Request reference: 9442
Issue date: 18.12.23
Request received:
All information not published (via the Planning Tracker) for Planning Application 77576, including information relating to the associated Pre-Planning application
Response provided:
Applicant provided with some of the information held. Some information was either redacted and/or withheld in its entirety under:
Regulation 12(5)(g) - Protection of the Environment
Regulation 12(4)(e) - Internal Communications
Regulation 13 - Personal Information
Request reference: 9496
Issue date: 04.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 3UF
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9497
Issue date: 04.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 3AN
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9498
Issue date: 05.12.23
Request received:
Please provide me with details as follows regarding the Zipp Scooter Trial
1. Dates of committee meetings where the Zipp Scooter Trial has been discussed
2. Which Parties/Organisations were involved in the consultation process
3. Details of the input from Parties/Organisations during the consultation process
4. Details of the Risk Assessment carried out by NDC
5. Full details of the criteria that will be used to determine the success (or otherwise) of the trial
6. Costs borne by public purse of preparation for the trial (ie painting white boxes, etc)
7. Date that the trial started, and the date that the trial will conclude
8. Dates of committee meetings where the Zipp Scooter Trial extension to Braunton has been discussed and agreed
9. Details (anonymised) of any complaints to NDC about the implementation or operation of the trial
Response provided:
- Strategy and Resources Committee in December 2020, signed off the Department of Transport issue of VSO (licence to run the trial in North Devon)
- Devon County Council, the Police, Barnstaple Town Council, RNIB, Petroc, and District Councillors
- Input from parties included agreeing no go-zones and slow-zones, parking bay locations, considerations of those with sight and other disabilities and general input on launching the trial. Regular ‘stakeholder meetings’ have also taken place and will continue to do so through the life of the trial with the above parties to continue to review the trial and discuss any issues/changes needed
- The Trial is defined by the Department for Transport, and this includes the standard of e-scooter that is allowed to be included and certain operating standards. We have fully adhered to these standards with the appointment of Zipp as our micromobility provider
We worked to reduce risks by limiting the roads the e-scooters are allowed to travel on, restricting use on anything over 40mph and where there is an active pedestrianisation zone
We also introduced go-slow zones for areas where there is more mixing of pedestrians/cyclists and e-scooter riders. We also requested a parking bay operation, so that e-scooters aren’t left in any location, which can cause more risks
There is an instant ban process for any rider who is reported and found to have been riding irresponsibly or recklessly. We have the ability to stop or pause the trail at any time if there is deemed to be a high risk that can’t be mitigated
- Understand how e-scooters are being used and how they are impacting mobility behaviour, help guide investment in infrastructure and green mobility options and inform integrated transport planning
- There is no cost to the public purse for this trial. The operator runs the scheme and pays for all infrastructure such as the e-scooters, parking bay demarcation, ongoing vehicle maintenance, online app, customer service interface and mobile operations teams
- The technical start of the trial was the issue of the licence from Department for Transport in December 2020. The operational start of the trial (e-scooters on the ground) was May 2021.The current scheduled end date of the trial, set by the Department for Transport, is May 2024, but this could be extended by Government
- The e-scooter trail that has been approved for North Devon (by the Department for Transport and our Councillors as above) covers the whole of the district. No further approval is needed for operating e-scooters in different locations across the district therefore, but we have a phased approach
The first phase in Barnstaple and then to look at opening up further routes around more coastal/tourist based areas
North Devon Council and Zipp Scooter representatives did attend a briefing with Braunton Councillors (town and parish) in July 2023 to discuss the possible routes into and around Braunton
- Location of parking bays close to residential boundaries
E-scooters being left outside of designated parking bays
3 incidents of e-scooters being thrown into the river/estuary/coney gut
E-scooters being ridden by two riders at a time
E-scooters being ridden on pathways
E-scooters being ridden the wrong way up one-way streets
E-scooters being ridden by under-aged riders
Request reference: 9502
Issue date: 04.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9DY
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9503
Issue date: 04.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX18 7BW
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9506
Issue date: 04.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9BJ
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9507
Issue date: 11.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9QX
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9508
Issue date: 11.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 2HU
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9510
Issue date: 14.12.23
Request received:
Please share the details of training on modern slavery delivered to staff, including:
