
Request received:
Response provided:
Request reference: 9195
Issue date: 28.07.23
Request received:
In Microsoft Excel or an equivalent electronic format, with a list of invoices that were not paid within 30 days for the last 6 financial years (2017/18 to 2022/23 inclusive) which would feed into the Regulation 113 Notice you are required to publish each year as part of your obligations under The Public Contracts Regulations 2015, with the following information for each invoice (where available): ' The name of the Supplier ' Supplier email address ' Supplier company registration number ' Supplier postal address ' Supplier telephone number ' Supplier website ' The date of the invoice ' The invoice reference ' The gross value of the Invoice ' The date the invoice should have been paid by ' The actual payment date of the invoice ' The total amount of interest liability due to late payment of the invoice ' The total amount of interest paid to the supplier due to late payment of the invoice For the avoidance of doubt we request the data behind payment performance summaries for Regulation 113 Notices, not the summaries themselves
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the following information in Excel format: ' The invoice reference - column F ' The name of the Supplier - Column H ' The gross value of the Invoice - Column H ' The date the invoice should have been paid by - Column T ' The actual payment date of the invoice - Column Q A further Excel spreadsheet provided with regard to the interest paid The following information cannot be provided through the reporting system, and so only a manual search before being entered into the spreadsheet would enable a complete response: ' Supplier email address ' Supplier company registration number ' Supplier postal address ' Supplier telephone number ' Supplier website ' The date of the invoice Therefore, the only way in which this information could be provided would require an officer to manually go through all of the listed transactions and enter the information into the spreadsheet Section 12 of the Act makes provision for public authorities to refuse requests for information where the cost of dealing with them would exceed the appropriate limit, which for Local Authorities is set at £450 by the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004. This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 18 hours at £25 per hour in determining whether the Council holds the information, locating, retrieving and collating the information It would far exceed 18 hours to provide this outstanding information and furthermore the procedure would cause serious disruption to the day to day working of the Council's Finance/Exchequer teams and therefore we are unable to process your this part of your request any further. As set out in the previous paragraph, the Council has the right to refuse to provide the information in accordance with Section 12 of the Act All names of individuals/sole traders redacted throughout spreadsheets
Sections 12 and 40 of Act
Request reference: 9196
Issue date: 05.07.23
Request received:
Information regarding the expenditure of on private number plates, excluding any costs associated with the mayor's car, fire department vehicles, and police vehicles. I kindly request that the following information be provided: Total Expenditure: Please disclose the total amount spent by on private number plates during the last financial year [April 2022- March 2023]. This figure should exclude any expenses related to the mayor's car, fire department vehicles, and police vehicles Breakdown of Expenditure: If possible, please provide a detailed breakdown of the aforementioned expenditure, specifying the individual costs associated with each private number plate purchase. This breakdown should include the amount spent on each plate, the date of purchase, and any additional charges related to registration or administration fees Purpose and Justification: Please provide an explanation for the purpose and justification behind the expenditure on private number plates by the council. If there were specific reasons or policies that prompted these purchases, please include them in your response Impact on Public Services: Please indicate whether the expenditure on private number plates has had any impact on the provision of public services. If so, please elaborate on the nature of this impact and any steps taken to mitigate it
Response provided:
The Council confirmed that there has been no spend on private number plates during 2022/23
Request reference: 9197
Issue date: 19.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 3UF
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9198
Issue date: 10.07.23
Request received:
A list of individuals, groups of people and/or bodies, who have been awarded the freedom of your council area, or any similar award or designation By similar award or designation, I mean an honorary civic award bestowed by the council on an individual, company, group or military unit with the intent of recognising their contribution to the local area. This would exclude formal civic offices e g Mayor. I am interested in receiving the information for any period for which you hold the records
Response provided:
The following aldermen have been appointed since 2012 (this information is displayed on a board within the Council's main office entrance) and is as follows: A.E. Cook 2012 Hopkins 2012 J. Liverton 2012 P. Butt 2015 E.L.G. Nightingale 2015 J. Pedder 2015 M.J.Edmunds 2019 D.D. Brailey 2019 Mrs F. V. Webber 2019 Please note that freedoms are awarded by Town Council's and so the applicant was directed to contact those within the North Devon area direct. Details of which are published on the Council's website via the link above
Request reference: 9199
Issue date: 19.07.23
Request received:
A) What percentage of all hereditaments in your billing authority that are entered into the rating list have been awarded Business Rates Relief: Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Scheme for the current 2023/24 rate year B) Please give a complete list of the description of properties that have been awarded Business Rates Relief: Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Scheme for the current 2023/24 rate year. By 'description' we mean the property description as entered into the rating list by the valuation office C) Is Business Rates Relief: Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Scheme for the current 2023/24 rate year automatically awarded or does it need to be requested/applied for by the rate payer or their agent D) If automatically awarded, please specify the description of property that is automatically awarded Business Rates Relief: Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Scheme for the current 2023/24 rate year. By 'description' we mean the property description as entered into the list by the valuation office
