Disclosure Log - August 2023

Request reference: 9026

Issue date: 03.08.23

Request received: 

Section 106 1. How much Section 106 funding (commuted sums) has been received for affordable housing delivery broken down on a per annum basis for the period between 2012/13 and 2021/22? 2. How much Section 106 funding has been spent on affordable housing delivery broken down on a per annum basis for the period between 2012/13 and 2021/22? 3. How many affordable housing units have been secured directly through the Council making use of Section 106 funding broken down on a per annum basis for the period between 2012/13 and 2021/22? 4. How much Section 106 funding secured for affordable housing broken down on a per annum basis for the period between 2012/13 and 2021/22 has been clawed back by developers? 5. How many affordable housing units will be delivered from current schemes the Council has agreed to fund from Section 106 agreements? Housing Delivery Vehicle 6. Does the council have a housing delivery housing delivery vehicle, such as an arms-length body, a Council owned company, or through development undertaken by the Council itself? 7. If no to Q6: Does the Council have a published plan or intention to establish a housing delivery vehicle? 8. If yes to Q6: 8 a) The number of NET housing completions delivered by the councils housing delivery vehicle broken down on a per annum basis for the period between 2012/13 and 2021/22 8 b) The number of NET affordable housing completions delivered by the councils housing delivery vehicle broken down on a per annum basis for the period between 2012/13 and 2021/22 8 c) What are the primary sources of funding for the housing development vehicle?

Response provided:

Q1-4. Information provided to applicant in Excel format, which is available upon request - £561,366 unspent - £372,195 allocated for 21 social rents (alongside other funding sources) - £20,000 allocated for 2 social rents (alongside other external funding sources) - £166,712 unallocated as only recently received 6. No 7. This is being considered by North Devon Council 8. N/A



Request reference: 9202

Issue date: 03.08.23

Request received: 

1. What was your target for the number of affordable housing units fulfilled through section 106 planning obligations in the financial year April 2022 - April 2023? 2. How many housing units (all types of housing) were fulfilled in the financial year April 2022 - April 2023 from planning applications where a s106 obligation was in place? 3. How many affordable housing units were fulfilled through Section 106 planning obligations in the financial year from April 2022 - April 2023? 4. What were your targets for the number of affordable housing units fulfilled through section 106 planning obligations for each financial year from April 2017 - April 2022? 5. How many housing units (all types of housing) were fulfilled each financial year from April 2017 - April 2022 in planning applications where a s106 obligation was in place? 6. How many affordable housing units were fulfilled through Section 106 planning obligations each financial year from April 2017 - April 2022? 7. How many planning applications that had Section 106 obligations to provide affordable housing were fulfilled in the financial year from April 2022 - April 2023? 8. How many planning applications with Section 106 obligations to provide affordable housing fulfilled in the financial year from April 2022 - April 2023, were impacted by viability assessments? 9. Of those Section 106 obliged planning applications that were impacted by viability assessments in the financial year from April 2022 - April 2023 (Answer to Question 8), how many affordable housing units were removed? 10. How many affordable housing units that were fulfilled through Section 106 planning obligations in the financial year April 2022 - April 2023 were fulfilled on-site? 11. How many affordable housing units that were fulfilled through Section 106 planning obligations in the financial year April 2022 - April 2023 were fulfilled off-site? 12. How many planning applications that included affordable housing and were fulfilled in the financial year between April 22 and April 23 under section 106 obligations resulted in a fine by the council?

Response provided:

The Council provided the applicant with PDF reports for each of the requested years detailing the planning application with S106's, however the reporting system is unable to filter any further for agreements specifically relating to Affordable Housing or impacted by Viability in order to be able to answer the specific questions as set out the only way in which this could be completed would require each application to be checked and this information extracted manually However, the Planning department has also confirmed that as all of the applications as listed within the attached reports are published via the planning tracker (searchable using the reference number) that the applicant would be able to go through the published information to answer to identify, locate, retrieve and collate the information to answer the specific questions within their request In accordance with Section 21(1) of the Act, the Council is not obliged to provide information that is already in the public domain or answer a request where the information to do so is publicly available. However, it does have a duty under Section 16(1) to provide all applicants advice and assistance in order to assist with locating the information, which it has have done so in providing the reports identifying all relevant planning applications with S106 agreements that they will be able to search for via the Planning Tracker and identify and collate the necessary information to answer their request


Sections 16 and 21 of Act

Request reference: 9204

Issue date: 04.08.23

Request received: 

Identify/specify the DCC (Devon County Council) and NDC (North Devon Council) management and staff members and their positions, relating to the Ukraine Resettlement Scheme and Homes for Ukraine programme

Response provided:

Information fully withheld, further details are available upon request


Section 40 of Act

Request reference: 9216

Issue date: 03.08.23

Request received: 

1. How many prosecutions there have been for illegal puppy farms in North Devon Area since 2020 2. How long did it take to get the cases investigated and taken to court? 3. What was the outcome? Were the animals removed from the owners? 4. Are there any ongoing investigations at this present time?