- The nature of training offered (e-learning or in-person, shared with housing staff or adult safeguarding etc) and whether themes of cultural intelligence, equality, diversity and inclusion are included as part of this training
- Where held, please share copies of training materials used to support council staff in identifying modern slavery (such as PDFs, guidance, or presentations)
Response provided:
The Council can confirm that modern slavery was briefly mentioned in its safeguarding training which was rolled out to all Council employees earlier this year
The Council also ran a bite-sized training session on modern slavery in 2019 with the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) delivered in person by a police specialist. Themes of equality, diversity and inclusion were included. This training was offered through the CSP and some employees from North Devon Council attended
The Council does not hold copies of the training material as the training was delivered by the Police on behalf of the CSP
Request reference: 9512
Issue date: 04.12.23
Request received:
- I have emailed the people and places team in planning to obtain a copy of the latest SHLAA as this is not available on the Torridge/North Devon council sites. A pdf of the report would be acceptable
- I have also requested copies of Appendices D-F of the 5 year housing plan published April 2023 electronically as Excel documents (which is what they appear to have been created in) so that the information is in an accessible format for me to read
Response provided:
- The published SHLAA, which forms part of the evidence base for the adopted North Devon and Torridge Local Plan (2018) is the latest available and can be found online at
In terms of the latest 5 YHLS statement (dated 28th April 2023), this is publicly available on the Council’s website and can be found at
- Applicant provided with appendices F and F in Excel format. Applicant advised that these have been locked for editing, however they will still be able to use the filters and select cells
Appendix F can be filtered on the ‘NPPF category’ column to replicate the tables as they appear in the report. Subtotals will update automatically
Appendix E is not produced from raw data in Excel so we are unable to provide this. However, it is just a summary of the data in Appendix F by Local Authority, so the applicant should be able to obtain all of this from Appendix F
Request reference: 9514
Issue date: 11.12.23
Request received:
The following information regarding your facilities management approach:
A tiered hierarchy of people within your organisation that are responsible for Estates, Property, CAFM, Finance and Facilities for your organisation. Please provide their name, job title and email address where possible. i e Estates Directors, Facilities Managers, Operations Directors etc
Response provided:
Sarah-Jane Mackenzie-Shapland
Head of Place, Property and Regeneration
The Council’s Estates, Property Services (Surveyors and Engineers) teams report directly to Sarah-Jane
Property Manager
Place, Property and Regeneration
Estates Surveyor
Place, Property and Regeneration
Request reference: 9513
Issue date: 18.12.23
Request received:
1. What is the total number of Covid Marshalls currently employed?
2. What is the total number of Covid Marshalls employed since January 2020?
3. What was the average contract duration?
4. What is the total cost spent on Covid Marshalls since January 2020?
Response provided:
- There are currently no Covid Marshals employed. Covid Marshals (known locally Place Makers) were contracted on four different occasions from December 2022 to May 2022
- Each contract required two Covid Marshals to be on duty at any one time
- Two months
- The total value of all the contracts for Covid Marshals (Place Makers) was £49,297 funded by the Welcome Back Fund and the Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF)
Request reference: 9516
Issue date: 11.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 3NT
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9517
Issue date: 19.12.23
Request received:
Please could you provide the authority's/council's list of temporary accommodation (TA) suppliers noting how many properties they provide to you as well as the addresses of these properties and how much the total spend per year with them is for the following financial years; 2019/20, 2020/2, 2021/22 and 2022/23
Please note - I use the term suppliers to encompass both Temporary Accommodation providers and contractors
Response provided:
The Council provided the applicant with the following response, however it was unable to fully disclose all of the requested information
Some of the information has been redacted. The redacted information (names of individuals/third parties/living individuals) is/are exempt under Section 40 of the Act as the information constitutes personal data and those individual(s) would have no reasonable expectation for the Council to make their personal information publicly available. A disclosure under the FoIA is not just to an individual applicant, but to the world/wider public at large. Section 40(2) provides that personal data is exempt information if one of the conditions set out in section 40(3A), (3B) or (4A) is satisfied
In this case Section 40(3A)(A) is met because disclosure of this information would breach the fair processing principle contained in the General Data Protection Regulation. This is an absolute exemption and there is therefore no requirement to consider the public interest
Furthermore, the Council’s Housing team has raised safety concerns about the disclosure of full addresses of the Private Sector Lease (PSL) and Registered Social Landlord (RSL) properties used for the temporary accommodation of vulnerable people, often fleeing domestic violence