Response provided:
A) At 01.07.2023 -6573 hereditaments, 959 awarded Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Relief (RHL), 14.6% B) This information is contained within this dataset (column J Property Description and Column Y Additional Relief shows RHL awarded) that is published on our website C) Automatically awarded D) Applicant provided with a copy of the Council's Discretionary Rate Relief Policy, which is available upon request
Request reference: 9200
Issue date: 26.07.23
Request received:
This request relates to enforcement agents (also known as bailiffs) that have been used by the council 1. (a) Between 01 January 2020 and 30 June 2023, how many times have bailiffs been deployed by the council? Please break this down by year: (b) How many individuals does this relate to? (c) How many companies does this relate to? 2. In cases where the council deployed bailiffs during this period (01 January 2020 and 30 June 2023) how much debt did this relate to, in total? 3. In cases where the council deployed bailiffs during this period (01 January 2020 and 30 June 2023) what was the smallest amount of debt owed by an individual? 4. Does the council directly employ its own bailiffs/enforcement agencies, or does it use private enforcement agencies/ companies to do this work on the council's behalf? 5. Please provide the names of all bailiff/enforcement companies that have been paid by the council at any time between 01 January 2020 and 30 June 2023
Response provided:
Housing Benefits 1a and b) 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020 = Zero (Covid period) 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021 = 17 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022 = 92 01.01.2023 to 30.06.2023 = 23 The Housing Benefits team does not record the information sough and a) and b) separately, therefore they consider the response for both to be the same. In that deployments equals individuals c) Zero 2. 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020 = Zero (Covid period) 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021 = £18,889.97 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022 = £68,883.00 01.01.2023 to 30.06.2023 = £28,721.95 3. 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020 = 0 (Covid 19 period) 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021 = Information not held 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022 = £40.98 01.01.2023 to 30.06.2023 = £155.80 4. Private 5. The Council does not pay Enforcement Agents for their collection. It is funded through the collection of fees by the Enforcement Agent Revenues (Council Tax and Non-Domestic Rates) and Parking 1, 2 and 3 The number of complaints are not recorded separately or in a way that they can be obtained through a generated report through the systems used by Revenues and the Parking team. The only way the teams would be able to gather this information would require an officer to manually go through all relevant Council Tax and Business Rate (NDR) accounts and Penalty Charge Notice records to identify which matters resulted in complaints. There are approximately 47,000 Council Tax Properties, many with multiple accounts), 6,573 Business Rate accounts (as at 1 July 2023) and further to this, 18,294 PCNs issued in the years 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023 to today's date that would all require checking individually Section 12 of the Act makes provision for public authorities to refuse requests for information where the cost of dealing with them would exceed the appropriate limit, which for Local Authorities is set at £450 by the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004. This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 18 hours at £25 per hour in determining whether the Council holds the information, locating, retrieving and collating the information It is therefore determined that it would far exceed the 18 hour limit provide the requested information; the procedure of would cause serious disruption to the day to day operation of the Council Tax, Business Rates and Parking teams. Therefore we regret to confirm that we are unable to process this part of the request any further. As set out in the previous paragraph, the Council has the right to refuse to provide the information in accordance with Section 12 of the Act 4. Private 5. The Council does not pay Enforcement Agents for their collection. It is funded through the collection of fees by the Enforcement Agent
Section 12 of the Act
Request reference: 9201
Issue date: 19.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 8HL
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9203
Issue date: 21.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX33 2AA
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9205
Issue date: 21.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9QL
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9206
Issue date: 21.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9LJ
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9207
Issue date: 21.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 3BG
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9208
Issue date: 17.07.23
Request received:
Please can you provide me with information concerning the maintenance of your corporate estate i e operational buildings, land and any other property (e g investment) and schools, if they are within your jurisdiction. Not any social housing/dwellings 1. What type of maintenance management model does your organisation use? e g Managed supply-chain, single hard-fm and soft-fm contractor, internal workforce, principal contractor etc 2. Can you provide a list of the approved contractors used? 3. What are the total values of contracts granted? 4. When do these contracts expire? 5. What services are provided in each contract? 6. What procurement method was used? (Open ITT, Framework) if so, which one?