Response provided:

1. One 2. Four year investigation 3. The outcome was a £10,000 fine at Barnstaple Magistrates Court in November 2022. The case can be accessed online. Each case is dealt with on a case by case basis, the welfare of all animals found will be a primary consideration and where necessary for the welfare of the animals they can be removed. At present we have not removed any animals during live investigations 4. Yes, there are numerous investigations into allegations of illegal breeding and advertising dogs and puppies without licences



Request reference: 9223

Issue date: 09.08.23

Request received: 

1. The name of the person who heads the public consultation team, and their direct email address (not the generic address, as I have been unable to receive a response from this) 2. If there is an insights team, then the name of the person who heads this team and their direct email address (not the generic address (if it's the same person as above, then please indicate that). If the 'department' name I have suggested don't match what you have, then I think possibly searching under 'citizens' panel', 'residents' surveys', 'have your say' etc 3. I would also like to know if any element of the administration of surveys is outsourced

Response provided:

1. As follows: Public consultation Adam Tape, Head of Governance Internal consultation Nikki Gordon, Head of Organisational Development 2. The Council does not have an Insights team, please see the Council's response as given above for 1 3. None outsourced, all completed in-house



Request reference: 9224

Issue date: 02.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9QB

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9228

Issue date: 02.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 4NB

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9232

Issue date: 09.08.23

Request received: 

Would the Council please state whether they have issued any correspondence or had any communication with the owners or occupiers of the land defined on the map provided within the last 5 years For any correspondence/communication relating to the land can the council either provide a copy or summary of the communication

Response provided:

Applicant provided with information held that falls under the remit of the request with all third party personal data redacted throughout, which is available upon request


Regulation 13

Request reference: 9235

Issue date: 08.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX37 9RU

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9236

Issue date: 08.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9SE

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9238

Issue date: 08.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX36 3DR

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9241

Issue date: 11.08.23

Request received: 

Details of any or all Local Authority Trading Companies (LATCs) under the part or whole ownership of the Local Authority: 1. Confirm if the Local Authority includes any Local Authority Trading Companies (LATC's) 2. If yes, then: a) confirm the LATC name and company details for each and every LATC b) confirm the supplier payment performance for each LATC: i) percentage (volume) of invoices paid within 30 days ii) percentage (volume) of invoices paid later than agreed terms

Response provided:

The Council's Financial Services team confirms that there is one Local Authority Trading Company called North Devon Plus, however the applicant was advised that they will need to approach them direct for a response to the request as they will hold the necessary information: info@northdevonplus.co.uk as they are responsible for their own Freedom of Information Requests



Request reference: 9242

Issue date: 10.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX33 1PP

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9244

Issue date: 10.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX33 1FL

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9246

Issue date: 16.08.23

Request received: 

1. The total head count, number of employees currently employed within the non-domestic rates business rates team within North Devon 2. The total head count, number of employees currently employed within the council tax team within North Devon 3. The total head count number of qualified IRRV members within the business rates team employed within North Devon business rates team

Response provided:

1. and 2. There are 17.145 FTE members of staff within Revenues, all of which work on both Council Tax and Business rates, therefore we are unable to provide a further breakdown between Council Tax and Business rates 3. There are no IRRV members



Request reference: 9247

Issue date: 02.08.23

Request received: 

Information on the number of households claiming Universal Credit and/or housing benefit who presented as homeless between May 2022 and June 2023 As part of this request, I would like this information to be broken down into the following: (i) The total number of households claiming Universal Credit presenting as homeless since May 2022, broken down into leasehold property, private rented and social housing (i) The total number of households claiming housing benefit (part of the legacy welfare system) presenting as homeless since May 2022, broken down into leasehold property, private rented and social housing (if relevant)

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information in Excel format, which is available upon request



Request reference: 9248

Issue date: 09.08.23

Request received: 

1. For each year since 2018, how many council-owned car parks you had as of the 1st of January? For each year (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023) could this be broken down into the following details: - Name of the car park - Location of the car park, including the postcode - Cost of parking - this should be for 3 hours where possible. For short stay car parks please include the cost for the maximum length of stay e g 1 hour - How many spaces there are in the car park 2. Since January 1st 2018, how many council-owned car parks have closed? For each car park please could you provide the following details: - Name of the car park - Location of the car park, including the postcode - Date the car park closed - How many spaces there were in the car park - Reason for closure - What the new purpose of the land is if it has one e g housing

Response provided:

Our Car Parking Charges were changed this year but the prior change was in 2016 which can be clarified by following the link below to the Off Street Parking Places Order (OSPO) pages for North Devon Council We have not acquired or sold any car parks in this period either. The only change has been that Seven Brethren Short Stay Car Park was incorporated into the Long Stay Car Park and recently that same section was closed off with a compound to enable the demolition of the closed Leisure Centre



Request reference: 9249

Issue date: 01.08.23

Request received: 

1. How many incidents of 'fly tipping' (Environmental Protection Act 1990) were reported to the Council in each of the years 2021-22 and 2022-23? 2. How much did it cost in each year to collect and dispose of fly-tipped material? 3. How many prosecutions (including fixed penalty notices) in respect of 'fly tipping' (Environmental Protection Act 1990) were undertaken by the Council or on its behalf in each of the years 2021-22 and 2022-23?