Having considered these concerns, it was confirmed that information identifying these specific properties (full addresses) are exempt from disclosure in accordance with Section 31(1)(a) of the Act, as its disclosure would, or would be likely to prejudice the prevention or detection of crime. The Council accepts that the perceived prejudice must be "real, actual or of substance" and not trivial or insignificant and that there must be some causal relationship between the potential disclosure and the stated prejudice. In this case, the decision is that such prejudice does exist
Public Interest Test
Arguments for Disclosure
It is understood that there is a general public interest in disclosing information that promotes accountability, openness and transparency
Disclosure would increase the public debate concerning the Council’s Temporary Accommodation provision and allow the applicant and the wider public to understand and know in greater detail the properties it uses
Arguments for maintaining the Exemption
As mentioned above, the Housing team regularly places vulnerable people within the Temporary Accommodation at its disposal; many of which are victims of domestic violence and are fleeing dangerous situations and would therefore wish to keep their whereabouts private in order that they cannot be found by an abusive partner
There is a strong and inherent public interest in avoiding the likely prejudice to the prevention of crime associated with the housing of vulnerable people which would place a significant strain on Council resources. It is in the public interest to ensure that Council resources are used cost-effectively
If the full addresses of individual residential properties used by the Council were to be placed into the public domain for all to see, the Council considers that this would
- Increase costs to the maintaining of properties, including security measures to keep individuals safe as far as reasonably possible during their time in Temporary Accommodation
- Increase the risk of those properties becoming widely known within the local community of North Devon and as a result, provide individuals who have a history of being abusive and causing physical and mental harm in locating their family members that have left them. The address would enable them to drastically narrow the search to find them. It would not take long for an abusive individual to visit each property in an attempt to locate who they are looking for, particularly if they have been made aware that they are being supported by the Housing team
- Would place any neighbouring properties/homes at risk from criminal damage and likely result in these properties being withdrawn from use as Temporary Accommodation due to ongoing anti-social behaviour, particularly if the immediate neighbours are reporting regular disturbances and criminal damage to their properties and vehicles as a result of someone trying to locate/make contact with an individual being housed by the Council
- The withdrawal of these properties would place the Council at a significant disadvantage as it is already struggling to meet housing need due to the lack of housing within the North Devon area
Balance of Public Interest
Having carefully considered the above, it is therefore determined that the public interest in maintain the exemption outweighs the public interest in releasing the information on this occasion
9479.8 | CEDARS LODGE INN, Barnstaple, Devon Total | |
137.5 | DURRANT HOTEL LTD, Bideford, Devon Total | |
516.76 | HOLIDAY COTTAGES.CO.UK Total, 1 property | |
295 | PREMIER INN, Barnstaple | |
3098 | SHERBORNE LODGE HOTEL, Ilfracombe | |
8087.99 | THE COACHING INN, South Molton | |
62405.05 | THE DARNLEY HOTEL, Ilfracombe | |
53215.68 | TRAVELODGE, Barnstaple, Tiverton, Exeter | |
15180 | WESTBEACH REPORT LTD Ilfracombe | |
44586.5 | WILDWOOD GUESTHOUSE, Ilfracombe |
PSLs all in Barnstaple
5405.4 | PERSONAL DATA REDACTED – SECTION 40 (ONE INDIVIDUAL) Total 1 property | |
5174.91 | PERSONAL DATA REDACTED – SECTION 40 (ONE INDIVIDUAL) Total 1 property | |
51825 | WEBBERS PROPERTY SERVICES Total 1 property |
39788.18 | NORTH DEVON HOMES 8 properties |
1087.5 | JOINERS ARMS Total | |
2140.8 | KEYCHANGE CHARITY Total | |
2824 | PREMIER INN Total | |
11880 | SHERBORNE LODGE Total | |
6080 | THE COACHING INN Total | |
39922 | THE DARNLEY HOTEL Total | |
12835.29 | TRAVELODGE Total | |
48139.84 | WESTBEACH RESORT LTD Total | |
54577 | WILDWOOD Total |
PSLs (all in Barnstaple)
34821.82 | NORTH DEVON HOMES Total |
703 | ALABARE Total | |
1076 | BECKCARE HOMES LTD Total | |
8680 | COACHING INN Total | |
4962.28 | DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL Total | |
18975 | JOINERS ARMS Total | |
140 | M5 HIDEAWAY LTD Total | |
6271.5 | PREMIER INN Total | |
16552.75 | ROYAL BRITTANIA HOTEL Total | |
260 | CEDARS INN Total | |
347 | HOTEL at Total | |
27720 | SYMPHONY HOTEL Total | |
61024.17 | THE COACHING INN Total | |
49714.04 | THE DARNLEY HOTEL Total | |
35835.05 | TRAVELODGE Total | |
62315.84 | WESTBEACH RESORT LTD Total | |
48800 | WILDWOOD Total |
PSLs (all in Barnstaple)
3832.56 | NORTH DEVON HOMES Total |
20078.08 | BEAR & BEARESS TRADING LTD Total | |
437.7 | CEDARS Total | |
222825.3 | ILFRACOMBE HOLIDAY PARK Total | |
5590 | JOINERS ARMS Total | |
4984.51 | ROYAL BRITTANIA HOTEL Total | |
177859 | SYMPHONY HOTEL Total | |
49210 | THE COACHING INN Total | |
27135 | THE DARNLEY HOTEL Total | |
16799.54 | TRAVELODGE Total | |
6342.61 | TRAVELODGE Total | |
35805.04 | WESTBEACH RESORT LTD, Ilfracombe | |
59876 | WILDWOOD GUESTHOUSE Ilfracombe |
PSLs (all in Barnstaple)
11812.5 | WEBBERS PROPERTY SERVICES 1 property |
43920 | NORTH DEVON HOMES 8 Properties |
Request reference: 9518
Issue date: 05.12.23
Request received:
Please could you provide the address of any temporary accommodation in your area which has been referred to the local authority's/council's environmental health team due to Category 1 hazards such as damp, mould or electrical faults in the year 2022/23?