Response provided:
Applicant directed to Devon County Council for information regarding schools and also advised that the response provided does not include social/housing/dwellings as the authority does not hold a housing stock, this was transferred to North Devon Homes Ltd in February 2000: Planned and reactive maintenance - numerous contractors Please refer to the Council Contract Register This is only for planned maintenance, reactive is ad hoc As 2 above As 2 above As 2 above
Request reference: 9209
Issue date: 21.07.23
Request received:
Full details of the Licence issued regarding the Sky Bar Event on 20.05.22, held at the events filed in Croyde, including full disclosure of any policies regarding drinking up/dispersal times considered relevant
Response provided:
Applicant provided with links to the Council's website where the information is published: Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 09:25 on 21 July 2023 (
Sections 16 and 21 of Act
Request reference: 9210
Issue date: 26.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 2JD
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9211
Issue date: 26.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 3DS
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9212
Issue date: 28.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 3UF
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9214
Issue date: 28.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX35 6BS
Response provided:
Applicant advised that no information is held
Request reference: 9217
Issue date: 21.07.23
Request received:
Please provide the following information for the Council for 2022/23 (or the current position) 1. The net Revenue Cost for the whole Council 2. The total cost (Staff salaries, on-costs, system costs, supplies costs, transport costs) of your Internal Audit and Counter Fraud Function 3. Number of FTE staff in your Internal Audit and Counter Fraud service 4. The number of Audit days undertaken by the Internal Audit and Counter Fraud service 5. The productive days per FTE Internal Audit and Counter Fraud staff member 6. Number of FTE Internal Audit and Counter Fraud staff members i. Qualified ii. Part Qualified iii. Percentage of High/Medium Audit recommendations agreed and management actions Implemented 7. When was Counter Fraud plan last updated 8. Number of FTE staff dedicated to Counter Fraud promotion 9. Number of FTE staff dedicated to Counter Fraud investigations 10. Number of Fraud incidents reported 11. Number of Fraud incidents investigated 12. Number of Fraud prosecutions initiated 13. Identified value of fraud savings/recovered
Response provided:
1. North Devon Council net budget 2022/23 was £13,721,640 2. North Devon Council's Internal Audit service is outsourced and provided by the Devon Audit Partnership The total cost of this service in 2022/23 was £75,640 3. North Devon Council's Internal Audit service is outsourced and provided by the Devon Audit Partnership thus we don't directly employ any staff 4. For 2022/23 this was 244 days 5. North Devon Council's Internal Audit service is outsourced and provided by the Devon Audit Partnership thus we don't directly employ any staff 6. North Devon Council's Internal Audit service is outsourced and provided by the Devon Audit Partnership thus we don't directly employ any staff 7. May 2021 Anti-fraud, corruption and bribery policy 8. North Devon Council's Internal Audit service is outsourced and provided by the Devon Audit Partnership thus we don't directly employ any staff 9. North Devon Council's Internal Audit service is outsourced and provided by the Devon Audit Partnership thus we don't directly employ any staff 10. None 11. None 12. None 13. None
Request reference: 9218
Issue date: 17.07.23
Request received:
Information relating to the council's Income Management and Cash Receipting system: Who currently supplies the authority with this service? How much has the council paid in capital for this solution and service? How much does the council pay for annual maintenance and hosting services? When did this contract commence? When is this contract due for renewal or replacement? the name of the person or persons responsible for overseeing this activity within the council, along with their contact details?
Response provided:
Applicant advised that all of the details requested for this contract currently held with Civica UK Ltd are published via the Council's Contract Register In accordance with Section 21(1) of the Act, the Council is not obliged to provide information that is already in the public domain. However, it does have a duty under Section 16(1) to provide all applicants advice and assistance in order to assist with locating the information, which the Council has done so in providing the link to the contract above
Sections 16 and 21 of Act
Request reference: 9219
Issue date: 20.07.23
Request received:
A) How many households are on your housing register currently? Please provide this as a breakdown of priority bands B) How many applicants that are resident in the parish are on the register? Please provide a breakdown of the priority band they are in and bedrooms required? C) How many households are on the register that have indicated a preference to be housed in the parish? Please provide a breakdown of priority and bedrooms required? D) How many households are on the register and have a local connection to the parish that is in accordance with your allocation policy? Please provide a breakdown of priority and bedrooms required? E) Does the council have a list of households that are seeking affordable home ownership? If so, please provide information of demand within the parish, preferably indicating the affordable tenure required? If you don't have this data at parish level please provide for the local authority area as a whole. (NB we routinely ask Homes England (HE) for data regarding applications for shared ownership but this will only be provided for applications for schemes that are funded by HE. We are particularly interested in any information you have regarding First Homes or discounted sale (DMV) as well as shared ownership not funded by HE) F) When was the housing register reviewed last, and when do you intend to review it again?