Response provided:

1. This information is published annually within our Environmental Fixed Penalty Notices datasets (per calendar year) which is updated annually 2. This information is published within the following dataset: Fly-tipping Number of reported incidents to Council and Associated costs which is updated annually 3. This information is published within the following dataset: Prosecutions which is updated on a quarterly basis. Please note that this dataset covers all prosecutions carried out, however it will be easily identifiable to see which ones relate to fly-tipping



Request reference: 9250

Issue date: 14.08.23

Request received: 

Details of all premises with Zoo Licences (under the Zoo Licensing Act 1981 (as amended) For each premises with a Zoo Licence, return a copy of the most recent annual zoo stocklist outlining births, arrivals, deaths, etc. in accordance with Section 9.5 of the Secretary of State's Standards of Modern Zoo Practice 3. For each premises with a Zoo Licence, return a copy of the most recent Zoo Inspection Report for 'formal' periodical or renewal inspections carried out under S.10 or S.14.2 by Government-appointed Zoo Inspectors. Please ensure all pages (1-10) plus any pages with additional conditions are included

Response provided:

Information provided to applicant with some personal data redacted throughout


Section 40 of Act

Request reference: 9251

Issue date: 10.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX32 9FQ

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9252

Issue date: 24.08.23

Request received: 

1. A list of the names of all organisations, premises, and venues that will meet the conditions as stated in Section 2 - Qualifying public premises, i e that have a public capacity of 100 or more individuals? If that's not possible due to the law not yet being enacted, please can you instead provide a list of the names of all organisations, premises, and venues that have a premises licence and a public capacity of 100 or more?

Response provided:

The Council's Licensing team confirms that it is unable to confirm with any certainty if it holds all of the requested information. In discharge of its obligation under section 1(1)(b) the applicant was provided with the following response: The Council's Licensing team does not hold a list of licensed premises with capacities on the system they use and no part of the application form for a Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 asks for this information to be recorded. The team are unable to say for absolute certainty that a capacity will not be listed within the information that it holds, but will be likely to be sporadic and hidden amongst other file records, most likely in a risk assessment if one is held. The team confirms that they hold hundreds of licensed premises matters and so the only way in which they could potentially identify any information where it may be recorded would require a manual search of all premises licence files to identify, locate, retrieve and collate this information. Furthermore, the Licensing team are under no legal obligation to store a risk assessment for these properties. The only capacities that they are obliged to record relate to those that pay a higher fee for annual maintenance because of a capacity (over 5K) which currently includes Gold Coast Ocean Fest which is an annual an outdoor festival The team confirms that they hold capacities on application forms for Temporary Event Notices (TEN). This is a difficult area because lots of TENs will be issued for private land which will not be subject to the legislation enquired about. Once a TEN has passed there is no permission for any further regulated activity at the premises in question. The team suggest that it is worthwhile highlighting this to you as some will be applied for by licensed premises within the Council's area, albeit again any capacity is found on the application form and not in anything that can be extracted from software they use. Moreover, TENs have been issued since the Licensing Act came into effect and therefore this too would require a manual search through individual files, and the time to do so would be substantial Section 12 of the Act makes provision for public authorities to refuse requests for information where the cost of dealing with them would exceed the appropriate limit, which for Local Authorities is set at £450 by the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004. This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 18 hours at £25 per hour in determining whether the Council holds the information, locating, retrieving and collating the information It has been estimated by the Licensing team that it would far exceed 18 hours to provide the requested information (where held) and that the procedure would cause serious disruption to the day to day working of the Licensing team. Therefore we are unable to process your request for this information any further. As set out in the previous paragraph, the Council has the right to refuse to provide the information in accordance with Section 12 of the Act In accordance with Section 16, the Council has considered if there would be any other way in which it could assist you with obtaining the information you seek, however it regrets to confirm that it is unable to identify any other way of responding to the request other than a manual search as explained above, and that even narrowing the scope of the request by the period of time the information covers (by year) would still require all Premises Licence files to be manually searched The Licensing team advises that should the legislation be enacted in the future then their systems will be updated to a make the necessary record of this information which then in turn would then be able to provide by way of a report or search being carried out


Section 12 of Act

Request reference: 9253

Issue date: 03.08.23

Request received: 

1. Since 1 January 2018, on how many occasions has your council obtained the 'communications data' (e g Call Data Records, or CDRs) of individuals from mobile telecoms providers, either directly or indirectly through another agency (e g Met Police, Home Office, etc)? Please break this down into: a) number of separate occasions these were requested b) number of individual phone numbers for which CDRs were requested c) the legal basis for the requests (please specify the number of requests per legal basis. For example, 'total requests: 3, Investigatory Powers Act -2, Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 -- 1') d) the particular legislation used e g PACE, RIPA, IP Act (number of instances as a percentage of the total) e) what percentage of requests for that data that were rejected, and the reasons for the rejection 2. Since 1 January 2018, has your council purchased or otherwise received (including free of charge) any anonymised mobile phone communications data sets (otherwise known as anonymised CDRs), be they of individuals or aggregate data a) If yes, please state on how many occasions and when b) From which telecoms providers the communications data originated c) If purchased via a third-party, please specify which company d) The intended use of that data e) The total amount spent, if anything f) If not purchased but nonetheless shared, please state the name of the body that provided the data

Response provided:

1. a) Zero b) - e) N/A 2. No a) -f) N/A



Request reference: 9254

Issue date: 10.08.23

Request received: 

The Council's spend on agency (i e non-permanent) staff (both on-framework and off-framework) for the last 12 months, financial or calendar or any information from recently; - By role type - With which provider/s and how much the Council spends - and when the current contract ends with your staffing provider/s

Response provided:

The Council publishes a dataset providing Council spend on agency staffing which is updated annually. This dataset provides the spend from 2011/12 through to and including 2022/23 and will be due for updating in April 2024 with the 2023/24 data Applicant provided with the Council's 2022/23 spend by service area and by supplier in Excel, however they are unable to determine the exact roles that these relate to as this information is not recorded Details of the Council's contract with Comensura are published via its Contract Register



Request reference: 9255

Issue date: 07.08.23

Request received: 

Does the Council hold any out-of-area commercial real estate for investment purposes?