Please do also note the number of times the property has been referred to you due to safety concerns
Response provided:
The Council confirmed that Zero properties were referred to the Council’s environmental health team within 2022/23
Request reference: 9519
Issue date: 13.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9PU
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9521
Issue date: 18.12.23
Request received:
1. How many staff have been disciplined in any way (by this I mean any formal reprimand that would either be dismissal or some sort of record on that person’s personnel file) because they breached your rules/guidelines in relation to multiple contract working? Please give figures for each of the last five financial years
a) 2018/19
b) 2019/20
c) 2020/21
d) 2021/22
e) 2022/23
2. In relation to the cases in 2022/23 how many of the people who were disciplined are allowed within their working conditions to work from home for some or all of their contracted hours?
3. In relation to the cases in 2022/23 please state in broad terms the nature of the other job that the person may have been doing that was in breach of your rules/guidelines? e g waiter, car cleaner etc
Response provided:
- a) None b) None c) One d) One e) None to date
- N/A
- N/A
Request reference: 9523
Issue date: 4.12.23
Request received:
Please may you provide me with the below information for each calendar year from 2019 till now:
1. The total number of FOI's received
2. The total number of FOI's responded to on time
3. The total number of FOI's responded to after the due date
4. The longest delay in responding to an FOI
5. The total number of FOI's overdue awaiting a response
6. The total number of internal reviews requested
7. How many officers you have dedicated to the FOI role as either a full job or part of their job description/responsibilities
1. The total number of SAR's received
2. The total number of SAR's responded to on time
3. The total number of SAR's responded to after the due date
4. the total number of SAR's complexed
5. The longest delay in responding to an SAR
6. The total number of SAR's overdue awaiting a response
7. The total number of internal reviews requested
8. How many officers you have dedicated to the SAR role as either a full job or part of their job description/responsibilities
Response provided:
- 2019 = 742 (this also includes EIRs, however we no longer hold the dataset for this period that would enable us to identify the individual breakdowns for FOI and EIR
2020 = 683 (this also includes EIRs, however we no longer hold the dataset for this period that would enable to identify the individual breakdowns for FOI and EIR
2021 = 652 = this also includes EIRs, however we no longer hold the dataset for this period that would enable to identify the individual breakdowns for FOI and EIR
FOIs = 491 EIRs = 107 Total = 958
2023 to and including 30.11.23:
FOIs = 487 EIRs = 184 Total = 671
- 2019, 2020, 2021 = This information is no longer hold this information
2022 = 620
2023 = 593
3. 2019, 2020, 2021 = This information is no longer hold this information
2022 = 35
2023 = 19
4. 2019, 2020, 2021 = This information is no longer hold this information
2022 = 286
2023 = 74
5. 2019, 2020, 2021 = This information is no longer hold this information
2022 = Zero
2023 = Zero
6. 2019, 2020, 2021 = This information is no longer hold this information
2022 = One
2023 = Three
7. There has been officer mainly responsible for processing and responding to all FOI and EIR requests centrally for the Council within each of the requested years employed Full Time, however they do also provide additional administrative and paralegal support to the Legal team alongside a colleague (who also Full Time) who provides cover for them when absent or on leave
1. 2019 = Four
2020 = Three
2021 = Seven
2022 = 23
2023 to date = 21
2. 2019 = Three
2020 = Three
2021 = Six
2022 = 20
2023 = 23 (three of these had 2 month extensions to original deadline dates)
3. 2019, 20 and 21 = Zero for each year
2022 = One
2023 = Three requests had two month time extensions
4. Three requests had 2-month time extensions
5. 2023 – Three months (Three requests were responded to on final day of two month time extension period)
6. Zero
7. Minor clarifications and requests for additional information dealt with informally.
8. Zero full time, Four part time
Request reference: 9525
Issue date: 05.12.23
Request received:
A copy of the Councils’ policy for addressing poor housing conditions in residential mobile (park) homes. If the Council does not have a policy, please provide details of the process or procedure used to assess and address poor housing standards in residential mobile homes in your area
Response provided:
The Council confirms that it does not have a policy for residential park homes; however complaints received are logged and the complainant is contacted. If an inspection is required, the property would be assessed using the Housing Health and Safety Rating System. If any hazards were to be identified, they would be action in accordance with the Housing Act 2004. Where any complaints relate to the communal areas, these can be assessed by undertaking a licensing inspection
Request reference: 9526
Issue date: 06.12.23
Request received:
A list of any article 4 areas in your region, particularly where this affects permitted development and what restrictions there are. Alternatively could you point me in the direction of this information online?