Response provided:
A. 2,160, broken down below by Housing Need by Band: Band A 3 Band B 317 Band C 395 Band D 749 Band E 696 Total 2,160 B. None, not applicable C. This data is not collected and therefore is not held D. 1, Band E -2 Bedrooms E. No list held of those seeking affordable home ownership F. Last reviewed 19.7.23, to be reviewed again 26.7.23. All applications are reviewed annually on the anniversary date of either their registration date or their last update date (whichever is the most recent). The process of identifying applications with an anniversary date is completed weekly
Request reference: 9220
Issue date: 20.07.23
Request received:
A) How many relets, and how many first lettings of new build were there for the area over the last 12 months (or the latest 12 months you have data for) that were advertised by the homechoice system (i e please exclude decants/temporary moves for repairs or improvements)? Please state the period. B) How many were let to residents of the area including those with a local connection to the area as defined by your allocation policy, and how many were let to applicants living outside this area without a local connection to the area? C) Please provide a breakdown of the lettings in terms of number of bedrooms, whether new build or relet and housing register priority band
Response provided:
A. No lets for period 01.07.2022 to 20.07.2023 for the parish of Mariansleigh B. No lets for period 01.07.2022 to 20.07.2023 for the parish of Mariansleigh C. No lets for period 01.07.2022 to 20.07.2023 for the parish of Mariansleigh
Request reference: 9222
Issue date: 31.07.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9PH
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information
Request reference: 9225
Issue date: 24.07.23
Request received:
1. Whether your organisation is currently using any Media Intelligence services 2. If your organisation is using Media Intelligence services, what specific services are being utilised? ( media monitoring, media analysis, media contacts database) 3. The name of the provider(s) of these Media Intelligence services 4. The total cost of the contract(s) with the provider(s) of these Media Intelligence services, including any fees for additional services not covered by the original contract 5. The overall value of the contract(s) with the provider(s) of these Media Intelligence services, including both direct costs and indirect costs (such as training, implementation, or support)
Response provided:
The Council uses a number of Media Intelligence services The Council uses media monitoring and media analysis Facebook Meta, GovDelivery, Hootsuite £1,000 per year for PRGloo Not applicable
Request reference: 9226
Issue date: 28.07.23
Request received:
Funded programmes: ' Number of funded programs provided by the council past year Total amount of money dedicated to funded programs past year Proportion of the council's budget allocated to funded programs Loans: ' Total amount of money loaned by the council past year ' Number of loans provided by the council past year ' Average loan size Access to funding: ' Total amount of funding available for access past year ' Number of funding opportunities (grants, loans, etc.) available past year ' Percentage of applicants that successfully secure funding Investment: ' Total amount of investment facilitated by the council past year ' Number of businesses or projects receiving investment past year ' Proportion of the council's budget dedicated to investments Initiatives: ' Number of initiatives providing discounts or financial incentives for local businesses ' Total amount of money saved by businesses through these initiatives past year ' Percentage of local businesses participating in such initiatives How many businesses council has helped set up: ' Number of new businesses set up in the council area past year ' Number of new businesses receiving direct support (funding, loans, one-to-one support) from the council ' Percentage of new businesses that attribute
Response provided:
Funded programmes: The main council funded business support programme last year would have been through BOOST. North Devon Plus (ND Plus) supported 62 businesses for North Devon. Alongside Grant applications totalling 29. In terms of funding programme funding = £100,000 with a ring-fenced small grant pot of £50k (£44 carried forward to BOOST2) Grant Area Grant Amount Average grant amount NDC £49,966 £1,922 For those that received a small grant, the applicant was provided with a table setting out the outputs delivered during the programme, which is available upon request Proportion of the council's budget allocated to funded programs = N/A no loans available through ND Plus Loans = Nil Access to funding, Investment, Initiatives = see response provided above
Request reference: 9227
Issue date: 24.07.23
Request received:
1. How many times has your environmental health team visited a property that accommodates asylum seekers housed under AASC or COMPASS by Serco, Mears, G4S or Clearspring Ready Homes 2. Details of why the visit was carried out and any reports written about the visit 3. How many times has your environmental health team been contacted about a property that accommodates asylum seekers housed under AASC by Serco, Mears or Clearspring Ready Homes 4. The nature of the call (pests, mould, noise, disrepair, etc)
Response provided:
1. Zero 2. N/A 3. Zero 4. N/A
Request reference: 9229
Issue date: 21.07.23
Request received:
1. How many council owned, public football pitches do you currently operate (latest figures available) 2. How many council owned, public football pitches were sold, or closed, from the financial year 2017/2018 to the present date?