Response provided:

No the Council does not hold any out of area commercial real estate for investment purposes



Request reference: 9256

Issue date: 10.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX32 2PF

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9257

Issue date: 23.08.23

Request received: 

1. Council accounts that show how all council tax monies were used in our local area for the tax years 2020/2021, 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 (please do not share general and non-specific information; i require detailed lists on incomings and outgoings of these public funds) 2. Please provide the NDDC's summary of investments and borrowings as at 31st March for each tax year listed above 3. Please provide details of all Council Tax funds spent on private companies for said tax years

Response provided:

Response to 1 and 3 For 2022/23, 10% of all the council tax collected in North Devon was allocated to North Devon Council (the remaining is allocated to the County Council, Police, Fire, Town and Parish Councils) This equated to £6.9m of income. However, the Council's total gross budget for 22/23 was £46.8m so you will see that council tax income only makes up a proportion of our income to offset the expenditure. The Council does not breakdown its expenditure by income stream (i e council tax) but rather by service area. The applicant was provided with figures from the Council's Finance team that will help explain this and provide the same figures for the other years in question. The Council also publishes information on its website -'Council tax charges and how it is spent', therefore the Council is unable to provide a breakdown of how the council tax income was spend on private companies In terms of investments and borrowings, the applicant was provided with annual treasury management reports for those years which go through the committee cycle each year Response to 2 The applicant was provided with three spreadsheets covering the requested years



Request reference: 9258

Issue date: 10.08.23

Request received: 

All information relating to correspondence of any kind and records of any telephone calls that the Council's Building Control team may have, from [name redacted as personal data] to your Council and from your Council to [name redacted as personal data] relating to three Building Regulation applications in respect of renewed drainage arrangements for three dwellings

Response provided:

Request fully withheld as the information sought is the personal information of a third party


Regulation 13

Request reference: 9259

Issue date: 10.08.23

Request received: 

In Excel, Motor Vehicles registered for public hire i e Taxi/Private Hire/Hackney Carriage that were either issued a new or renewal licence in the period 1st May 2023 to 31st July 2023 and more specifically: Vehicle registration number Manufacturer (Make) Model Licence issue date Licence expiry date

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information in Excel format, which is available upon request



Request reference: 9260

Issue date: 21.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9EQ

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9261

Issue date: 21.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX32 7HG

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9262

Issue date: 10.08.23

Request received: 

A copy of the full report above concerning a dog on dog bite/incident involving the applicant's dog

Response provided:

Provided to the applicant with the consent of the complainant, with all personal data redacted


Section 40 of Act

Request reference: 9263

Issue date: 11.08.23

Request received: 

1. The names and locations of any artificial caving systems within your area 2. Details of any recorded incidents or investigations relating to the artificial caving systems e g RIDDOR Notifications, Health and Safety Complaints etc. If there have been any incidents recorded, please could you provide contact details for the most appropriate person to speak to regarding these 3. A copy of the last health and safety inspection report for the artificial caving system 4. Is the caving system constructed so that it can be unbolted or is it sealed?

Response provided:

The Council can confirm that as far as it is aware, it does not have any artificial caving systems within its area of North Devon



Request reference: 9264

Issue date: 30.08.23

Request received: 

All the correspondence held by the Council between planning officer and lead officer to Royal Haskoning DHV and Environment Agency in respect of planning application 76395

Response provided:

Information disclosed in full, where held



Request reference: 9265

Issue date: 24.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 1NR

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9266

Issue date: 24.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 4EJ

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9267

Issue date: 24.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 1QD

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9268

Issue date: 17.08.23

Request received: 

For the Financial years 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23: 1. Number of applications to your crisis support services where applicants have sought help with access to any of the following items: Beds, cots, bedding or mattresses 2. Number of applications in column 2 where the application was made for a child (the application was for beds, cots, bedding or mattresses for a child) 3. Number of applications in column 2 that have been successful. (help with beds, cots, bedding or mattresses was provided) 4. Number of applications in column 3 that were successful (help with beds, cots, bedding or mattresses for a child was provided)

Response provided:

2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 N/A as support was not available 2021/22 105 Information not recorded 105 Information not recorded 2022/23 126 Information not recorded 126 Information not recorded



Request reference: 9269

Issue date: 30.08.23

Request received: 

1. The number of households your local authority has placed on caravan sites and/or camping sites in the last three financial years for use as temporary, emergency or permanent accommodation, if any? Please provide the numbers down broken down year-by-year (Note: if you are unable to provide data for 2022/23, please take the previous three full financial years i e 2019/20 to 2021/22) (Note: caravan or camping sites includes static homes) 2. A list of the caravan and/or camping sites the local authority has placed households in with a breakdown of how many households were placed in each site in each given year 3. The length of stay of each household at the caravan or camping site (Note: If you are unable to answer question 2 for any reason, please still provide an answer to Question three without disclosing the name of the camping/caravan site) 4. The amount of money the local authority has paid for households to stay in caravan or camping sites in the last three full financial years. Can you please provide a breakdown of how much each caravan and/or camping site was paid? 5. Has the council fully acquired i e purchased a caravan or camping site for the purpose of housing households in the past three full financial years?