Response provided:
Applicant advised that the Council does not hold this information in list format; it is only viewable publically as a layer on the Council’s mapping service via its website. Applicant also provide with copies of the specific orders held, which are available upon request
Request reference: 9527
Issue date: 18.12.23
Request received:
Please provide the following information about local authority ownership of artwork:
1. How many artworks have been purchased by the local authority in 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23?
2. How many artworks are in the possession of the local authority?
3. What is the estimated value of the artworks?
4. How many artworks are on public display?
Public display includes those that can be viewed by the members of the public in local authority buildings such as council headquarters, libraries, sports and leisure centres, and schools that are under local authority control. It would exclude areas of council properties that cannot be readily entered into by members of the public (such as, the office of the head of paid service)
Artwork includes, but is not limited to, paintings, photographs, sculptures, and electronic art
Response provided:
1. 2020/21 = None 2021/22 = None 2022/23 = None
2. Local Authority ownership estimated at 320, this includes paintings and drawings, sculptures and art photographs. It does not include prints (253) not considered artworks, postcards (667) or non-art photographs (c. 11,000). Nor does it include decorative arts items such as samplers, ceramics (mostly manufactured) or furniture. Nor does it includes works held by the museum on loan from other organisations or individuals
3. Estimate £35,000
4. Estimate 15 at present
Request reference: 9529
Issue date: 06.12.23
Request received:
Details for any and all tenants of the property Unit 9 Green Lanes Shopping City, Barnstable, Devon, EX31 1UQ from September 2019 to date
Response provided:
The current ratepayer of the property is Select Fashion Limited
The Council’s records indicate that 2018 leases were with Genus UK Ltd trading as Select Fashion and a 2022 lease signed with Select Fashion Ltd
Request reference: 9530
Issue date: 06.12.23
Request received:
1. What is the Council’s current predicted funding gap by the end of this financial year?
2. What is the Council’s current predicted cumulative funding gap by the end of this financial year?
Response provided:
1. Zero
2. Zero
Request reference: 9531
Issue date: 06.12.23
Request received:
The accounts/rolls/ledger or other means used for the North Devon Crematorium, for the last 3 years since 24.02.20 to date
Response provided:
Applicant directed to the Council’s website for this information:
North Devon Crematorium Joint Committee 2020
North Devon Crematorium Joint Committee 2021
North Devon Crematorium Joint Committee 2022
North Devon Crematorium Joint Committee 2023
Statement of Accounts
The annual statement of accounts reports on the Council’s financial position at the end of the year and transactions during the year. The documents are searchable using key words and so the applicant will be also be able to view information regarding the Crematorium financial information in each of the published financial years from 2012/13 through to and including 2022/23
Request reference: 9532
Issue date: 19.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 2PS
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9533
Issue date: 07.12.23
Request received:
Please provide on the assessments below
• the date(s) of any empty periods
• the period(s) of any exemptions
from the date stated as follows:
1. Devon Calor Gas Ltd, Barnstaple Retail Park, Barnstaple, EX31 2BP, 04063130501, from 01.04.2022
2. Riverside House- Adams Plant, Riverside Road, Barnstaple, EX31 1QN, 04050230239, from 01.04.2020
3. Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd Mast at Coney Avenue, Barnstaple, EX32 8QX, 04031630300, from 30.05.2023
4. Second Floor, 25 High Street, Barnstaple, EX31 1BL, 04029602501, from 01.04.2022
Response provided:
1. Empty since 01.06.2022, Exemption awarded 01.06.22 - 30.11.22
2. Empty since 01.04.2020, Exemption awarded 01.04.20 - 30.09.20
3. Empty since 30.05.2023, Exemption awarded 30.05.23 - 29.08.23
4. Empty since 01.04.2022, Exemption awarded 01.04.22 to date
Request reference: 9534
Issue date: 19.12.23
Request received:
This is a request for information that relates to the organisation’s contracts around ICT contract(s) for Server Hardware Maintenance, Server Virtualisation Licenses and Maintenance and Storage Area Network (SAN) Maintenance/Support, which may include:
• Server Hardware Maintenance- contracts relating to the support and maintenance of the organisation’s physical servers
• Virtualisation Maintenance/Support/ Licensing (VMware, Solaris, Unix, Linux, Windows Server)
• Storage Area Network Maintenance/Support (EMC, NetApp etc)
For each of the types of contract described above, please can you provide me with the following data. If there is more than one contract please split the information for each separate supplier this includes annual spend
1. Contract Title: Please provide me with the contract title
2. Type of Contracts (ABOVE): Please can you provide me with one or more contract types the contract relates to: Server Hardware, Virtualisation, SAN (Storage Area Network)
3. Existing/Current Supplier: Please provide me with the supplier name for each contract
4. Brand: Please state the brand of hardware or software
5. Operating System / Software (Platform): (Windows, Linux, Unix, Vsphere, AIX, Solaris etc.) Please state the operating system used by the organisation