Response provided:
1. Two pitches 2. No pitches sold or closed from 2017/18 to date
Request reference: 9230
Issue date: 21.07.23
Request received:
Information regarding the issue of the Inspection of Accounts rights under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, to see if or how it is being used across local government in the UK between 2019/20 and 2022/23 for: If the accounts were published in those years. Number of people who inspected the accounts in the time periods each year Number of requests/questions asked, and what they were/what areas they covered Number of objections raised, and what they were Any FOI requests relating to the accounts or finances Any changes made to the accounts as a result
Response provided:
1. Yes, accounts were published in those specified years 2. None. Our public inspection period for the 2022/23 accounts ran from 9 June 2023 to 20 July 2023 Audits, inspections and assessments ( 3. None 4. None 5. None 6. None
Request reference: 9231
Issue date: 24.07.23
Request received:
Copies of the following for a flood risk study: 1. GIS files (shape files or similar) of areas with critical drainage problems, local flood risk zones (flood zone 3a,3b) as define by either the SWMP or SFRA or other measures 2. Updated/ available - current and previous reports and appendices of SWMP (Surface water management plan) or similar SFRA (Strategic flood risk/ Consequence assessment), PFRA (preliminary flood risk assessment) LFRMS (Local Flood risk strategy) 3. Copies of any Supplementary Planning Documents with regards to flood risk, drainage and climate change 4. A copy of your flood risk assessment criteria if held
Response provided:
The Council confirmed to the applicant that whilst it does hold some information relevant to the request (see website), in discharge of its obligation under section 1(1)(b) the Council can confirm that all flooding information that it holds is obtained directly from the Environmental Agency which is publicly available, and as such it is suggested that the applicant view their website/make a direct request
Request reference: 9234
Issue date: 24.07.23
Request received:
Supply of the cost awarded against the Council with the regards to the Yelland appeal, also how much it cost to defend the case
Response provided:
Applicant advised that at the time of the Council's response (24 July 2023) it does not hold a final agreed total as it is currently in negotiations regarding the developers figures and it is not currently known when these will be completed; however it did provide the applicant with a Word format document which sets out the costs in respect of the consultants, venue hire, stationery etc. paid to date (24 July 2023) which is available upon request
Request reference: 9238
Issue date: 26.07.23
Request received:
1. The total amount spent each year on celebrity appearances, broken down by name of celebrity and fee paid, between 2018 and 2023 2. The nature of the event/reason each celebrity was engaged and paid
Response provided:
Zero in each year during this requested period Not Applicable Activities requiring the presence of a celebrity or personality, such as switching on Christmas lights, are organised in the North Devon area by Barnstaple Town Centre Management, which is an unincorporated public/private sector partnership
Request reference:
Issue date:
Request received:
Response provided:
Request reference: 9240
Issue date:
Request received:
1. Documentation or reports detailing the existing lighting control systems deployed across various council-managed buildings and public areas 2. Information on the extent to which the current lighting controls are fully utilized and optimized for energy efficiency 3. Data on energy consumption patterns related to lighting across different council facilities and public spaces 4. Any evaluations or assessments conducted to gauge the performance and effectiveness of the existing lighting controls 5. Insights into the challenges or limitations faced with the current lighting controls and any associated maintenance or operational costs 6. Any plans or strategies your council has in place to improve and enhance lighting controls for better energy efficiency and user experience 7. Recommendations or proposed improvements to the existing lighting controls, including the incorporation of innovative technologies or best practices 8. Any initiatives or projects undertaken to promote sustainability through lighting control optimization 9. Contact information for any relevant personnel or departments involved in managing lighting controls within the council
Response provided:
Questions 1 to 5 -North Devon Council does not hold this level of data just for lighting systems, and therefore the applicant was directed to Devon County Council Questions 6 to 8 -A project has recently been procured to relight certain office buildings with LED and also update lighting controls. It is anticipated that work will commence soon as possible Question 9. Chay McKenzie
Request reference: 9245
Issue date: 31.07.23
Request received:
List the last two ITSM solutions utilised within the Council since 2010 (not including the currently utilised solution)? Examples include ServiceNow, BMC, Ivanti, Marval, HPOV, Hornbill, Freshservice etc If the currently utilised solution has been in situ for this time, please state that Between what years were these in usage? What were the principal drivers behind the decision to change?
Response provided:
1. In house app with no name, created by a former employee to log ICT service desk calls from 2000 to 2013. Application was no longer fit for purpose 2. Novell/Microfocus Service Desk, from 2013 to 2023. Application no longer met the Council requirements