Response provided:

1.2019/20 = 0 2020/21 = 0 2021/22 = 0 2022/23 = 0 2. N/A 3. N/A 4. N/A 5. No



Request reference: 9271

Issue date: 24.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX34 9TB

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9272

Issue date: 24.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX37 9HB

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9273

Issue date: 11.08.23

Request received: 

1. How many libraries were run and staffed by your council in the last financial year (2022/2023)? 2. How many libraries, that were once part of your council's statutory provision, were run exclusively by volunteers in the last financial year (2022/2023)? 3. How many swimming pools were operational and run directly by your council in the following financial years? a) 2010/2011 b) 2022/2023 4. How many swimming pools were operational but run by another organisation under contract to your council in the following financial years? a) 2010/2011 b) 2022/2023

Response provided:

1. How many libraries were run and staffed by your council in the last financial year (2022/2023)? 2. How many libraries, that were once part of your council's statutory provision, were run exclusively by volunteers in the last financial year (2022/2023)? 3. How many swimming pools were operational and run directly by your council in the following financial years? a) 2010/2011 b) 2022/2023 4. How many swimming pools were operational but run by another organisation under contract to your council in the following financial years? a) 2010/2011 b) 2022/2023



Request reference: 9274

Issue date: 11.08.23

Request received: 

A copy of the Council's most up to date Organisational Structure for its Finance department

Response provided:

Applicant provided with a copy with all personal data names of officers part from the Finance Manager, which is available upon request Applicant also directed to the Council's website where it publishes the names and email of Senior Management Team which also identifies the various teams that report to them: Senior Management Team


Section 40 of Act

Request reference: 9275

Issue date: 24.08.23

Request received: 

CON29 information relating to a property at EX31 3UF

Response provided:

Applicant provided with the information, where held and also directed to the Council's website for some of the information



Request reference: 9276

Issue date: 29.08.23

Request received: 

1. Since April 2020, has the council at any point used debt enforcement agencies (or similar service providers) in relation to cases of outstanding council tax debt? If the answer to question 1 is 'no', the council should proceed to questions 8 and 9 2. What are the debt enforcement agencies referred to in response to question 1? 3. How many council tax debt cases were referred to each of the debt enforcement agencies listed in response to question 2 in each financial year 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23? 4. How much unpaid council tax debt (preferably including any 'penalty' fees/charges) was referred in total to debt enforcement agencies in the financial years 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 combined? This should be one figure, combining all the debt enforcement agencies and all three financial years 5. How much of the council tax debt stated in response to question 4 was collected after being referred to a debt enforcement agency? Again, this should be one figure combining all agencies and all three financial years (including debt that was collected in a later financial year than when it was referred) 6. The total number of council tax accounts in each council electoral ward in 2022/23 (this is all council tax accounts, not just those carrying debts or referred to debt enforcement agencies). Preferably this should be a whole-year figure, but if that is not possible a snapshot figure will suffice. If possible within the section 12 cost limit, I would like these figures to exclude accounts relating to designated second homes and empty properties 7. The number of council tax accounts that were referred to debt enforcement agencies for council tax debt collection in 2022/23, broken down by electoral ward. This means those accounts where the referral took place during 2022/23. If possible within the section 12 cost limit, I would like these figures to exclude accounts relating to designated second homes and empty properties 8. The total number of council tax accounts in each council electoral ward at present (this is all council tax accounts, not just those carrying debts or referred to debt enforcement agencies). This should be the most recent snapshot figure available. If possible within the section 12 cost limit, I would like these figures to exclude accounts relating to designated second homes and empty properties 9. The number of council tax accounts that currently have unpaid council tax debts relating to financial years prior to 2023/24, broken down by electoral ward. If possible within the section 12 cost limit, I would like these figures to exclude accounts relating to designated second homes and empty properties If the information for any questions are unavailable within the section 12 cost limit, please exclude those questions as 'information not held' and fulfil the remainder of the request

Response provided:

1. Yes 2. Dukes Enforcement Agents 3. 2020/21 -0 2021/22 -5493 2022/23 -2735 4. £6,600,206.72 5. £2,134,663.94 6. Unable to breakdown in electoral ward 7. Unable to breakdown in electoral ward 8. Unable to breakdown in electoral ward 9. Unable to breakdown in electoral ward



Request reference: 9277

Issue date: 31.08.23

Request received: 

1. Have you approved installation of EV (electrical vehicle) charge points for any grade 2 listed buildings and if so, how many in the last five years? 2. Did you require any of those approved to submit a listed building consent application, again if so, how many of them? 3. Of those approved EV charge points for grade 2 listed buildings was a planning application required, if so, how many? 4. Of those approved did you stipulate the kind of EV charger, size, made, model etc and if so, what were those stipulations 5. How many EV charge points have you not approved, in the last five years, for grade 2 listed buildings?

Response provided:

Two Yes, two - applications 73465 and 75890 Yes, two -applications 73464 and 75889 No None



Request reference: 9279

Issue date: 23.08.23

Request received: 

1. The total number of Civil Penalties relating to housing offences served to private landlords per year for the following years: 2021/2022 2022/2023 2. The number of Civil Penalties issued to private landlords each year (so 2021/2022 and 2022/2023) for each of the following offences: a) Failure to comply with an Improvement Notice (section 30 of the Housing Act 2004) b) Offences in relation to licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (section 72 of the Housing Act 2004) c) Offences in relation to licensing of houses under Part 3 of the Act (section 95 of the Housing Act 2004) d) Offences of contravention of an overcrowding notice (section 139 of the Housing Act 2004) e) Failure to comply with management regulations in respect of Houses in Multiple Occupation (section 234 of the Housing Act 2004) f) Banning Orders under the Housing and Planning Act 2016 g) Offences in relation to Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) Regulations 3. The total amount of income (£) levied (so before appeals/negotiations/legal costs etc) in Civil Penalties relating to housing offences to private landlords per year for the following years: 2021/2022 2022/2023 4. The total amount of income (£) collected (after appeals/negotiations/legal costs etc) in Civil Penalties relating to housing offences to private landlords per year for the following years: 2021/2022 2022/2023