6. Annual Average Spend: Please provide me with the most recent annual spend for this contract?
7. Contract Duration: (Please can you also include notes if the contract includes any contract Extension periods.)
8. Contract Expiry Date: Please can you provide me with the date of when the contract expires
9. Contract Review Date: (An approximate date of when the organisation is planning to review this particular contract.)
10. Purchase of Servers: Could you please provide me with the month and year in which most/bulk of servers were purchased
11. Number of Physical Server: Please can you provide me with the number of physical servers
12. Number of Virtual Servers: Please can you provide me with the number of Virtual servers
13. Brief Contract Description: I require a brief description of the service provided under this contract. Please do not just put maintenance. I need at least a sentence
14.Contract Owner: (The person from within the organisation that is responsible for reviewing and renewing this particular contract. Please include their full name, job title, direct contact number and direct email address.)
Response provided:
We have updated the existing dates and added details on new SAN and servers
Servers, SANS and other network storage are purchased with warranty (normally 5 years) so no maintenance contract for the first few years
General support for servers is performed by the in-house ICT team
Contract – Extended Warranty for Hardware
Type – Hardware warranty
Supplier – OneSource
Brand – various
O/S – various
Annual spend - £5,756.40
Contract duration – 1 year
Contract expiry date – 31/03/2024
Purchase of servers – 2015/2016
Number of physical servers – approx. 15
Number of virtual servers – N/A
Description – Extended warranty for hardware, servers, storage, switches, UPS etc
Contract Owner –
Contract – Virtual Server Licences
Type – Virtual Server Licences and support
Supplier – Cristie Data
Brand – VMware
O/S – various
Annual spend - £6,049.27
Contract duration – 1 year
Contract expiry date – 12/08/2024
Purchase of servers – N/A
Number of physical servers – N/A
Number of virtual servers – approx. 80
Description – Virtual server licences and support
Contract Owner –
Contract – Main Virtual Environment Servers
Type – Purchase of main virtual environment servers plus 5 years warranty
Supplier – Phoenix Software Ltd
Brand – Dell
O/S – Windows
Total spend - £46,000 (annual spend not applicable – includes purchase cost)
Contract duration – 5 years
Contract expiry date – Nov 2027
Purchase of servers – Nov 2022
Number of physical servers – 4
Number of virtual servers – approx. 80
Description – Virtual server licences and support
Contract Owner –
Contract – SAN purchase
Type – Purchase SAN plus 5 years warranty
Supplier – Phoenix Software Ltd
Brand – Dell
O/S – Windows
Total spend - £63,000 (annual spend not applicable, includes purchase cost)
Contract duration – 5 years
Contract expiry date – Nov 2027
Purchase of servers – N/A
Number of physical servers – N/A
Number of virtual servers – approx. 80
Description – Virtual server licences and support
Contract Owner –
Contract – SAN purchase
Type - Purchase SAN plus 5 years warranty
Supplier – Phoenix Software Ltd
Brand – Dell
O/S – Windows
Total spend – £58,339.18
Contract duration – 5 years
Contract expiry date – Aug 2028
Purchase of servers – N/A
Number of virtual servers – this will vary
Description – DR SAN
Contract Owner –
Contract – Server purchase
Type – Servers and 5 year warranty
Supplier – Phoenix Software Ltd
Brand – Dell
O/S – Windows
Total spend - £15,994.12
Contract duration – 5 Years
Contract expiry date – Aug 2028
Purchase of servers – Aug 2023
Number of Physical servers – 2
Description – Servers to run DR virtual environment
Contract owner –
Request reference: 9536
Issue date: 19.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 1SL
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9539
Issue date: 15.12.23
Request received:
The following from 1 April 2020 to date:
1. The location and numbers of all trees planted by the Council
2. The long term management plans for all trees planted by the Council
3. The survival rates of all trees planted by the Council
Response provided:
Number of Trees Planted: 128
Location: Various
Survival Rate: 90%
Management: Trees checked each year as part of normal Grounds Maintenance duties
Number of Trees Planted: 423
Location: Various, including Queens Green Canopy planting in Barnstaple, South Molton and Ilfracombe
Survival Rate: 95%
Management: Trees checked each year as part of normal Grounds Maintenance duties
Number of Trees Planted: 18,311
Location: Yeo Valley Woodland
Survival Rate: 88%
Management: Ten year EWCO plan including replacing lost trees
Request reference: 9540
Issue date: 11.12.23
Request received:
1. Contact centre contract(s)
2. Inbound network services contract (s)
The first part of my request relates to contact centre service contracts which could relate to one of the following:
1. Advanced call distribution to control the flow of calls and maximise customer experience
2. Email, website live chat and integrations with popular social media apps like Facebook and Instagram
3. Performance monitoring tools to track performance, customer satisfaction and other key sales metrics
This could be part of a whole package or separate service applications
Please send me the following information for each provider:
1. Incumbent Supplier: For each of the contract(s) please can you provide me with the supplier of the contract
2. Annual Average Spend: For each supplier, please state the annual average (over 3 years) spend for each supplier
3. Contract Duration: For each supplier, please state the contract duration of the contract expires. If available please also include any contract extensions
4. Contract Expiry: For each supplier, please state the date of when the contract expires
5. Contract Review: For each supplier, please state the date of when the contract will be reviewed
6. Contract Description: For each supplier, please state a brief description of the services provided of the overall contract
7. Contact Details: For each supplier, please state the person from within the organisation responsible for the contract. Please provide me with their full name, actual job title, contact number and direct email address. At the very least please provide me with their actual job title
