Recycling A to Z index

What can and can't be recycled beginning with C



Small waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) such loose cables (mobile phone and computer cables) can be recycled. All items should be no larger than a standard-sized carrier bag

Cake tins

Cake tins can be recycled in your recycling box or taken to your local recycling centre.

Camping gas canisters

Camping gas canisters should be taken to your local recycling centre for disposal. 


Please dispose of used candles in your black general waste bin. Unused candles can be taken to a charity shop or you could try local community groups, or local craft and hobby groups.

Cans - for food and drink

Cans can be recycled in your recycling box. They can also be taken to a can recycling bank or your local recycling centre.

Car - batteries

Car batteries can be taken to your local recycling centre. Car batteries are classed as 'hazardous waste' so cannot be disposed of in your black general waste bin at home.

Car - parts

Acceptable at recycling centres. Car batteries are classed as 'hazardous waste' so cannot be disposed of in your black general waste bin at home. 

Car - tyres

Car tyres can be taken to a recycling centre. However, car tyres are classed as chargeable waste and you will be charged per tyre. Commercial and agricultural vehicle tyres will not be accepted.


All cardboard can be recycled in your brown bag, please fold or tear cardboard so that it fits inside your box. Large quantities are best taken to a recycling centre or recycling bank, or you can arrange for a free bulky cardboard collection by telephoning our Customer Services team on 01271 374776.


Carpets can be taken to your local recycling centre or as part of the bulky waste collection service which is an additional chargeable service where we collect large items of household waste from properties in the district for a fee. Carpets cannot be taken as part of your kerbside textile collection.

Carrier Bags - plastic

Some large supermarkets offer in store recycling banks for carrier bags. If your shopping is delivered to your home you can request that it is delivered without bags. Alternatively, you could reuse plastic carrier bags as bin liners for your black bin waste.


Tetra Paks are made up of a number of components which are layered: paperboard (made from wood), polyethylene (a type of plastic) and aluminum. Currently these are not accepted in your kerbside recycling service, but they can be recycled at your local recycling centre in one of their special collection banks.

Cartridges - from printers

Some schools and charities collect empty toner and printer cartridges to raise funds. Alternatively, you can send your cartridges freepost to organisations such as The Recycling Factory who will then make a donation to the charity of your choice.​

Cat litter or faeces

You cannot take animal waste to recycling centres.  We can collect this kind of waste with the normal domestic refuse providing this is of domestic quantity. Animal waste from carnivorous animals such as cats and dogs must be disposed of in your black general waste bin, please wrap all animal waste carefully so as not to cause any unnecessary health risk.

Central heating oil tanks

Waste oil and oil tanks are considered to be hazardous waste, whether oil from the home, cooking or engine. The tanks are from oil central heating systems in older houses. They will only usually need disposing of when the system is replaced with an alternative energy source such as gas. Recycling centres will accept central heating oil tanks.

Cesspits and pools

We do not have the facility to empty cesspits. There are various private contractors offering this service.


Chemicals eg. weed killers, pesticides, white spirits, bleaches, old medicines and any other household chemicals must be taken to a recycling centre and they must be in a securely labelled container to be placed in the hazardous waste store. There is a limit of 5 litres.

Chocolate wrappers

Chocolate wrappers cannot be recycled in your kerbside collections, however, many local supermarkets are now taking them for recycling. Find out if your local supermarket is taking them by visiting Recycle More's website.


Chipboard can be taken to a recycling centre.

Chocolate sweet tubs

Plastic tubs of chocolates can be recycled in your black/green recycling box.


If china is broken please wrap it carefully and place in your black general waste bin. It's really important for the safety of our crews that customers do this. If the items are still useable, you could try charity shops.

Christmas cards

Christmas cards can be recycled from home using your brown bag. We are unable to accept Christmas cards that contain glitter, foil or any other material. Alternatively, some shops run a card recycling scheme.

Christmas trees - real

Real Christmas trees with a base diameter of 5cm or less can be chopped up and put in your garden waste bin

Cigarette packets

Cigarette packets can be recycled in your brown bag. Just make sure the outer plastic and inner foil packaging has been removed first and placed in the black general waste bin.

Clinical waste

We operate a clinical waste collection service or sharps.


Clothes and textiles can be put in your green bag again for recycling. We can accept dry, undamaged clothes, undamaged shoes (in pairs) and undamaged blankets and bedding sheets

Please note, unfortunately we can't take wet or worn-out clothes and shoes. We also can't accept duvets, pillows, sleeping bags or heavy curtains.

Coffee pods

If your coffee pods are 100% plastic or 100% foil and clean they can be recycled in your recycling box. Some manufacturers operate recycling services for their products. TerraCycle also operate a variety of recycling schemes, including those for some coffee brands. If your pods are not recyclable they can be disposed of in your black general waste bin>. Some brands have started to develop compostable options, if you have home composting facilities this may be a good option (please note we cannot accept anything other than food in your food caddy as food waste in North Devon is processed by an Anaerobic Digestor and not composted) 

Computer equipment

This can be taken to the recycling centre or computer/charity shop if still useable. Try 'Refurnish' if the goods are still in working order.

Cosmetic and cleaning wipes

Wet wipes, baby wipes, cosmetic wipes, bathroom cleaning wipes and moist toilet tissues are not recyclable and are not flushable either even though some labels say they are. They should always be placed in your black general rubbish bin.

Crisp packets

Crisp packets are not currently recyclable in home recycling collections. To find a local recycling facility that will take crisp packets close to your postcode, please visit Recycle More's website.

Crisp tubes

Crisp tubes such as Pringles cannot be recycled in your kerbside collection however they can be recycled at your local Devon County Council recycling centre. Simply place them in the carton/Tetra Pak container. 


If crockery is broken please wrap it carefully and place in your black general waste bin. It's really important for the safety of our crews that customers do this. If the items are still useable, you could try charity shops.


Unfortunately we can't accept heavy curtains, but textiles can be taken to your nearest recycling centre.