Response provided:

1. 2021/22 = Two 2022/23 = Zero 2. b) One e) One 3. 2021/22 = £38,000 2022/23 = £0 4.2021/22 = £38,000 (although the final notice was issued in 2021/22, the money was not recovered in the same year; it was collected at a later date)



Request reference: 9280

Issue date: 21.08.23

Request received: 

1. Please list all council-funded public swimming pools that provide 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions in your local authority 2. Which of the listed facilities that advertise 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions, provide an environment that is exclusively single sex, i e, for females only, and which facilities provide a session that is mixed sex, i e, do not exclude males who identify as a woman? 3. Please send me a copy of the council policy or policies that cover the provision of 'women only' or 'ladies only' (or similarly described) swimming sessions 4. Please tell me, do the council-funded leisure centres and sports facilities provide single sex changing rooms and showers in your local authority?

Response provided:

1 and 2. The Council has two swimming pools which are managed by Parkwood Lesiure; Tarka Leisure Centre, Barnstaple and Ilfracombe Swimming Pool. The pool at Tarka Leisure Centre offers a ladies only session each Tuesday evening 7pm - 8pm in the training pool, however at the same time there will be mixed swimming taking place in the main pool 3 and 4. No policy held as the changing facilities provided at both are mixed, with change cubicles and have both closed cubicles for showering and open showering. There are two group changes for clubs/groups which are identified as ground change 1 and group change 2



Request reference: 9284

Issue date: 24.08.23

Request received: 

Information held on Certificate of Lawfulness Applications - 16945 and 17614

Response provided:

Applicant provided with information held, with all personal data of third parties not already in public domain redacted throughout


Regulation 13

Request reference: 9287

Issue date: 18.08.23

Request received: 

New lighting and CCTV equipment has been installed in and around The Square in central Barnstaple within the week ' Please confirm the purpose of these additional lights and the rationale behind the installation (and please provide all documents regarding the scientific rationale behind the installation and full copies of all documents and evidence presented to justify the additional installations) ' Which government department is responsible for the installation of said technology, together with full details of the rationale and scientific grounds for said installations ' Please provide full details of all documents that relate to the government and/or local council's approval process, including, but not limited to, the minutes of all related meetings and public consultation processes as well as all evidence presented ' Please confirm who installed them and at what expense to the public ' Please confirm what the equipment is (ie is it LED technology or 5g or thermal etc? If none of these please confirm what it is?) ' Please confirm what CCTV technology has been installed and whether this is facial recognition technology ' Please confirm who has access to said CCTV footage and how this is being, or will be, safeguarded in view of recent highly publicised Data Protection breaches

Response provided:

The Council confirmed to the applicant that it has not installed any new lighting or CCTV at The Square, Barnstaple during August 2023. Applicant advised to contact Devon County Council as they are responsible for Street/Road lighting within North Devon. They are also responsible for CCTV cameras on The Square



Request reference: 9289

Issue date: 18.09.23

Request received: 

1. A list of all the Dog Wardens that operate under the Council and their contact details such as name, email address, contact number and address if applicable 2. A list of postcodes or towns that fall under the Authority

Response provided:

1. Applicant referred to the Council's website for the appropriate contact methods for the Council's Environmental Protection team which deals with lost/stray dogs: Microchipping, stray and lost dogs. From this page it provides the telephone numbers for both within and outside office hours. The team can also be emailed at: environmentalprotection@northdevon.gov.uk; as well as through the Council's Facebook page where photos of lost/found dogs are posted to reunite them with their owners 2. The Council does not maintain a list of towns under its Authority area, however it does publish a dataset on its website which provides a list of all Council Tax properties which provides all postcodes within its billing area: Council Tax properties which is updated quarterly. Alternatively you can also view our mapping facility on our website which provides a postcode layer



Request reference: 9291

Issue date: 21.08.23

Request received: 

1. Does your council currently use emissions-based parking charges for a) parking permits b) on-street parking or c) council car parks? 2. Could you please provide any links to the pricing structures (emission-based or non-emission based) for a) parking permits b) on-street parking or c) council car parks? 3. Do you currently use a diesel surcharge for diesel vehicles for a) parking permits, b) on-street parking or c) council car parks? If so, how much?

Response provided:

1. A) No B) This falls under Devon County Council's responsibility C) No 2. A) This is published on the Council's website via the following links: Long Stay Long stay permits (northdevon.gov.uk) Barnstaple, Ilfracombe, South Molton Reserved permits Reserved permits (northdevon.gov.uk) followed by selected car park · Castle Quay · Coronation Street · Loverings Court · Lower Pilton car park · Magdalene Lawn · Oxford Grove car park · Portland Buildings car park · Portmarsh Lane · Rolle Quay · Silver Street car park Seasonal 4 and 7 day, 7 day Rover 4 and 7 day permits (non-refundable) (northdevon.gov.uk) Residential Residential permits (northdevon.gov.uk) Barnstaple, Ilfracombe, South Molton, Other Coach, Lorry and Motorhome Coach, lorry and motorhome permits (northdevon.gov.uk) Business Business permits (northdevon.gov.uk) 2. B) See 1B) above C) This is published on the Council's website per car park: Council Car Parks 3. A) No B) Please see 1B) above C) No



Request reference: 9297

Issue date: 22.08.23

Request received: 