8. Number of Agents; please provide me with the total number of contact centre agents
9. Number of Sites; please can you provide me with the number of sites the contact centre covers
10. Manufacturer of the contact centre: Who is the manufacturer of the contact centre system that you operate?
11. Do you use Microsoft Exchange 2003 as your email server? If not, then which products do you use?
12. Number of email users: Approximate number of email users across the organisations
The second part of my request relates to the use inbound network services contracts which could relate to one of the following:
1. 0800, 0845, 0870, 0844, 0300 number
2. Routing of calls
3. Caller Identifier
4. Caller Profile- linking caller details with caller records
5. Interactive voice response (IVR)
For a contract relating to the above please can you provide me with?
1. Incumbent Supplier: For each of the contract(s) please can you provide me with the supplier of the contract
2. Annual Average Spend: For each supplier, please state the annual average (over 3 years) spend for each supplier
3. Contract Expiry: For each supplier, please state the date of when the contract expires
4. Contract Review: For each supplier, please state the date of when the contract will be reviewed
5. Contract Description: For each supplier, please state a brief description of the services provided of the overall contract
6. Contact Details: For each supplier, please state the person from within the organisation responsible for the contract. Please provide me with their full name, actual job title, contact number and direct email address
Response provided:
Contact centre service:
1. Zoom
2. £24,342
3. Three years plus one
4. July 2026
5. January 2026
6. Zoom contact centre and integrations to CRM
7. Andy Tapp, ICT Manager, 01271 388232,
8. 50 agents
9. Two main sites plus homeworking
10. Zoom
11. MS365
12. 420
Inbounds network services:
- Zoom
- £36,000
- July 2026
- January 2026
- Phone services
- As 7. Above
Request reference: 9541
Issue date: 13.12.23
Request received:
The Registration number, make and model of all vehicles registered as a Taxi, Hackney Carriage or for Private Hire between 20th June 2023 and 21st November 2023 within the Council
Response provided:
Information provided to applicant in Excel format, which is available upon request
Request reference: 9543
Issue date: 21.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 4AA
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9545
Issue date: 15.12.23
Request received:
A list of all Non Domestic Rates Completion Notices served in the borough since 01/06/2023 to date
Response provided:
Information provided to applicant in Excel format, which is available upon request. All personal data relating to third parties where identified redacted under Section 40 of Act
Request reference: 9546
Issue date: 21.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 8NG
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9547
Issue date: 13.12.23
Request received:
This request relates to uses of the call-in mechanism that forms part of the overview and scrutiny committee system
If your authority has an overview and scrutiny system please answer the following:
For the past ten years, please confirm how many decisions taken by the council’s cabinet/executive were available for call-in
Please provide a table showing a breakdown of the following for each year since 2013.For each year please state how many call-ins there were
For each call-in please show which committee called them in, what the response was, the topic and provide a link to the relevant committee where the call was discussed
If the S.12 time limit would be exceeded by responding to this request, please answer for a fewer number of years, starting with the most recent
Response provided:
The Council can no longer has an overview and scrutiny committee as it moved to a committee model in 2019
Request reference: 9548
Issue date: 13.12.23
Request received:
The independence of scrutiny committees and audit committees has been identified in a number of Public Interest Reports as being an important factor in facilitating meaningful scrutiny and challenge within local authorities
If the local authority doesn’t not have an overview and scrutiny system please answer the following in relation to the committee within your councils which has audit responsibilities
If the local authority has an overview and scrutiny system please note that as audit committees are not formally treated as part of scrutiny it may be that they are treated differently in the council’s constitution and policies
Please confirm whether you are responding to this request in relation to scrutiny committees and/or audit committees
If the local authority has an overview and scrutiny committee system, please confirm how many committees (excluding audit) are part of that system?