Information on the enforcement of Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) and Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for both commercial and residential properties in the North Devon Council area: Residential 1. The number of EPC breaches identified in residential properties in your council area since the MEES was established in 2015 and first implemented in April 2018 2. The total number of fines issued for EPC breaches in residential properties in your council area since the introduction of MEES, along with the total value of these fines 3. The number of EPCs for residential properties in your council area that remain uncompliant with MEES 4. The number of EPCs for residential properties in your council area that remain uncompliant with MEES and are being unlawfully let 5. A list of properties in your council area that are currently exempt from EPC regulations, along with the reason for each exemption Commercial 1. The number of EPC breaches identified in commercial properties in your council area since the recent MEES was established on 1st April 2023 2. The total number of fines issued for EPC breaches in commercial properties in your council area since the introduction of MEES, along with the total value of these fines 3. The number of EPCs for commercial properties in your council area that remain uncompliant with MEES 4. The number of EPCs for commercial properties in your council area that remain uncompliant with MEES and are being unlawfully let 5. A list of properties in your council area that are currently exempt from EPC regulations, along with the reason for each exemption I would also like to know: ' The sources and methods your council utilizes to identify and track this data ' Your policy/procedures for fining parties in breach of MEES or EPC regulations (please send) ' If your council has a register or list of properties that have breached the above-mentioned MEES or EPC regulations that you can send If you do not have a policy or enforce these regulations in accordance with government policy, then please advise why Lastly, do you currently conduct this monitoring in-house, or do you outsource it? Please provide full details

Response provided:

Residential At present North Devon Council do not have a policy to enforce these regulations due to insufficient resources. EPC's that do not meet the required standard maybe be considered if enforcement action is to be taken under terms of the Housing Act 2004 Commercial 1. This information is not recorded by the Council 2. Zero 3. Unknown 4. Unknown 5. Unknown The Council responded N/A to each of the three bullet points If you do not have a policy or enforce these regulations in accordance with government policy, then please advise why Building Control: Building control are only involved in the checking of a buildings energy performance at design and construction stages. They do not police existing building stock for energy efficiency Planning Enforcement: This would not be a breach of planning permission/conditions so enforcement would not look to investigate any breaches in this regard



Request reference: 9300

Issue date: 23.08.23

Request received: 

1. Does the Council own an England flag (Flag of St George)? 2. Did the Council fly the England flag from their offices on Sunday 20th August 2023? 3. Did the Council extend alcohol licensing hours for licensed venues on Sunday 20th August 2023?

Response provided:

1. Yes 2. No 3. No



Request reference: 9301

Issue date: 22.08.23

Request received: 

1. The total number of Afghans that were housed in temporary accommodation in your local authority as of April 2023 after being resettled under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy scheme or the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme 2. The total number of Afghans who were housed in temporary accommodation under either of the above schemes in your local authority who are now owed a homelessness prevention duty or relief by you 3. If possible, please tell me how many from the number given in 2 are children? 4. The total number of Afghans who were housed in temporary accommodation under either of the above schemes in your local authority who the council have prevented or relieved from homelessness

Response provided:

1. Zero 2. Zero 3. Zero 4. Zero



Request reference: 9302

Issue date: 23.08.23

Request received: 

Information request relating to payments made for utility expenses for councillors and council staff Please include the following information, broken down by the 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years: The number of payments made for home gas and electricity expenses for councillors and council staff The total value of payments made for home gas and electricity expenses for councillors and council staff The number of payments made for home water expenses for councillors and council staff The total value of payments made for home water expenses for councillors and council staff

Response provided:

The Council confirmed to the applicant that it has not made any such payments to either Councillors or Staff in each of the requested years



Request reference: 9305

Issue date: 24.08.23

Request received: 

You may have received the same request in the past and this information sent has now expired and I require an update as soon as possible for the following I would like the organisation to review my freedom of information request below, that's focused around contract data for services around facilities management specifically around the services below: Office and building cleaning -Service contract that is focused around office, commercial and building cleaning services Lift service and maintenance -Service contract for lift service and maintenance Food -Service contract that is focused around catering services General waste services contracts -The organisation's primary general waste service contract Laundry services - where clothes and linen can be washed and ironed Contract profile questionnaire for each type of contract: Supplier/Provider of the services Total Annual Spend -The spend should only relate to each of the service contracts listed above A description of the services provided under this contract please includes information if other services are included under the same contract The number of sites the contract covers [ONLY FOR LIFT CONTRACT] The Brand name of the type of lifts used by the organisation The start date of the contract The end date of the contract The duration of the contract, please include information on any extensions period Who within the organisation is responsible for each of these contracts? name, Job Title, contact number and email address

Response provided:

1. Office and building cleaning Please refer to the Council's current contract as published on its contract register. This provides all of the requested information, apart from the number of sites covered (which is 10). The annual cost will be the total cost of the contract (as published on the link) divided across the length of the contract (as published on the link) 2. Lift Service and Maintenance As previously advised, The Council's Property Services team confirms that the Council's lift service and maintenance for three lifts is on a rolling 12 month agreement with Safe Working Lifts Ltd, Barnstaple from 1 April 2022. The value is very low, approx. £720 per annum, so quotes are obtained as a when required 3. Food No contracts held 4. General waste services contracts No contracts held. The Council continues to provide an in-house waste (refuse, black bags, bins) service to the residents of North Devon 5. Laundry services As previously advised, from 1 October 2021 the Council entered into a seven year contract for vehicle maintenance with Specialist Fleet Services Ltd for the supply of vehicles and plant including maintenance. Specialist Fleet Services Ltd are still currently providing their own overalls and paying the associated laundry bills to Buckleigh Linen