Policy on Selection and Appointment of Committee Chairs: Please provide the council’s current policy on selection and appointment of scrutiny committee chairs and audit committee chairs. Please either copy and paste the section of council policy relating to the selection of scrutiny and audit committee chairs or provide a link and details of the section/sub-section within the document where we can locate this information
Current Political Configuration of Committee Chairs/Conveners: Please provide a figure showing what percentage of current scrutiny and audit committee chairs (or conveners) are members of an opposition party to the main controlling party or controlling coalition
Response provided:
As advised within the Council’s response to the applicant’s request under FOI 9547 answered 12.12.23, the Council no longer has an overview and scrutiny committee as the Council moved to a committee model in 2019
The audit functions including receiving and considering reports and make recommendations of them falls to the Governance Committee
Article 4 of the constitution, paragraph 4.5.6 and Part 4 Council Procedure Rules, paragraph 1.2 refers to the appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair of Committees
Constitution Part 2 District Articles (
Part 4 Rules of Procedure Annexe 1 (
Please find the report considered by Annual Council 18 May 2023 regarding the political make up of committees:
The ruling party is the liberal Democrat group
Request reference: 9549
Issue date: 13.12.23
Request received:
CIPFA Guidance on Local Authority Audit Committees states that “Recommended practice is for audit committees to review and assess themselves annually or to seek an external review.”
We realise that the committee with audit related responsibilities are not always called ‘Audit Committee’. Please can you confirm what the title of this committee is within your local authority and answer the following questions in relation to that committee
a) Internal Annual Review of Audit Committee
For each of the last five financial years please provide me with a copy of the audit committee’s annual review of its work. Please state the date the review was published and how it was made public at the time
b) External Review of Audit Committee
Please confirm the most recent date that an external review of the audit committee was sought, who undertook that review, when and where it was published and provide a copy of the review
Response provided:
The Governance Committee carries out an annual review of the Committee’s terms of reference and annual review of the Committee’s effectiveness
The review of the committee’s terms of reference is due to be presented to the Governance Committee on 12 March 2024 and the annual review of the committee’s effectiveness is due to be reported to the Governance Committee in June 2024
This was previously presented to the Governance Committee at its meeting on 10 January 2023: Agenda for Governance Committee on Tuesday, 10th January, 2023, 6.30 pm
Request reference: 9550
Issue date: 14.12.23
Request received:
- Who supplies your Housing Management Software?
- When does the contract expire?
Response provided:
Applicant advised that this information is published on the Council’s Contract Register. The following link provides the current housing related contracts the Council holds, including the expiry dates and various other information: Housing Management Software Contracts
In accordance with Section 21(1) of the Act, the Council is not obliged to provide information that is already in the public domain. However, it does have a duty under Section 16(1) to provide all applicants advice and assistance in order to assist with locating the information, which the Council has done in providing the link to the appropriate contracts held as above
Request reference: 9551
Issue date: 15.12.23
Request received:
1. The number of sites owned by your council which have been in contract with a property guardianship company, for each year inclusive since 2014. (i.e. please provide that number of sites for Jan 1 2014-Dec 31 2014, the number for Jan 1 2015-Dec 31 2015, and so on, up to the number for Jan 2023-Dec 2023 to date of receipt of this email)
2. The original function of that site (e.g. residential council house, residential council flat, town hall, library, school, etc)
3. The number of guardians permitted to live at that site
4. The length of time outlined in months that the site was contracted to a property guardianship company
5. How much money the council paid to the guardianship company to manage each site over the course of the contract
6. If applicable, how much money the guardianship company paid to the council to manage each site
Response provided:
The Council confirms that it has never used the services of property guardianship companies and so it does not hold this information
Request reference: 9552
Issue date: 19.12.23
Request received:
1. Do you have a Policy/procedure that covers the use of WhatsApp within the Council? This can be either as a standalone policy/procedure or as part of a larger policy/procedure. If yes please could you provide the most recent copy?
2. If you do not have any policy/procedures please could you let me know if you allow the use of WhatsApp on Corporate devices?
3. If you have answered no to the above and yes to answer 2 please let me know if you have any plans on introducing a policy/procedure to cover the use?
Response provided:
1. We have no formal policy for WhatsApp at the moment
2. We do allow WhatsApp on corporate devices
3. The council is working on a social media policy that will include WhatsApp
Request reference: 9553
Issue date: 21.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX36 4DX
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information
Request reference: 9554
Issue date: 15.12.23
Request received:
1 a) The number of social/council housing premises in your council area which have a lead tenant who is a UK national
1. b) The number of social/council premises which have a lead tenant who is a foreign national
2 a) The total number of UK nationals who are occupants of social/council housing in your council area
2 b) The total number of foreign nationals who are occupants of social/council housing in your council area
Response provided:
The Council confirmed that it does not hold any social/council housing stock. The Council’s former stock was transferred to North Devon Homes Ltd, 21.02.2000; therefore it no longer holds the necessary information to be able to respond to the request
Request reference: 9555
Issue date: 21.12.23
Request received:
CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 1HR
Response provided:
Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council’s website for some of the information