Request reference: 9306

Issue date: 30.08.23

Request received: 

Parking Infrastructure 1. Who is the Parking Manager at the Local Authority? 2. Who is the current supplier of your Pay and Display Machines? 3. How many Pay and Display machines do you currently have? 4. How many Pay and Display machines accept contactless card payment? 5. Who is your current supplier of your Enforcement Software (e g Chipside, Imperial, Conduent etc)? 6. Have any decisions been made to remove any Parking machines in the next 2 years (2023-2025)? 7. Have any decisions been made to replace or upgrade any Parking machines in the next 2 years and do you know how many, if the answer is yes (2023-2025)? Cashless Parking/Mobile Parking App 8. Do you have a Mobile Parking App? 9. Who is your current Mobile Parking Supplier/Suppliers? 10. Which year did you award your current contract/s to your App supplier/s? 11. When is your current Mobile Parking App contract due to expire? 12. Is there a convenience charge to the end user for paying by App? If so, please specify the charge Parking Revenue/Transactions (Financial Year 2022-2023) 13. What was the Total Parking revenue for the last financial year (2022-2023)? 14. What was the annual revenue from PCN's issued during that financial year? 15. What was the annual revenue from Pay and Display Machines (2022-2023)? 16. What is the a) Total Coin Revenue and b) Total Card Revenue (2022-2023)? 17. What was the annual revenue from the cashless Mobile Parking App (2022-2023)? 18. How many transactions were made at the Pay and Display Machines in 2022-2023? 19. How many transactions were made via the Mobile Parking App in 2022-2023? 20. How many PCN's were issued in 2022-2023?

Response provided:

1. Mrs Lena Iliffe 2. Flowbird 3. 61 4. 61 5. Imperial 6. None 7. None 8. Yes 9. RingGo 10. 08.2020 11. 08.2024 12. No 13. £2,944,829.80 14. £148,799.70 15. £1,450,844.80 16. a) £1,240,811 b) £210,033.80 17. £1,493,985.00 18. 43,403 19. 708,971 20. 5,836



Request reference: 9310

Issue date: 29.08.23

Request received: 

How much money was spent by the Council on carbon credits in each of the last five years (2018/19 -2022/23)

Response provided:

The Council confirmed that it has not spent any money on carbon credits in each of the requested years



Request reference: 9311

Issue date: 29.08.23

Request received: 

From the 1st January to the 31st December 2022: 1. a. How many homelessness cases were referred to Now Medical Ltd b. Of those cases identified in 1a, how many cases concerned vulnerability in relation to priority need under Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996 c. Of those from 1b, how many responses from Now Medical Ltd supported the conclusion that the individual was vulnerable? d. Of those from 1b, how many cases were then found to be vulnerable in the s.184 decision letter and therefore in priority need? 2. a. How many cases were referred to Housing Reviews Ltd b. Of those identified, how many cases concerned vulnerability in relation to priority need under Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996 c. Of those from 2b, how many supported the conclusion that the individual was vulnerable? d. Of those from 2b, how many cases were found to be vulnerable and therefore in priority need?

Response provided:

1. a) 0 b), c) and d) N/A 2. a) 0 b), c) and d) N/A



Request reference: 9313

Issue date: 29.08.23

Request received: 

1. How many summons regarding non-payment of council tax were sent out in 2021 2. How many summons regarding non-payment of council tax were sent out in 2022 3. How many summons regarding non-payment of council tax were sent out to date in 2023 4. Consequently how many notice of liability orders were sent out in 2021, 2022 and to date in 2023? 5. How many hearings were adjourned after the first sitting at the Magistrates Court for non-payment of Council tax in 2021 6. How many hearings were adjourned after the first sitting at the Magistrates Court for non-payment of Council tax in 2022 7. How many hearings were adjourned after the first sitting at the Magistrates Court for non-payment of Council tax to date in 2023

Response provided:

Applicant referred to the following published dataset 'Non-payment of Council Tax for the information in response to 1, 2 3 and 4: https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/open-data/?DS=2001&ID=4C08A44A-A3B6-423D-BDC4-FCC3B9A5E303 5, 6 and 7: None



Request reference: 9319

Issue date: 30.08.23

Request received: 

Can you please advise the names and contact details for the following: 1. CEO of council 2. Leader of council 3. The Mayor 4. Member for the environment 5. Member for Climate Change 6. Member for communities 7. Director of waste Services 8. Head of Street Team 9. Head of Waste 10. Head of Parks 11. Head of Highways 12. Head of communities/Neighbourhoods 13. Head of environment/Climate Change 14. Director of Place

Response provided:

1. This is published on the Council's website: Chief Executive and Senior Management 2. Cllr Ian Roome 3. North Devon Council does not have a Mayor 4. Regeneration, Economic Development and Planning - Cllr Malcolm Prowse 5. Climate/Biodiversity - Cllr Ricky Knight 6. Coastal Communities -Cllr Malcolm Wilkinson 7. This is published on the Council's website: Chief Executive and Senior Management and falls under responsibility of Head of Environmental Enhancement 8. As 7 above 9. As 7 and 8 above 10. As 7,8 and 9 above 11. Please contact Devon County Council for this information 12. This falls under the responsibility of the Head of Planning, Housing and Health 13. Sustainability - Head of Environmental Enhancement 14. Head of Place, Property and Regeneration



Enquiries address

United Kingdom